Eureb.hb ~.:6. So:nm. l.,.cap, '9· 1 ;28 A 'TreatijeofCorifCience. ~--~~~~~~~~~-------- ?ll!WX!: vn~o her Canons the curfe ..4n~thema, A any co~man~emen~ binding confcience, for oecaufe thmgs decreed by them <~ere mdeed, A~:guf/sn< faith plamely, thar neither Chrifr S«m. dc orat the lea{lthought tobe the Will and word nor.Jus Apofilcs appomted any fee timeoffa- Tcmp.o, ofGod : and they bad refl'ect to the f~ying lling: andChryfof/•m<; that Chrifr neuercam- >·Epift, ofPa11/, Ifany teacb othcrwlfc,though beebe manded vs to follow his fnfr; butthe rrue rea- 86, an Angell from heauen, let him be accurfed. fon hereofis borrowed from the end. Forthe Chryfoft. Thercfor~ Counccls in this ad:ion were no pri~iri_ue Church vfed not the popifh fafi, h:n~.a:~: more butm!lrumcnts of Godto accnrfe thofe w~1ch 1_s to ear~ white~meat alone, but an abwhom he fidl had accurfed. llmenCie from a! meats,vJed fpecially tomorArgom. 12. An act indifferent ifitbecomtifiethe fldh,& to prepare men before hand to manded,is made nece!l'aric:and the keepingof a worthy recci•ing of t!Je Eucharill. And in itis the practiCeofvertue,therefore euery law regard ofthisgood end was theoffence. A•d bindes confciencetoafinne• .Anfw. An act it wherea~it is faid,that auncient fathers taught felfe mdifferent, beemg commanded by mans a neccfsJty ofketping this fall: <U<nHierome law, it is nor made limply ncce!fary, for that is whom they alleadged tothis ~rpofe,faith the I as much as Gods lawdorhorcan doe, but on- B contrary. For confutingthe errour ofMontalyin fome part, that is, f\' farre forth as the mu w~ohad his fettime offafrto bet kept of I fa1d a a or aCbons tends t~mamtamc ~nd prenccefsny,he ~a.Ith,Wefafi in lent 11ccording to the Hirroo. fcruethegood end for which thelaw IS made. Apoj/les traditt•na. inatimemeetforvsc&wedo •dMar. And t~ough the a~io~ bee in.thi~ re~ardneit not~.u thQughitwere not lawfuBfor vs tofaft 10 cd de ceffane: yetdorh It lhJI rcmame mchffcrent, the refl oftheyeare except Pmticofl: bKtit isone f:rrc~.. as it is conlidered in it fe!feout ofthe endc of thingtudo athingofnecejfiry,andanothertoo/fera Moot, the law: fo as 1fpeace,thccommon good,and gift offtee w•/1. La!lly, excommunication was comely order may bee maintained,and all offor open contempt of this ordereaken vp in fence auoided by any other meanes, the ade the Church, which was, that men fhould fall may be done ornot done without linnebefor~ before Ea!ler for their further humiliation & God.For whereas God himfelfe hath giuen li· preparation to the Sacrament. So the 29· Caberry and frecdome in the vfe ofthings indifnon of the Council! of Gangres mull: bee vaferent,the law ofman doth not tak• away the derll:ood. As for the Canons ofthe Apollles fame, butondy moderat: and order the ouer- (fo falfiy called)and the 8.Council ofToledo, common vfeofitforthe common good. I much refpect not whatthey fay in this <afe. Argum.13· The fafr ofLent !lands by alaw c Argum.t4· Gods authority bind<s confci- &commandementofmen: and this law bmds ence:Magifrraees authority is <'iods authoriconfcicncefimply:forehe ancicntfathershaue ty:therfore Magillrates authority binds concalled itaTraditionApofrolical,and make tqe fcience properly. Anfw. Gods authority may keepingofitto be necc.ffarie, and the nor kee. be taken two waies: fir/1;, for thatfoueraigne pingofit a linne,and punifh th~otf:nders w~th and abfolute power which bee vfeth ouer all excommunication. Anf. It ts plame to h1m hiScreatures: Secondly, forrhat limteandhthat wilnotbeobll:inate,that lent fafrwasnot mitred power which bee bath ordained that commanded in the primitiue Church, but was men fhould exercife oucr men. If theminor.: freely at mens pleafurcs,and in feuerall Chur- .namely,the Magillratcs authorityis Gods au... ches :diucrfiy both in regard ofplace or time, thority,betaken in the lirfr fcnfe,it is falfe:for as alfoinref~eaofdiuerfi;ie ofmeats. lmn~. the foueraigae of God is incommnnic m in his Ep1file to V18orcltcdby Eufeb•m cable.Ifitbetakenmthofccondfenfe,thepro. faith Some ha~" tho,giJt th., they miififaft one pofition isfa{fe.Forthere be ftmdry authorities day,f;metwo do)'cs .fomemore fome 40 houres day ordained ofGod, as the authoritie of the faandnight, which diuerjim offaf/mgcommendtth ther ouer achddc,. of the maller ouer the fe~- thevnity off•ith.Spirttltona good mand1d care D uant, the au.thouue of the maller ouer hiS flefh in lent,& c>nfcdi hiSguell: todo thefame, fcholler'· wh1ch doe bmd mconfc1ence as the & this he did vpon iodgement becaufe he was authorme ofGods !awes doth. perfwadcdout ofGods word,thatto thedean By thefe arguments which Ihaue nmvanall thiogswerc c!eane. AndEuftbmnecords, fwered, a.nd by many other bemg but.hghtly Eur.l;b 5 • that Mont4nu• the heriticke was the firfr rhat skaoned, It will appeare that nece!fane obecap,s~. prefcribed folemne and fee !awes for falling. dienceis to bee j>Crfo':"\ed both tociuilland Hirron. epill;n8. .1dLuk. And whereas this fall is called an Apofrohcal Ecdeliafricall mnfdiction; but that they haue tradition, it isno great matter, for it was the a confiraining power to binde con~i~nce, Qlanner of the :mncient Church in former and that asGods lawes ~oe, tttsnot timeseo tearme rites andorders Eccldia!lical yet prooued,nelther canbe;asI wdl make manor ferdown in ehdcriprurcs,Apofrolical or. nifell: by other arguments. . . . ders, rhat by this meanes the¥ might cornArgum. I • Hee that makes a lawbmd1ng mend them eo the people:as Ie:ome tellifieth; contCience to moreall fin, b'ath power, If not Eim-y prouince(faith he)may thmkg tbe conjl.t"· tofaue,yet~odclhoy: beca~fc b~ finne,wh1ch "onsoftheir Anccjforstobe Apoj/ohcatlaws.And follows vpothe~ranfgreiSI?ofhis law, comes whereas it is faid to bcafinnotto fall in Lent death& damnation. But God IS the only law- (as vf''S"flmc fpcaketh) Jt is not by rcafon of giuer thatbath this priuiledge; which IS,after - he