A 'Treatfe -of Confcience. ca,enot, ~eitherhat!.JPok..m vnto them, haue•n A the couenant. And whereas the Lord promiexcuft,not•fe~myjin,futifthisjin,that ~hey h~,,. fed to .Abrahamthat inhis feedeoil the nations not beleeuedin Chriji. Agame, tt remames tom. ofthe earth lhould bee bleffed, the promife quirewhetherthefo, who~eforeChriflcameinb& mufr not be vnderf!ood of all men in euery church to the Gentiles, andbefore they heardhi< age, but of all nations in the lafr'age of the Gojpd, haue binorare preuentedby deaeh,m"Y vfe world. And thns Paut hatb cleared the text, this excufe, Douhtle/Je theymay,buttheyjha/1 not Gal.;.S.TheScripwreforc .feeingthat Godwoiild therforeeftaped4mnation.Forwhofoeuerhauefin· iujlifie the Gentiles throughf~t!h ( Nhichwas nedwithaut the law,jhaU perijb without the14w. doneafter Chriflsa(cenfion)prrachdbe[orethe As for the reafons which fome of the Go!JeltoAbraham, In theejhallallnations bee Schoole-menhauealleadged to the contrarie, bi<jfed. Lafrly, ittmybe obied•d, that if any 2 Tbom. they areaufwered by all (•) me~of the fame man be ignorant of the doctrine of f .!uation ••••q.<o. order,&! willbrieflytouch theprincipai.Firfr by Chrifr,itis through his owne fault;itis ttue · "'•'· it is obiectcd, that the hely Ghofr!hall iudge indeede that all ignorance of thedoctrine of the world offin, becanfe they hnuenot be!teHed in faluation comes through mans fault and finne: Chrift,l•h.r6.9.I anfwer,thatbythewsrldwe B but fin mufr be difringuilhed; itiS either per· mufr not vnderfrand all and euery ma11 fince fonall, or the fione of mans nature. Now in the creation, but allnationsand kingdomesin them that neuer heard of Chr'ifr , theirignothelafr age of the world to whom tfie Gofj>el nnce inthis f10intproceeds not of any perfowas reuealed. Thus bathPaN/expo,;nded this nail Ctnnein"them, fuut onely from the finne of word Rom.It·I>· Thefallifthemutherichef. mans nature, that is', rhefid!finneof Adam ifthe ~orld,&the dimini(hingoftheis theriches common to all inankinde, which fin is puniilioftheGentlles.v.IS· Thecaftingofthemawayu ed when God leaues men wholly to themthe reconciliationoftheworld. Secondly,it iso~- felues.Now many things there he in men proiected , that the law binds all men in confciceeding from thi• linne, which neuertheleffe ence,thoughthe grdtefrpartofitbevnknown are no finnes, as themanifoldmiferies of this to them• ..&nf. The law was once giuen to.4life: and fo Itake.thtignorance of things aJ4.,andimprinted in his heartinhis firfrcreaboue mans naturealtogether vnreuca,led, to tion,andin him, as beingtheroote ofall manl>e nofm,but a punilhmentoforiginall finnc. kiod,it was giuento all men : and as when he Thus much ofthe perfons which are bound finned,all men finned in him', fa when he was bytheGofpel : nowlet vs fee how farre forth enlightened all were enliglitencd inhim , and C theyare bound by it. confeqnently when his confcience was bound God in the Gofpell generally reueales two ~y the law,all were boundinhim.A"d though points vnto vs z the firfi, that there isperfect this knowledge be lolt by mans·default, yet righteoufi1cffe and life eucrla!Hog to be obtaithe bond remaines frill on Gods part. Now nedbyChri£1: the fecond,that the infrrumeut the cafe is otherwife with the Gofpel, which to obtaiue righteoufne1fe and life eternall is was neuer writteQ in rn_ans nature, aut wasgifaithia Chrifr. Mereouer whemhis Gofpel is uen after the fall and is aboue nature. Here a difpenfed andpreachedvntcvs:God reueales further reply is made,that the couenant made vnto vs two pointsmore: the firfr,that he will G:o,;, with Ad•m, The foedeifthew.,,,., jha/1bruife make vs particularly to bee partakersoftrue 11 , thefirpents he.d,was alfo made with his feede righteoufuesand life euerlafring by Chrifr:thc which is all mankind,and was afterward confecond,that he will haue vs without doubting tinned with .Abrah•m to all nations. I anfwer, to beleeue thus muchofour felues. And for againe, that Ad4mwas a roote of mankinde this caufe euory man to whom the Gofpell is onelyin refpect of ,.,.ns nature with thegifts renealed,is boundto beleeue hisown eleltion, andfws thereof: he was no roote iu refpect of iufrificotion, fanlhfication, and glori!ication ~ra<e which is aboue nature,but Chrift the fe. D in!and ?Y Chrifr. The reafons and grounds of cond 4d•m. And therefore whenGod gaue th1s pomt out ofthe word ofGod arc thefe:I. the promifevnto him, and faith to beleeuethe I Ioh.3.23.Thisu hi< comrnandernent that webe. promife, he did notin him giue them both to leeoein then<meofhi< Son IeftuChrift, andi•ue all mankinde; neither,ifAumhad afterward one another"' heg•uevs comandement. t'low to fallen from faith in the Mefsias, lhould all beleeue in Chrill,isnotconfufedlytobeleeue mankind again haue fallen in him. Moreouer, that he is aRedeemer ofmankind,but withali that the promifeofgrace was notmade toAto beleeue that he is my Sauionr, and thatI Mms feede vniuerfally but indefinitely, it apam eled:ed,iufrified,fanltified,& !hall be glopeares; becaufe when God did afterward rerified by him.This is granted ofall men,yea of new the c"uenant, he refrrained it to the fathe,Papifrs themfelues, which otherwife are mily of Nae anC. Ahrabam, and inAbr•h•ms enemies of this dod:rine. For Lumh'Td(aith family it was reflrained to lfoac, In Ifoac TobeleeueinGod, i<bJbekeuingtoloue,•nda.ii L bT (faiththe Lord) p..a thyfledebec~Oed '. ~ea in wereto,gointo God:b.!beleeuing to cleauevnto him 3 d~.;3: the tenour ofthe couenant there IS adill:mthand tU ttwere t6bee Incorporate mto hMmembers. on madeof the feede of the woman and the U.P•RI, Ga/,z.t6. firfl: of allpropoundsageb r !oh. ~ed,e ofthe ferpent; which_fe_edofthe ferpent nerall fentcncc, That a man ¬ isftifiedby the 3,1. 1sa part ofmmktnd,andlt 1sexclude<ifrom work.!s ifthe L•w, but by the faith if Chrift. Yy A'fter~