Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

[p.6 A 'Treatife ofCorljcience. if maiQng m.wifefl that men are b01mdor Iooftd. 'A knew the intent ofthelaw veru \Veil & tLe • aon)lat. A . bohO . ()A .a· b)""h r . . ' ' "re 18 ., t. e~gcn, a ugHpln~>&~ ~.eo~ IO~enodoubrhcd1d notmanyofhis Epifile.s bvpoR ph]lall. attrtbute the power of bmdmg to all game-fay the fame. This beeing graunted, it lob. Ctmlhans, and therefore they for theu parts, cannot bee, that this fhould bindc confcience ncner dreamed that the power of binding out ofthe cafe ofoffence for he teacherh the fhOllld bean authority to make Iawes. Laflly, Corimhians that things ~f!ered to Idols may t~e plac:Mat.>J·4·0uerturnestheargument, beeaten,{o be it the weake brother be not offor there the Scribes and Pharifits are confended. Heere it isanfwered that whenpaHI demned, becaufe they laid vpon mens fboul· writ this t.EpiO:.totheCori~hians tbisccm· ders the burrhens oftheir tradit~ons,as mc;,ans mandement of the ApoO:les touchi'r,g things ofGods wortlnp & things bmdmg confctece. !lrangledand blood wa• not come vnto them. ~:;.or. Argu.J.Aif.t 5.a8,a9.ltfiemesgoodvnto vs Well, to grant allthis,which cannot be proo- &the holy Gh•fl, t<layno moreburdenonpHthen oed,kt It be anfwered, why PaH/ did not now rh"fi necej[arythings, th•ty«bf/•inefom things deliuerit, & why he ddiuered adothin con• ojfn-edto idols, andbwod, •ndthat which i;j/r~m. trary to that which he had decreed at Ierufa1gied,andfornicatiol1. Here (fay they)the Apo- B km,which was that the Gentiles fhould abfe· I flies by the inO:inll ofthe holy Gho!l make a lutely ab!laine from things offered to Idols. new lawnot for this orthat refpetl,but fimply As for the te!limonies ofthe fathers they are .to binde the confciences ofthe Gentiles, that abufed.IndeetieT<rtuUian faith plainely that they.might bet exercifed in obedience. And Chrifliansin hisdaies abO:ained from :aring th1s ts prooued, becaufc the Apo!lles call this ofblood,and he per(wades men to continue in Apol.<op lawaburden,andcallthe things prefcribed,nefodoing, becaufe he is ofopinion (becingin- 9.l.dc cej[ari" and S. LukE tcarmes them, theCom. deede farre deceiued)that this very law ofthe Pudicitia. mrmdements if the .Ap•f/lcs: e.nd ChYJofoflome ApoO:Jes mu!lla!l to the end of the world : ~dc~:b.• cals the Epifllc fent totl1c Church, lmperium, which conceit if the Papill hold not, what that is,a lordly charge. To this they adde the llleanethey to build vpon him? Origm faith tdlimooie ofTertuflian~ Origen, f/!Hg~tjline. that this law was very neceffary in hisdaies~ An[. Though all be graonted,that the law is a and no maruell. For by Idolithytes he vnderburden impofed, a precept ofthe Apoftles,,a !lands not things that haue bin offered toI· charge : againc, thatthings required th<rem dols, &are afterward broughtto priuatc houare ncce0:1rie : yet will it not follow by good fes,or to the market,as other common meat.: cbfequcnt, thatthis law fimply binde<confci- C but he vnderO:ands things that remaine conence,becaufe it was giuen with areferuanoof fecrared to idols,& areno-where elfcvfed but 1 • ChriO:ianlibettie,fo as ourofrhecafeoffcanin theirreples;which we grant with himmull: •· dall , that i,s , ifno offence were giuen to the for euer be auoided as meanes & in!l:ruments we•ke Iewes,itmight fleely be omitted, And ofidolatry. Whereas thelawofrhe Apo!lles that will appeare by thefe reafons: Fir!l ofall fpeal<es OAely ofthe firfl: kindc. Asfor things Pet.rfaith, thatit is atemptingofGod to1mHrangled and blood, he takes them to be the pofc vponthe Gentiles the yoke of Iewifh cediuelsfood:and for this caufe he approues abremonies: hetherefore mutt needs be contra· frinence from them. And whereas o/fMgMjlinl rie tohimfelfe, ifhe intend to bindemensconfaith, that it is a good thing to abfraiac from fciences to ab!linence from that which is things offered to idols, though it be inneecfsi- Epift.rr. frrangled,blood,and thingsoffered t? Idols.~ ty; h~mufl ee vnderll:ond of th~ ~r!l.kinde of adPubJi. replie is made, that this ablhnence IS prefcnIdohthytc& wh1ch are yet remauungmthe I- coil'"· bed notbytheandentlawof M"fis, but by a dol-temples O:illconfecratcdvntothem, and ne.,; Ecclefiallicall or Apofl:olicall authority. not ofthe fecond, ofwhichthe Apoll:ies law I anfwer againe, that a Mofaicall cerernonieis (as 1hauefaid) mufr be vnderO:ood. f.lillthe fame thing, though it be O:abl_ifl1ed by D ·Argum+ Joh.u.t6. Chrilltaith t~ Peter, a new authoritie. And whereas Chn!l by Ius Feedemyjh~ep<: thaus, as the word tmpor. deathputancndc totheceremonialllaw,itis teth feede and rule my fheepe: .Anfw. T~is abfurd tothinkethat the ApoO:!esby thetraufeedmg and rulmg O:ands not m the making thority reuiucd fome part ofitagain,& bound newlawes, but in teachif1$ and gouerning~he mens coofcicnces thereto. Secor.dly, the Church of God acrordmg to the doctnne ChorchofGod in all places fuffered thiscomwhich theyhad receiuedfro Chri!l. And this mandcment to ccafc which the faithfull feraction of feeding is afcribed toall Chrillians, uants of God would neuer haue done, ifthey Reuel. l· >7• whocannot thereupon challenge had beene perfwaded that this law had bound apower ofmaking lawcs to the confcienceconfcience fimply.ltisanf~vered,thatthls law (oArgum. 5./oh.,o,ai. Asmyf•ther{e•tme<, ceafcd not becaufe the gtumg ofoffence vnto oIfondyou: But Chn!l was fent ofhts father the Icwesceafed,but becaufeit ceafed1miuer. not oncly with power of preacht~gand mmt- 'fo/Jy: yea, but it could not haue ceafcd vniHtr• llringthcSac.raments,but al_fo wtth anthonty 'foRy,ifit had bound confcience, fpecially C9D· ofcom~andm~ and gt~mg tudgement, An[. I lidering it was propounded to the Church Jf thts kmde ot reafomng may !land, all the without any mention or limitation of time. Apo!Ues fhall be made redeemers: for they Thirdly,Paul was prefeutinthis Councel:and werealfcntas Chn!l was,aud he was fentnot onely