THE RIGHT ·HONOVRABLE SIR WILL I.AM PiRTAM KNIGHT, LORD CHIEFE BARON OF HER MAIESTIES Excheguer, Grace and Peace. m lght Hohot~~.blt, it cann•t be vnkflown<toyourjilfe, or toa'!'! man of a<L.ies "'P'ri– ence, thAt~t u thought~efmaNmattertocommU.~tfinn::~ or, !)~inJi?s ~tg11infl 4 mans I ownetonftJence. FfiTmAnywhen they are to/de of thet.rdNt~e 1n thMpoint, reply~tnj foy, What, tell you me of Confcieocc I Confcience was banged long agoe. BMt vnleJ!i th") ta~better hutle,a.ndpreumt thetkngerby repentanet,h41Jgedcon. JcunceWJOreHme R!ldbecomebothgibba 4ndh4ngmAn tothem:~ either in thil JifeJw t~elife to co,e. For C•nfiie~«e M~+ppbintedof God to JeciRre ~tndpHt in executio# hi< iufti•dgement agamjljinners : and44 G•dC4Rnot poJ!iblybeouercomeof"""',fontitherc.nthe iudgt– ent ofConfmnce hesngtherutlgem"'t of(jot/, bewhollyextmg~tijhtd. lndwk Satan for hi4 partgoes aboutl!y allmMnes hecan:~ tobenHmmerhecOnftience: b11t all i4 nothing. For m thefick! man~when bee ftemes tojleepeandta~hi< rtj/,uinw.rdlyfuH oftroubles:ft theben•mmedanddroujiec.nfcience wants not hisJecr~t p~engs llndterrsurs~ andwhen it Jl!aO berouftdby r:1e iudgement ofGod~ it W4Xethcruello~nd fierce lik.!awildebelljl•. .Ag~tin6~when amanfinnesAgAinft hUconfcience~&muchtU in him lyeth~heplun. g~thhimfclfe intothegu/feoftkJPeration.for euny woundofrheconfcience, thefmart ofitbe littll felt, is tttltaJ/ywounJ: and /,e thatgoes on to Jinne agt~inft hU conftience, f/abhes andwounds itoftmin thefome place: and aUrenewedwoMnds ( .uwe /eyow )are hardly orneuer cured. Thirdly,he that !Jet bin Jin!tleJ aglllinfl his conftience~ cannst '4/1vpon then4ttsesf God: for aguiltie conftience "'4k!sa manflie iftom God. AndChrijlfaith, God heareth notfinners, vnderftandingbyjinners foch a.goeon '"their ~ttmewlliesag.tinfl csnftience: Andwh4t c~tnbe 111aretblefu8. thm tobe barredof the in11K4tisn of Gods name ? I;ajlly, fuch per{onf after the !Aftiudgement,(hall haue n.tnnelythtirboditJ in torment, h•tthe W07?Mi'!. theirfo•k andconfciencefhaU neuer die: andwhat will itprofita man togaine thewhole world by d.ingthings againft huowneconfcimce, •ndloft hi< onmejoMle! Now~ that menon thUmannercltrelejfotouching confct.ence~ '""Yfie theirfoRy AnJ thegreat tilinger thtreof, andcometoamendment~}hauepennedrh-Mfma/JTr~t~tjft:Antlr:tcctJrdiwgtt~theancien~a-,d~~~Hd•.. blecHftome,44 alfoaccording to"'J long intendedpurpeft,l now tkdi.attAndpreftnt thefametoyour Lord– jhip. The reafons which hauee,.boldmedme to thi< enterprift ( aD by~rtJPeCfuxc/Mded)art thtji: G<– ~era/1 J.Cirinein ofreligion i4 tkr~andobfcMrt,andvery h•rdly pratlifed with•utthe light ofpar– ticltWrix~tmples : and therefore tht do£trineofC9nftimce $ by ~~He right pertainu to" 1111111 Djconftien&e; fuch anone 44your Lordp,ip u, who (others of.'i~ plAcen•t exceptul) h.u~eobtained thumercieatGods I hattdto k[ep~ j11ith and gQo1 C9nftunce. .Ag11me $ ~onJi.derzngt~4tINjlte~,ndconft~tnet ha~eal.wlltts ~m friends: Jamindncedtothmk[ thatyour Lordfh•pbemgpubh~ly Jc: apartforthe execuuonand":"'"" ummce ofciui!J iujltce~ wt.IJ approouennddCcept aTreatife propoHRdt.,grHies aHdprrctptsifconfcten,e. Thm therefore crauingpard.nfor m]boldnefJi,andhoting ofyour Lordfoipsgood acceptan",I fommend yout•God,andtothtlvord~hugract. 1596· Iune 14· Your Lord!hipsto command, VVILLIAM PER KlNS. A