~----------~~_._he_r~~~h_t_.Th_~_ . o~{-~-~~n~~~-w_el_~----~----5~111 our examples in this cafe , who in his ag<>nie A the Lord; he dies indcede, but this is "pon n~- prayed,Fatherlet thi<Citp pafJiJmmne,yer with cefsitie,becaufc he mufryield to the orderand a fubmi{sion,not m)'WIII,but thy wzl be dt:Jr;e~tea.. courfecfnature,as othercreacuresdoe.Thirdchingvs in the very pangs of death to refigne ly, hee tha, l"ould furrender his fonle into the our felues to the good pleafure of:God.Whc:n hands ofGoi;l:,mufl be refolued oftwo things: the Prophet rolde king EZJ~hi!W of death, theoncis,that God can;thecther is,tharvod prefenrly without all manner of. grudging he will receiue his foule into heauen, and there addretfed himfelfe to prayer" Wee are corn: preferue it till the lafr iudgement. And nor.e maunded to prefent out felues vnto God as can be refoJued ofthis,except he haue the fpifree-will offerings, withou~ any limitation of rit ofGod to-certifie his conkience that he is time and therefore as well indeath as in life. redeemed, iuClified, fanetified by Chrifl, aud I.co~cludethen, that we arc to make asmt·rh I 01011 be glorified. He that is nor thus perfwaconfcience in performing obedience toGod ded, dare not render vp and prcfent his foule in fuffering death, as we doofany thtng m the Vnto God. Wb~n Da~!id faid,P[al. 3I • 5. Lurd couffe ofour liues. ) imothyhands f commendmyjpir1t. what·was the The thirdduty is to render vpour foules in- B reafon ofthis boldnes in him? furely nothing to the hands ofGod,as the mo(tfaithfiill kecelfe but th< perfwafic,m.of faith, as the 11exr pcrofaJI. This is the Jafl dutie of a Chrifriwordsimport:forthonb.jlredeemedme,OLord au, and itis prefcribed vnto vs m_rhe examGodoftrmh. And thus it is manifdl that no pieofChrifr vpon the cro!fe, who 111 the very man ordinarily can performe thefe dutiesdy· panas of death when the di!folution ofbody ing,thathathnot performed them liuing. andfoulc drewon,faid,Lu~2 3·46.Father into This being fo,I do againerenew my former thybands Icommendmy fPirit, &fo gaue vp the exhortation, befeeching you that yee would ghofl. The like was done bySrephen, who praCiifethedutiesofpreparationintherourfe when hee was !toned to dearh,faid,.Ail.7·59• ofyour liues, leading them daily in faith and Lord 'fcfiu receiue myJPirit. AndDtfuidmhis obedience, and from time totimecommentimc beeing in dangerofdeath, vfed the very dingyour foules into the hand ofGod,and eafame words that Chrifr vttercd,P[al. 3r.5. fling a! your worksvpon his prouidence.They Thus wee fee what be theduties which we which haue done this, haue made mofr happy are to performe in the very pangs of death and bletfed codes. Enor:h byfaith walksdwith Heb., t.J tha_r we may come to eternalllife. Some men God, asone that was alwaiesinhisprefCce Jeawill haply fay, if this be all to die in faith and C dingan vpright& godly Iife,AndtheLordtook£ obedience, and to 1i~trenderour foules into him aw<ry that he fh•uldnot fee death. And this Godshands , we will not greatly care for any whichbefeliEnoch,lhal afrer a fort befall rhem preparation before-hand ' nor trouble our alfo that line in fairh and obedience: bccaufe felues muchaboutthe right manner of dying de•th !hall be no death, but afieepvnro them, well : for wedoubt not, but that when death and no enemie, but a friend to bodie & foulc. lhall come, wee lhallbe able to pcrforme all Onthe contrarie,letvsconfider the wretched the former duties witheafe. Anf. Let no man and miferable endes of them that hath fpent .deceiue himfdfe byany falfcpcrfwafion,thintheir daies in their finnes without keeping king wirh himfelfthat the prallifeofthe forefai<h and good confcicnce. The peopk ofthe faid doeies is a matter of cafe; for ordinarily old world were drowned in the flood: the filthey arc not, neither can they bee performed thie Sodomites and Gomorrheans were dein death, vnldlethere be much preparation in frroyed with fire from beauen: 'Dathan and the life before. Hee that will die in faith,muft Abiramwith thecompanieofCore were fwalfirflofallliueby faith;aud there isbut one exlow<d vp of the earth: Core himfd&: (a• it ample !n all the Bioleof a man dying in faith, feemes • by the text) beeing burnt with fire: that liued without faith;"amely,the theifevp- D wickedS.ml, and .Achitophel, and Juda.r dcori thecro!fe.The feruants ofGod that are enfiroy themfelues:Herodis eatenvp ofwormes, dued with great meafure of grace doe very & gauevp the ghofl: /ulianthe Apofratafmithardly beleeue in rhe time of affliCiion. Inten with a dart in the field,dyed calling vphis deedwhen{obwas affliCied he f<id, though the blood into the aire,and blafpheming the name Lord/tillme,yenviOI trnj/inhim,yet afterward, ofChrifr. Arrim the herctickedied vpon the 1 his faith beingouer-caO: wftha cloud,he faith, froolc, fcouring forth his very entralles. And that God was bec•mehu enemy,and that he had thisvery age affoards !loreof like examples. a Numb. us. 3~· l)fal.10f. 17· fet him a<a1mrk!toJhoote at,and limdrie times Hojfmeiflera great Papifl, as he was going to his f:tirh was opprdfed with doubting and di· the Councill of Rarisbone to difpute againfr lllyric. de flrufl. How then lhal they that neuer liued by the defendersofthe Gofpel , was fuddenly in fide. . faith~1or inured themfeluesto beleeue, bee ahis iourneypreuented by thehand ofGod,and :ble in the pang ofdeath to refl from the mercy mtferably died with horrible roaring,and cryi ofGod? Againe, he that woulddie inobedimg out. In the Vniuerfitie of Louaine, Gu4r- ; c:,muflfirfrofalllead his life i" obedience• lacm a learncfr Papifr faliiog ficke, whenhee ethat hath liucd in difobedience cannot witperceiued no way withhim but death,h~e fell :;:~e of ngly and in obedience appeare before the m~o a m1ferable ago!"e and perturbation of Ails and ! dgewhcnhe,iscitedbydeaththefergeantof fpmt, crymgontofhtsfinnes, how miferably Mon, x x lice