Sleid.l. .,. .'Th:e right:):l)ay of dying r~'ell. hcchad liued; and that he was notable to a- A his mifdcmeanour p~fr, and pro!l]ife all;r~; bidethe iudgenfentof God; and fo...,fring out formationoflife; fo beeit,' lree might b~C(de.; words ofmiferable dcfperation faid, his fins lmered, though heebee-rhe moft arranrtHeili: were greater then they conid bepardoned, & thet euer was.ln thiscafe w.e<Ue as fellQnsor in rhat dcfpera~on ended his dayu. I .cobm ' theenen 'f~·':'"e are eucr)" day going to·the L•,.mmofthe lame Vniuerfitie oflouaine; barre of Godsmdgerncnt ; there is no ltayQr after he had bccneat Bmxels, and there thinfranding imhe way, cuen asthe·fl,ippe·iiithe king to doe a great a£\ agalnll Luther und his fea continues on his courfe day and night fellowes, made an oration before the Ernpewhether the marrinersbe fkcping or waking: rour fo loolilhly and ddiculoully that hee was therefore lot vs all prepare our felues and alaughed to fcorne alrnoll Of the whole courti mend our liucs betime, that in·death:..,e m:iy then rcrumingfrom thence to Louaiile againe, make abldfed endc. Minifiers of the Gofpel in his publike l<tlure hec fell into'Open mad'- doe daily ca!.l for the performance ofthisdunelfe, -vmring fuch words ofde.fperation and tie: but where almofr !hall_wee findethe prablafi)hemous im.p:ierie, that o~Oer Di!Jines Btfe and obedu:nce of 1t m mens liues and whichwere pre1ent, werefainetocarrie him 1 B coiluerfation? Alas,alas,to lend our earels for away ashecwas rnuing, and to !hut him into thdpace ofau houre to heare the will ofGod a defechamber. F<pm thatt1me to his very is common: but to giue heartand hand to doe lafr breath, he had neuer anything dfe in his the fame, is rare. And the rcafonhereofisat mouth,butthat.hee was damned and rtie£\~d hand: wee arc all mollgrie"ous finners, and ofGcd,and thatthere was no hopo offaluaticuery fiuner in the tearmcs of Scripture is a on.forhim, becaufe that wittinglyandagainfi fook, and a principal! partof this folly is to his knowkdge bee withfiood the maniftfr care forthethiogs ofthisworld, and tonegtruth of Gods word. Crefcmtim the Popes letltht kingd<>meofheauen, toprouidefor Legate&vicegerentinthe Council ofTrent, the body, and not for tl\e foulc, to cafrand w~s fitting all the day long vntill darke night fore-cafr how we may liue in wealth andhoin writing of letters tothe Pope• after his lanour and eafe,and notto vfe theleafi fore-call: bour when night was come , thinking to reto die well: This folly our Sauiour Chrifi nofrelhhimfclfe, hee beganto rife, and at hisritedm the rich man that wascareful! toinlarge Luk.u. fing. beholdo there appeared tohim a mightie bs barncs, but had no care at all for his cnde 17 , 1 s, black dogofan hugeb1goes , his eies flaming orfor the faluatioftofhis foole. Such an on~ with fire·, and his cares hanging downe weii 1 S was Achitoph.t who(as the Scripture tearmes ncere to the ground , which bt:gan to enrer in l /·Z3·)wasa~the-veryoracleojGDd and llraight to come towards him, and foro for cotmfi/1, beinga man ofgreat wifedomeand <:ouch vndcr the boord. The Cardinall not a forecall in the mattersofthe common wealth Jitle amazedatthefight rhereof;fomewharreand in hisowne ptiuatc worldlyaffaircs: aad couering himfclfe called 10 his feruants which yet for all this hee had aot fo much as cornwere in the outward chamber next by, to mon ft.nfe and rcafon to confidt·r how hee bring acandleand to feeke for the dog. But might die the death ofthe righteous, & come when the dogge could nor bee found there, to life euerlafring. And this folly the holy nor inany other chamber abom,the Cardinall Ghofr hath noted in him. For the text faith, th<reupon firicl<en with afuddaineconceit of o.Sam.J7·•l· when hee faw that his counfcll minde, immediately fell into fuch afickeneffe was defpifed, herfod/eJ hi. •ffe, and rofe and whereof his Phyfirians which hee had about went homeinto hi. <itie, andput hi. houjholdein him couldnot with.11ll theirinduUric ar.dcunord.r, •ndwent andhanged himfe!fe, And the ning cure him;aodther~upon hcc died. Steuen fiue focltfh virgins conu:nted themfelues with Gardme>·, when acertaine Bi010p came vnto the blafing lampes ofbare profefsion, neuer him, andputhimin t>1indeof Peter denying D leeking forthc horne of Jailing oyleoftrue his mafier,anfwered again,thathe had denied andlindy faith,, that it might furnilh and tri!" withPmr,but neuerrcpenred wtthPeter,and thelampe both mhfe and death· But let vs m fo(10 vie M.Foxes words)ltinckingly and vnthe feareof God, cafr offthis damnable folrepenrantly died. More examples might be lie, firfr ofall feeking the kiugdome ofGod added butthefe !hall fuffice. and his righteoufneffe, and leading our liues Ag~ine,that we may be fi1rthcr induced to in faith andobediencc,thatwemay die accorthe pra£\ifc ofrhefe duties,letvs call to minde dingly. , the vncertainry ofout daies; though we now :And thHs much of the firfr pomt, of doliue yet wh<> can fay that hee !hall be aliue the llrme , namely that there IS a cerrame way nex~day, or the next houre? Nomanhatha whereby a man may die well: now I con:tc leafcofhislifc. 'Nowmarkc asdeath leauesa to the fecond. Whereas therefore Salomon man,fo !hall thclafi iudg•me~t findchim: and faith.Eccle[tafl,~·J·that thed.zyofdeatb ubetter therefore ifdeath take him awayvnprcpared, then the d.zyof bsrth, wee are further taught, . eterna!ldamnatien followes withoutrccou.ethat(uch as truely beleeue themfelues fO be~ rie. Ifatheife bee brought from prifoo either the children of God, are not to feare death to the barre to be arraigned before the iudgc, ouer-rnuch. I fay ouer-much; becaufe they ortotheplaceofexecution, hecwillbcwade mull partly feare it, and partly not, Feare i