Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Cfhe right n>ay oft{ying well. it they mull: for two caufes : t])e tirO:, becaufe A I caufe not to feare '!I'd [oqow, bm ro_reioyce death is the de!l:rud:ion of humane n~turc:-l~ a mtheir owne~earh,and the death ofothe,rs. mans owne felfe and others: and in thi~i-t;- Thirdly,ift~e day <>f~eafh oe,fo exc~Jienr, tped: Chri!l: feared it without Gnnc: and'lve~ yeaa d~yofhappiiics; fhFnitis t..vfu/1 to pe-. mull: not fearcit otherwifethen wefearelick-" ·. fire death, and merldoe.not alwaies fig ne in nelfe,and po"erty;and famine with other forwififing for death.Palillairh;Phi -,, 2J.1iieftre rowes ofbody and mind., rl:~ichGod w.ilk"o: , · tobe.diJJfll•!,'!:atid ~gt\n.e, Rom.7. 24- 0 mifira– hauevs eo defptfe or hghtly'regard bun~ __ blemanthatl•m, whoJiullde!t~termeftomthu fee!e with fomepaine,becaufe.rhey a/e•cotte; • 'I b~iiyifde•th? Y ~tthIS defire mull: not be fim– Ciions and punifhments for finne. And hee pie, but rellramed with certame refpcCls: doth therefore Jay vpon vs'paines-imd>ror. ! ;whicliitrethefe: Firll:;>aeathmu!l:bedefircd ments,thattheymay be feared ;mdefchewed~ fofarre fpr~h·as it is:~·mbones to free V!fr_om and.that by efchewmg them weniight furlhet. ,the corruption ofoQrtlature. Secq~dly,as It IS learne toefchew the caufe ohhem whic!l'isl 1 a'mbanes to bring vs tothe immediatefellowfinne: andby experience i" feelingof palrle\1 fhil_' of Chtifr and-G_?'d himfelfe in-heauen. acknowledae that 'God is a iudgeand enemy- B Thtrdly, daath may be lawfully defired·mrooffinne, and isexceeding angry with it. r The ·fpcd: of thetroubles<tn'd 'm!_feries or~his life, fecondcaufe ofthe feareofde-ath is theloifi: tWoeatreats bemg obfertfud; the firll:,thatthis ofthe Church or Common-weal;h when we defire mull:lll>t beimrr.oderate.uh& fecotld,i1 or others are depriued of them w'hich were mullbe ioyned with::fobmifsion and fubied:iindeede ormight haue bin an helpe, fray, and on to the goodpleafure'of God. Ifdtherof comfort to either'of them, and whofe death thefe be wanriMg;the·dcfiro isfaulty.,and ther2 bathprocured fome publikeor priuate lolfc. fore J.b, art$1 'Jete;nk ;; and lon.ufail~d:hereiti Againe,we are nottefearedeath, but~o be' becaufc they delired death being carriod agladofit, andthatformanycaufes. Fir'O: of way with impatience. ' ·; ·.·L ') - all, in it we haue occafion to fhew our fubieOn the contrary ~lfo· a ma9 may d~fire a Clion&obedience which we owe vntoGod, . continua>Jce.oflife. E<rchia&prayedand•dtliwhenhe cats vs out of this·world, as Chrill: 'red to liu~ ;l~henhe he~rdthemetiagl' ofprt• fa1d, Father,not Sefent death, that hc!miglli'c!oe feruice eo God• condly, all finne is abolifhedby_ death, anti we And P ••I de~_red to liue in regard of>the Phithen ceafe to offend God any more as wee lippians; that he~might further tlieir faith, ~·uedone. Thirdly,the dead bodiei~ brought c though in regard ef himfelfe to die was admloa bettercondition then euerit was in this uantage to him. ' life,for-by dearb it is made infenfible, and by Lal!ly,ifdeath ioyned wirh reformation of' that meallS itis freed from allthel!liferies and lifebe fo blelfed , thea thedeath of rhe vnbecalamitiesofthislife; and it ceafeth to be eic Jeeuing and vorepenrant fihner is euery way therana<'tiueor paC.iue in!l:rument of fmne, curfc:d and moO: horrible. Reafons are thefe: ~hereas in the lifetimeitis both. FourthiY,it Firll:, i~is the de!l:rud:ion of nature, andrhc guJe~t?efou!e pallagetore!l:,life, & cele!l:iall wages-offin. Secondly, inirthere is nocomglonem which we !lullfee God as he is, perfort ofth~ fpirir tob~ found, ao mitigation of fettll' knowhim,andpraife his name for euer, paine, and _no good'thing:rhat maycotinterkcepmg without intermifsion an eternall fabuaile the miferies thercof.'I'hirdly,that which -hath;therefo~e P••lfaith,I defire ~o be diffolis themo~fearefull thingofall, bodily death u~dand to with Chn!l:, fo_r _th<t u brfl of •ll. IS th: begmmngofcternall dearh,defperation, Fifthly, God executes his mdgemenrs vpon and mfernall torment; without hope of delithe WI~ked, & purgeth his Churchby death. uerance. Therefore as I began fo I end haue Now m all thefe refpec>rs godly men haue caretoliue well, and die well. ' Xx2 Ani Ifa.;S, ,a. Phil. r. 14tlf•. '