Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

34 ~heorder of the'ca'!fe! thersvnro the loue ofhi:l1, X I. Toefu:eme A knowledeing and adoringof a mulriplicitie highly offuch gifrsand gnces, ashe bellowofGods. .A• his6. booke ofthe City eth. X I I. To !lay our feluesvpon hiscoun. ofGod.chap.7. G:ls reueakd in his word. Ldlly, tocall•pon Againe,Iudaifme is herecondem•ed,which his na:nc with offiance. worfi1ipperh one GOD without Chrill. · The feore ofGod, isthotwhereby man ac. The like may be faidof the herefiosofthe ,know!edging both Gods mercy and,iutlice, Manichees, and Mardan,who denied God to doth, as the greatdt euill, feareto diCpleafe be.thecreatour ofthe world:,of S•btHi"' de. God.Pfal.tJO+ Withthetw m<rry,thatthou nyingthedifHndionOf three perfons: and m.•i•fi b'[<4rrd. Habak.3.t6. When 1he.rdit, Arri,.,, who faith, that Chrifl the SoniJe of 'my belly mmbl<d,m] l!psJh"k! 41 tb<viict:rot· God,is not very God. ,tenneswtred inromybtmes, 4nditrembledinmJ I V. To,.·ithdraw 1 and remooue the ~t'· filj't,1h4t 1might rtf/ i. .rht d"J ofm•ble,UJh<u dlonsofthe hearrfrom the Lord,& fet them he commah vp agaiof/the peopltr.dtflr".Y thtm, vpon other things.Era. 29. 13. Tht Lordfoid, Pfal._4·4· Tremble,lltJdjim1e ~t. thiJ pe&ple drflWlth nurt nfl \Vit/1 thttr msuth, Hertceariftth the: godly maf!sdefirc, to 3p- B & bontJreth mt 'With their lipt,bNt their hrart is proouc: himfelfe in ai things eo his God.Gtn. ftirrt.ftom me./(r. 12.2. ThoH~trt nure 1"n their ! 5.'!l.An/. Htnoch •.t·~d~td with God,~tfttr thlft, mouth~ndfarrefrom their rtintt. The heart U. &c.Gen.I7.I·God(~dtohim, l Rm~tl..fojfici.. manyw3ic:swithdrawnefrom God. eilt,'V.•Ikt be{ort mc,Ar.d be rho•perfeB. I, Bydillrull in Gad.Heb. tO.JS. The iufl I Out ofthefe three formcrvcrrues procee. Jh•lliue byfaith,h.r ifa"l Wirhdr•w himft/ft,m)' deth homility, wherby a roan acknowledging IJ;ult]hallh•ne nopleafore in bim.l'rom this dif. Geds free bounty. and profiming himfdfe lidcnce 3rirc.I.Imparicnce in fuff<ring afflit!i. .befotehin , doth afcribevnto him all prayfc ons.1tr.>O·li· Ci~rjidbtth< day 'l!t.herin I UJIU & glory.t.Cor.l.1 t. Ltt himtbatg1orieth,ghbornl)4ndlttnot ihe dt~.y wbereinmy rmther b.cre ry in the Lord.r.Pd. 5· 5· Drck$ymrftiHtf in. me,beblejfid.v ,J 3.CHrftdhi tht m11n thilt fhew. \!Ja>dl; Wi!h lo\'o/ineffi ofmind.for GoJr<jifltth tdmyforhrr f".Jing,a lti4N-childis llorn 'l!ntothu (he proM~,anJ.giJJ~(bgr~tce t~ tht bNmble:rer.6. ~tndc9mforted fJim,v. ]S. Hon• is it tbr:tt IClime Humble ytw ftluest/Jerejorl 't.llfdtr th.e mightie forth oftht tNmbe toftelAbrnlr ~tndforriW, thAt , handofGod,t~41htmay<xaltyouinduttimt.t mydayesfoou/Jbtt confomtd with P>anot! I!.,u.AndD••idfaid,Bitffiti btthou Tempting ofGod, ~·hen fuchasdinru!l, or 0 LorJqodof1fr••lour fathtrfor<•tr, tl!ld c rather contcmne hon, feeke experiment of thine, 0 L.rd,wgrtatnes AJtdp•~>tr, aodgkn;J, Gods truth and power. Math.4.7· T IM•jiJRir MJt/fJitl~ry,., for4/IU,,:tisinheaurn, ntttempt tbeLordtby Ggd,!'J. Nti4114mllfrth ilthine,(jo'.&V.l4·BHI wh•nm I, thtr let VJ tempt Goti,IU thry tempted him, .end t~nd wh4t is my pe•ple, that weefoolt/J. be'able ta 'luredejlrD}ttJ by forpenu. V. 10. Neither mHr. offer ~illiRglJ on thU.fort :for 111/ things com1 t~f Mure ye,MfotiJe tJfthem murmuredl~nd rrert de. thte,& •[thin<•wn h""d 11>< h•Utgi•i thtt,&<. f/r')ttloftbt dtflroyer.I I I.Dcfpcrarion.Gen. 1 The negatiu~ p~rt. 4·13.Mint iniq11i'J isgrttltt;- thencAn bep~trdo- .Ace~unt not th;~r'" GQrl, whi'h ilby n4t1Vt neJ.I.Theff.4·I3. SDrrDWye not, Mthry'Which na God. httNt'PitJ h"pe.l V. Doub!thlu~ffe, concerning lo this place ar< thore finnes forbidden : th• truth ofGod,or of hi• benefits prefent,or I. Ignorance ofthe true God and his will, rocomc.Pfalme no.>J. lf•sd sn my hajlt,aU \1.•hichis notonc:lynottoknow, buralfo to metl~tre!J4rs. doubtoffuch things, as God hath reue3led I I. Confidence in creatures,whether it be in his word .1tr+"· My people wf"lifh,they in their flrength,as /mm. t 7· 5· Cmfed wth< hA"' not ~no\Pnt me:tht'] artfoDiifo childi-et~lf11d 1111111 t h11t h11th hU confiJenct illf 1111111, Rndm4~tth haot n•t vnd<rf/4nding: rbey.,, \!lift to Jotuill. D j/tjh hiurme,bot his he•rtflidttb from thtLorJ. bMttl doe l>tHthey h"''""' k;_,.I!Jitdge. 1er.9· 3. 0 rriches.Marh.6. 24. Tec•nnotfer•• G•J•nd Tbey procudefom e~ti/J to worje, 4nli hawmt riches.Eph.s.s.No e~uctoiU 1trjq,tthich-U11ni /er1wne me,faith the Lvtd, ti9/4ter,hAthmhtritAnce in the k.ingdomt1fCIJrift I I. Atheifme, when the heart denieth ey- .ndofGod. Ordefenced placcs. le><m 49.16. ther God,or his attributes : as, his IuO:ice, Tby fe~tt·e,& the pritlt ~ftbi"~ ht4rt I:11th dtctt. Wifedome)Prouidt:nce, Prcreocc, Pfal.I4· 1. Metl thtt, thAt thoH d~tlltfl in rhe dtfis of the Thef"'' bath[aid in hi1 htart, thtrt ;,,. God. Rock!, •nd /,[tptf/ rht btight efthe hiU: th,.gh Ephef.1.12. Ye hadno hope,and wm l);ithoHt rhoufhouldtfl m•k!·thy neaj/44 Mgh .u the E•- G6d in the 'World. Mal.1.2. I [q,eyen, faith the glt, 1willbring thudownt ft8m thtr.ce,foiththe L11rd,yetyefly, ..herein luue wejj;qk!,nAg.tiR/1 Lord. Or plufiJre,and dainties:to fuch their th«! aod cha.3.1.4 Tt h•ae(aid,it is i•flaiwe t• belly is their God, Phil. 3·19· Or inPhytitifirue qod:lll'ldwhat profit is it,tluttwe hlllttk,rpt ans.l,Chr. t6.Jz. .AfUI .Afoin tht ninc(jr thir. hi1. f()11Jm-ndemcnt's.,~tffdthat we l\'AI~tdhumblJ titthytart (}fhU r"'~gnt,\\1AJ diftafid in hU/tttt, befort th< Lord•fh•afh I •ndhu dift•Ji w.u extre'"'', ytt hefol!!.hr not 11 I. Errours ooncerning God. the pertht Lordin hu siifc.Ji,but to Phyflti•ws. Bdefefonsofthe Deiry,or the attribures.Here is to ly,to this pbcc, principally may beadioyned bt:c reprooucd Hellcnifine, which is the ac. that diuclith coOOdenc~ whichMagirians,and all