510 'The right wayofdying welt. brt.dforChrijl,.hoiuhe bre.doflifeforme. Of f. becaufe thou Lord haft done it. •· Tmourned .Ambrofe, 1hauenot ledmJiife amongyou, asif .uadoH<, 3· Lord thougrimkftmeeto powder, Paul_inus 1 were•Jhamedto l1ue: ne1ther®e1feare dettth, but it fofficeth mu becaufo it Uthine hand. Of ': vtue- beca~fe,.e haueagoodL.rd. O_fAMgujline, 1• 'Peur MariJr, ThRthubody,.,.,woakf)mthu ~'fud. Heunogreatmanth~ttthmk.J.ItMagreatWIAtter, minde Will well: that heellck!zowledgednolife v:a ~~~~ th~tt trees andflonesft~/1, an~1111rtall.mend!'e, 2. orfa!uati~n, but onely in Chrifl who w..ugeuen cap.8. 1uf/art thou 0 Lord, •ndng~mm.n thp.dge· of the Father tobt< Redeemerofma11kj_nde: and ment.OfBernard,, ..Anadmonitiontohubrethre when hee had confirmed this by tdlimonie that thry.wouldground tha anchor of their faith of Scripture, hee added: Thu umj faith in andhopemthefofe andfore portofGods mercie:2. which 7 ,.illdie: andGod ,.;n dej/rsy them that Becaufe(faith he)IU 1fuppofe 1cAnnotle•uevnto teachotherwifo. This done, hee fhooke hands you anychoifeex•mpleofreligicn,1commendthree with all and faid, Fare,.e/1 my brethren,&deare things to be imitAtedofyou~ which 1remibn-that l/iiiends. It were eafie toquote more~:xamples 1haueobftrned in the race which 1h•uerunnea. but thefe fewmay bee in ftead of many, and mll&h aspoffibly1could. I• 1 gaue leffi heede to the fumme of all that godly men fpeake is mineowneftnfe and reaftn, then to thefenfe •nd B this: Some inlightened with a propheti~all reafon ofothermen. • · When I""' hurr,1fought fpirit foretell things to come, asthe Patrinorer<eng<on himthatdidthe hurt. 3· 1had<art arkes, [arob and {ofoph did: and there haue Gen. 49 • rogsueoffenceronoman,411dif~tft/Jowtotherwife, bin fome which by name haueteftilied who &s•·•+• Ofwold, 1toofttitA!V4J•M1could.OfZ,.inglim,whenin fhould very O.ortly come afrer them; and •J• Mycon, the field hee was wounded vnder the chinne who lhould remaine aliue, and what fhould with a (peare:O ,.bat 4 hafpeu thulgoe to,they betheircondition: fome haudl1ewed a wonmayk,iUmybodie, butmyJO•Ie they cannot. Of derfull memoryofthingspaft, asofthei<forOecolampadim, I• .An exhortaticn tothe Minimer life, and ofthebenefirsof God; and oo fters ofthe C~urch to maintaine the puritieofd.. doubt it was giuen themto llirre vp holy affecl:rine, tojhewforth an example ofhonejlandgod. chonsand thankfgiuingto God: fomeagaine lyconuerfution,tobeconftant •ndpatient -underthe nghtly iudgingof the change oftheir prefent <rojfe. •· Ofhimfelfe. Whtmu1 am charged to eftate for a better, doe r<ioyce exceedingly bear:orr~tpter ofthetrNth,lweigh it not,nowlam that they mull: bee tranflated from earth to going to therribu»allofChrift, andrhat ,.ithgood paradife : as Baby/114 Martyr of eAntioch conftiencebythegr•ce ofGod, andthere it jhalt be when his head wastobechopped off, Rerurne Pf•l u6. manifeftthat 1 hauenot{tditced th• Church: Of C (faith he) 0 myfoul< -unto thy rejl, bec•ufe the 1 ,8;9thu my[4Jing andcorrteftation,11eaueyouaswitLurdharh blejfedthee:bec.ufethou h•fl tkliured neffes,4nd 1confirme it ,.,th thu my /aft breath. myfeulefiomdeath, mineeyes fom teares, .nd 3.Tohischildrcn,LoueGodtheF•ther:and rllCmyftettfom faDing, (jhanwai"fbefore thee (e. ninghimfelfe to h1skinsfolkes: 1 hnueboHRd hou•hintbelandojthdiuing. Andfomeothers pu(faithhe) »ith thu com•ft•tioN:you ( ,.bich fpake of the vanitie ofthis life, ofthe imagi. they here and 1haue deftred) jha/1 deeyourendea. nation ofthe forrowes ofdeath, ofthe beginuour, that thofe my children m<y be :•d/y, 4nd ningoferernalllife,ofthe comfortofthe holy peaceabl<,.ndtrue. 4• Tohisfriends comming Ghof.l which they feele,ofthdrdeparture Vll· vmohim, Whatjhallff'IJ-untoyou? Newes, t to Chrifr. jha/1bejiJort/y ,.ithChrift my Lord. 5. Beingaf.. .Q.tjeft. What nmft we think< ifin the time ked whether the light did not troubleh.im, ofdeath fuch fpeeches be wanting: and in the touching his breCl,thereu light enough,faithhe. ftead thereofidle talkebe vfed. An[.Wem~fr 6. He rehearfed the whole 51· Pfahnewith confiderthekindoffickneswheroofmendie, doepe ftghes from the bottome of his breafl:. whether it be more eafte orviolent :. fory!"- 7·A little after:SauemeLord(<[~~&.OfLuther, lent fickenelfe is vfually accompamed With ..My heauenly Father, God and Father of our D frenzies,and withvnfeemel~motions andge· Lord fefm Chrtjl, •ndGodofaBcomfort, 1 giue ftures,which we are to takemgood part euen thee thank,fsth•t thou haft reucaledvnro me thy in thisregard, becaufe we our felues may bee Sonne [efie< Chrijl, ..hom Tbane beleeued, whom in the like cafe. . . . . Thaueprofeffid,,.homthe Bifhop•fRome,•ndthe, . Thusmuchofthe_firft dune,which ts to die whole companie.fthe wtcfttdperfec•teth andreusmfaith: the (econd IS to dte mobedience : oleth : 'f praythee my Lord7eflll Chrift receiuemy therwife onr death cannot beeacceptable to poorefoule:myheauenty Father, though1betak(n God, becaufe w~ feeme tocome vnto God of ftomthu life, arrdthubodyof mm<u to bee laid feareandconftr~mt as flaues toamafter, and downe , yet 'I cyow certainclythat 7 fh•ll rem•ine not oflonea~cluldren to afather.Now to dte withtheeforeuer, ••itherfhallanybeabltto pull mobedience IS, when a man Iswdlmgand 41JtOUt ofthy hand. Of Hooper' 0 Lord 1efm, readie, and defirous to goe out ofthiS world, fonneofDa11idhttuem~rcieon mee~411dreccine my whenfoeuc:r 9od ll1all~al.l h1mJand that"Ylthfou/c. Of .AnnNBurgi111,Forfo~ menotO Lord, out murmurmg ~r repmmg, at what ~tmhe, left 1 forfak.; thee. Of Mclan/Jhon, 1fit bee where,and when tt !hall pleafeGod. W ct er Rom·, 4 . the will o{God, { am willi"g to die, and ( weli~teordie,faithPalli,wedtJettnotta.ou;ftlH~J 7 , 8 . bofeech him that hee ,.ill graunt mee a irryfu/1 b•t vnr• God: and therefore mansdune IstObe departur<. Of Caluin, I· 1 heldmy rong•e, obedient to Go1m death as 111 hfe ChnftiS cur