rV1 Treatifi ofConfcience. 5Z7 only to preach the redemptionof mankinde, A mentioned in Scripture: the rod of Cmill:, bntalfotoeffcl1ar.dworke thcfame. lfthis aodrhc Apo!1oiic.•ll rod. The rod of Chri!1 be abfurd then itis aRat abufit~F of Scripture is rearmed arodofyron,or the rodofhUmomh,& to ~ather from this faying of Ch!i!1, that the it fipnifics that abfolutc aod!oueraigne power Apofllcs had power of bindingconfciecc be . wl:1ch Chnfl hath ouerh1screatures,whereby c.mfe he had {o. Iti.rrue iodeod rhatthere is a he1s ableto conuert and faue them, orco forfimilitude oranalogic bctweene the calling of fal<e and dcflroythem.And itisa peculiar priChri!1 and his Apoflles,but itwholly ll:andsin mledBe ofth!sTodde to fmne and wound rhe thefopoints:Chri!l: was ordained tohis office co.nfc1cnce. The Apoll:ohcall rod was a cerbcfore all worlds, and fo were the Apoflles: tame cxtraordmmc power,whereby GodmChrill: was called ofhis Father immediatly,& ab~ed them to pbgue and pumfh rcbelhous fo were they of Chrift: Chrill was fcnt to the offenders W1th gneuo~s mdf!ements, notm whole world andfowerethey: Chriflreceithe.r foules but m thelrbodlesalooe. Wnh ued all pow:r in hcatien and eard1 as beeing this rod Pa1~/ fmote ElimM blind, and 'l'ettr necellaric for a mediatour ; and they recciued fmote Anam.uand S•phrrawl!h bodily death. ancxtraordinarie authotitie from him with B AnditmaybethatPanlbyhispowerdidgiue fi1ch a plentifull meali1re of the fpirit as was VjJ the incefluous m_an,_when he was exc6muneccffarie for the Apofwlical fimtfion.Lall:ly, mcate, to be vexed 10 h1s body and tormented Chrill: was ftnt euenas hee was man to bee a by the diud: but that by this rod the Apofiles teacherofrheIewes: and therefore heis calcould finite confcience, it cannot be prooued. led the mini!ler of circumcifion, Rom. I 5· 8. Argum-8. 1 :Tim.3.2.PaHlrmu!ta!awthttt and fo the Apofi:lcs are fent by himw reach none hmting tlVo wiuesJhauidbeortl.a1ntd4Bifhop: the Gentiles. Thus farre is the comparifon to Now this law ispotitiue & Ecclefiafiicall,aod be inlarged,and no further. And thatllO man bindes confcience. Anf: Pan/ isnot the maker might imagine thatfomepart of this refem· ofthts law~ butGodh1mfdfe, who ordained blance flandes in a power of binding con{cithat mmanage not three but twoalone fhould ence,Chrifi hatll put afpecial<xception,wheo be one flefh : and that they which ferue at the he faith; Goe teacl1 all nations, teaching them alter ofthe Lord,fhould be·holy.Aod tO grant to obfcruc al thingsthat I ha'" commandedyo11, that this law were a new law beGde the ivritand not commandements ofyour owAe. ten word ofGod, yet doth it not follow that Argum-6. Rom.IJ.Z· Whofomerrefij/ethth• P•ulwa~ themaker ofit; becaufe he vftd 110r powcr,rcfifteth theordinanceofGodand theythat C todeliuer any doDrine to the Churches but r<fij/{hall recei1te tothemfilu"i~t4gement:and,5. which hcrecciued ofthe Lord. •ec muj/beefi•biefl: 11otonelyfonvrath,bu alfofor Argum.9.Ln/z, 10.16. He which hcareth)'Ou, confciencc fak!· An[. Magifiracie indeede is an heamh me.tAnfw.Thefe words properly cooordinance ofGod to which we owefubiel'tio, ceroe the Apotlles, and doe nor in like manbut how far fubictli~o is due,thcre is the q•ener belong to the Paflors and teachors of the ll:ion. For body andgoods and outward conChurch.And the end ofthefe words is not to ucrfa.tion, [grant all: butafubi::aionofcon. c?nfirme any Apoftolicall authority in mafciencero menslawes,I deny. And betwccne kmg !awes to the confcience; burro fignifie thefetwo there is a great differencc:to be fubthepriuiledge which he had vouchfafed them ieCl to authority .inconfiience; and to be n1biel't aboue all others, that he would fq farre forth to itforconfcience, as will be manifefi ifwedoe a1Si!1them with his fpirit,that they 010uld not but confider the phrafi: of rhe Apofl!e , the erre or be decciued 111 teaching and publifhmeaning whercofis,that we mutl: performe oiog the doctrine of faluation, though otherbedieoce not only for anger, that is, forthea. wife they were Gnfulmeo: according to Mat. uoidingofpuoilhment, but alfo for the auoiJo.zo.Itit notyM thatJPca~ b•t theJPirii of your ding of Gnne, and fo by confcquent for auoi- 0 fatherwhichfPe</:sthin]ote. Andrhepromife to cling a breach in coofcience. Now this breach beledinto all truth, was direCted voto them. is not properly mad..ebecaufe mans lawisneg. Argum. 1 o. 1 Cor. 1I· 2• I praifeyouthatyou lel:ted,but becaufe Gods law is broken which ktepemy commandements. Anfw. Paul deliuered ordained! magill:racie,& with allbindes mens nothing of hisowne conceiniog the f•bll:ance confciences to obeytheir lawfull commandeof the dol:trine of faluation and the worfhip mems. And the damnation that is due vnro of God, but that which bee receiued from men forrefifling theordinance ofGod comes Chrill:. The precepts here meanrate nothing not by the Gngle breach ofmag1ll:rates cornelfe but rules ofdecenCJe and c.omely order in maundcment, but by atran(~rofsion ofGods thecongregation: and though they were tobo law whichappointeth magiflr.res and their obeyed, yet Pants meaning was notto bind-aauthority. To this ,anfwer Papill:s replie nony mans confcience therewith. For ofgreater \ thing that is ofmoment. '[herfor.e I proceed. matters he faith,.Thit I JP:ak.e foryaurcommodiArgum.7·1·Cor..ft..zl• Whatw:Oyoul that 1 tleJandnottomtangle)'OJ~ mafnart 1 I Cor.?'·-3')• comt vntowitharodde, or intheJPirit oj1»eckpes? Argum. 11• Councelsof:am;wient Fathers l ~owthis rodde isa iudiciallpower ofpuni01whc_n they corn.mand or forbid anyihing; doe ·1ngoffinnes. Anf. For the regtment anci prott With threatqmg of a curfc to the oft:.:ndcrs. te<honofGods Chur~h, there bee two rods .Anfwer. The Church m former time vfed to - Yy 3 annexe