Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

·Li.-deo.. bitu Knoxi. _..t\n.addirioo of'that ' cjlme to ..\my ,II)inde aftc(ward. 'i r \ •t rl ( •eH~ !all: ~ombat with the A I' roaring lyon ha~ altaulted him:oftcn (faid he) dtaell .tn the _pang of :beforehefetmy Jinnes before mine eyes; of- . death,ts oftenttmesmoft ten hevrged me~ to defperation, often heladang~rousofal..Forthen bou,red tointangle me wi~h the delights of he wtll not vrge·men to , the world; but betngvanqut!hed by the fword defperatio,knowing that ' ofthe Spirit, which is the wordofGod l!ee by this meanes hec !hall could not preuaile. But now hee affaul~s me ftirre them vp to refill:; anothrrway: for the wily ferpent would perbut hee labours with them that they would fwade mee that I !hall merit eternalllife for not relicthimwhen he alfaults them, and by my fidelity in my minill:erie. But bleffed bee this meanes ~~e · induu~rs to extingai{h God which brought to my miGde fuch'Scriphope.And thiS IS notdone tn any othertemptures whereby lmtght quench the fierie darts tationin which faith or hope alone are imofthediuell, which were, What haft thou th4t pugned,whereas in this they are both impug· thouhaftnot rmiuedl and, 'By thegrace uJ Got/,! ned together.This mull: be thought vpoo, for am th.r l <m: and, Not I butth.egraceofGodin when the diuels temptations is, n.otto refill: me:and thus beingvanqui01ed be departed. his temptation;it is moll:dcceitfu!l of .all: and B When thou art tempted of Satan and fedl: it is moreeafieto ouercomc the enemie that ·no way to cfcapc, euen plainelyclofc vp thine compels vs to fight, then him that dilfwades eycs:an<! ahf\.\ er nothing; bur commend thy vs from it. ;;. ·• \, • caufe to God. ThiS is a principall point of The temptationof M. l•hn Knoxe, in the Chrifrian wifedomewhich we mufr follow in time ofhis death is worththe marking.He lay the houre ofdeath. on hisdeach-bed Jilent for the fpacc of foure ; Ifthy fle!h tremble and feare to enter into houres,veryofi:en giuing great lighes,fobbes, another ltfe, and doubtof fal"ation: ifthou and groanes,foas tke ftanders by well perceiye!'ld to thefe things, thou hurteft thy felfe: ued thathe was troubled with fome grieuous therefore clofe thine eyes as before, and fay tetnptation,an:l when at length hewas raifed Wlth S. Suphen,LorJit}m intothyhands le.,. inbisbed, they asked him how bee did, to ""?dmyJPirit; andt~enc.'trtainely Chrill:wiU whotn he anfwercd thus: that in his life time come vmorhee with all hisangels, and bethe he had indured many combates aod conflid:s guider ofthy way. Luther. · with Satan, but that nowmoll: mightily the ... !---~------------~------------ -------------~------