Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

cU1 Tr~atif;ofConfcience. 525 they haue this priuiledge, that they may and A ·hauobin punifued fo feu~rely. Anf. The_ int~nt I can be performed ac_co~ding to the intent of ofth1s law,( as a vuy childe may perctrue) JS the L>w•giuer in thls hfe : becaufe Wlth the to cfhbhib the authomy & nght of the hlghcommandement isioyned theinward operatiefl:appeales for all matters ofcontrouedie In onofthe fpirit in the elett, to enable them to the S1nedrimn or great Court at Ierufalcm. dlo<'t the dut1e commanded : and the wdl of Thertore the wordsalleadged dt> not gmc mGod is not to require abfolute perfection at to the priefl: a foueraigne power of making out hands in the Gofpel as in the Law, but raJawes,but a powerofg1uing iudgemct ofcontherto qualifie therigoorofthe law by the fatrouerfies,_andthat accordmg to la;vs already tisfottion ofaMediatourinourfl:ead-andofvs made by God hu11felf: from wh1chmdgement (we being in Chrifl:)to accept the vpright wil there m_ight be 110 appeale.Now this power of and indeanonr for the deed; as the will to redetermmmg cloth not confrrame confc1ence, pent,& the will to beleeue,for repentance and but the outward man to.maintaine order and true faicl1 iudeed.Nowthen,ifthings required peace. Forwhat reafon1.s there,thatthat fenin theGofpel, bebothordinarie and polsible; tence, wh1eh IDI(lhtbeeJther a gam-fapng of then fora man to haue an infalliable certency B Gods l:11v,or a m1frakmg ofJt,fhonld bmdthe ofhis owne faluation, is.both ordinarie anti 'onfciencc:: roa finne? Againc, not euery one pofsiblc.But moreofthis point afterward. that rcfufed to fubiect themfelues to the fenLafl:ly,all fuch perfons asarctroubledwith tenceofrhiscourt,were fl:raight way guiltyof qoubtings, difl:rulhngs, vnbeleefe, defpme of finn~, (for tlus d1d Jeremy the Prophet , and r,,_, 6 . Gods mercy,areto learn& confider that God Chn!l our_Sauu:~ur, \yhen the Iewes condem11.15. by bis word bindes them in confcience to bened them tor wtcked perfons)but he thatpreleeue the pardon oftheir owne finncs cc they fumptuouny dcfpifed the fentence, & by conneuer fo grieuousor many,& to beleeue their fequent the an~hority it felfe, which was the own dellion or faluacion whetof they doubt. ordmance ofGod,wasgu:lcy.Lafrly,thefeueMen that are but ciuill hauecare toauoid robritie of the puniibment, which is ;emporall bing and killing, becaufe God giues commandeath, cloth not argue any power in the Iudge dements againfr fl:ealing and killing: why of bmding confcience: this they migh< haue then fhould not we much more frriue again£1: learned oftheir owne2Jol1or Gerfon,whoholour manifolde doubtings and difrrufrings of deth,that they that bind< any man to mortal! Gods loue in Chrifl:,hauinga commandement fin, mull: bee able 10 punifh him with anfweofGod thatcalsvpon vs & binds vs to do fo. c rable pnniib~nent,,~hich is eteroall dearh. Thus we fee howGods word bindes confciArgu. z.M-r.16 '9· WharfoeueryeJh•llhinde ence : now confcience beeing thus bound, ain earth,fh.,llbeboumimhMIJen. Her<(f"y they) gaine bindes the man in who~ it is. to binde, is to make lawcs conftraining con.. The bond ofconfcience is calledguiltineffi. fcience,according toM at. >3+Theybiudhr•- Guiltinelfe is nothing elfe but a worke of tile usebiJrd<m, andI"Y th!monmensfl>au/ders. An[. confcicnce,binding euery fiRner to the puniibThe foueraigne powerofbinding,& loofing,is memofeucrlafl:ingdeath,before God for this not beloogiug to any creaturc,but is proper to orrhat finne. Chrifl:, who had the keies ofheauen and hdl: Thus muchofthe proper binderof the conhe openeth& 110 man ibutteth, he fhutteth and fcience:now followesthc improper. no man openetb,Reu+5. As for the powerof Theimproper binderis that, which hath no the Church, it is no,hing but a minitlerie of power at all or vertue in it fclfe to binde conferuicc whereby men publiib and pronounce fciencc:but cloth itonely by the authority and , that Chrill:.bindeth or loofcth. Againe, this vertn~ofGods word,or fome parttherof.It is binding fl:andes not in the power of making thrt:efold~ Humane: laws,an Oath,a Promife. lawcs, but in remitting and retaining ofmens I Touching humanelawes, the fpeciall point D fios,asthewords going beforedeclar.v.IS.[f tobeconfidercdJs,In what nraner they binde. thybmherfin og<inftthee,&c.and Chrillljlews S<Cl s.of I Thatthis may in part becleared,I will ll:and a hc10wn meaning whe he faith, Whoftfinsyerehuman: rwhile toe~amine & confut~ the opinion,that mitthryareremitted;mdwhofefinsyereraine they ~1:J:n.. the verr p1!lars of the pop11h .c.hurch at this t~reretained~'fDh. zo. 2~ .. Hauing b:fore in the o· daymamtame; namely, tbatCmz/landEccleflperfonof Peter prom1fcd them lus honour 1 ajlic11Uinrifdi£tionbAtte acoa.:tiue power in the inthis forme ofwords, Mat. I6· 1 9•1JvillgiH; CQn(ciencc, (:.1:.. that the/awesm~de thereby tf4e1U 1Jntotheethe k$ies ofthek.f:.ngc/on~ofbt41lm~wh~tl truly& properlyhinde (as they fpeake)tomerfotucnhou fiJ<it bi>Jdevpon earth,jha/1 be boJmdin tall andvenia/1finnc, M Gods laJVitfe/fe. The > which I lay is approoued by conl gnmcntswhich commonly they vfe are thefe: fentofauncient Diuines.Aug.Pfoi.IoJ.ferm. Argum.,.2Jeut ·17·12- That mauthatwilldo •· Remijfion•ffin(faithhe)is loifmg<therforc by ''m~"'' prefi•mptHo•Jiy,andnotobry the(a)authorityofthe the Jaw ofcontraries,binding is toholde finne vita. Spi~ r.cJeCt.4., Pri•fl ,or lud,ge,fhaOdie: andthouJh•lttak!aiV"Y vnpardoned.Hzlar.vponM.r.c.J8.Whom thry eui/1fiom Jfr_aci.Here(fay they)the preceptsof ~mdeoNearth, that is (faith hte) leaHe vntyed of . bPdnc.- the h1gh Pncfl:are (b)•mpe~~a, "?' admomtJOs the k._nottes •fthmfinnu. LHmbardche Popiib L~b·•· I yeoman or exhortations, & they bmde mconfc1ence; mal!croffentencos,TheLord(f.nh he)h.rbg;- d>fi.>S. d<mms. I otherw1fe thetranfgre!lors thereofibould not Hmto Pr;ejls P""''" ofbindmg andlooftng, that is, ''P·•· _ Yy i of