Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

/1 7reatjfe of Cor!fiience. which I fay l fauing.the BiOiopof Rome (ft> AI Touching the mcanes, I fer downerhisrule• fallely rearmed)which perl\vadesJumfelf~ro / Wholefome la~vs ofmcn,madeofthi•gsindijferenr, hau.7 wher;he IS Ill his Co~0fiory, fuch an mfof•r-forth bind confcicnce byvmue4 the gene. falh~leafsllla_n~e ofthe fpult, .that he cannot ra!/ commllndement ofGod, which ordaineth the pofstbly erremmdgemcnt. : ~ Jl!agiftrates ~ll!horitie :that whq{oc~ter f!Jallwit1 • ..Arg11m•. 6. Itmens Jawes bymward vertue tmgly and w•llmgly, wirhadifloyaUminde, eith.:r omd confCicuce properly asGods !awes, then brea~oromit foch/4wes,uguiiryofftnbefore God. ourdury IS to lea_rue,fiudy,& .remember them . By wholefome/arm, 1vndtrlland ft 1ch pofias ~ell asGcds !awes;yeaM1mfiets mule bee uue conlhtuuons., as are nor agaiufl the Jaw diligent ro preach them, as they are d1hgcm 1 ofGod , and W1thall teed to·maintaine the in preaching the doClrine ofthe Gcfpel : be. p<aceable eflate and common good of men. caufe euery one of them bindes to mor'tall .Furthermore, I adde this claufe, mode of finne, as the Paptlts teach. But that they thmgsmdijfcrmt, to note the peculiar matter !Jlould be taught ~nd lc_arned as Gods !awes, whereof humane !awes propedy intreate: It JSmofi abfurd In thomdgemenr of .,u men, namely, fuchtf•ingsas are neither exprelfdy Papifis rbemfelues not excepted. B commanded or forbidden by God. Argum.7. Inferiour authoritiecannot bind Now fuchkindeoflawes haueno venue or the fuperior: now the courtsofmen and their power in themfelues to conflraineconfcience allthoriti• are vnder confcience. For God in but they binde onely by vertue of an hiohe; the hclttof euery ma11 bath erctled a tribucommandement, Lrteorryfo•iebefobie[ft~the nail feat, and in his fiead he bath placedneihigh"pawers, Rom.q.1. or,HonoHr[athtr4nd tber nor Angel, nor any otht:r creature mother, Exod. 20.12. whichcommandemc~rs whatfoeuer,butconfcience it felfe,whorhercbinde vs in confcicnce to performeobedience fore is the highcfi Judge t!Jat is or can be vnto the good !awes ofmcn.As Pet,yfaith, SHhderGod; by whofe dired:ion alfo courts are mitJ'fJtnft!Hes to eucry humane ortii'Jumcefor the l<epr,and lawes are made-. , Lord,t Pet. 2·1 3. that is,forconfci.ence ofGod,as Thus muchofthe Popiib opinion: by which he faith afterward,v.19.wherebyhe fignifieth it appeares that one of the principal! notesof two things : firfl,that God hath ordained the Antichrifl agrees fitly to the Pope of Rome. authoritie ofgouernours; fccondly, that hee Pa11( aThefJ: •·4· makes ita fpeciall prepertie hath appointed in his word,and thereby bound of Antichrirt to exalt himfelfe againfl or amen iM confcience ro obey theirgouernouro boue all that is called God , or worfhipped~ C lawfull commandements. Nowwhat doth the Pope clfe, when he takes Ifthe cafc fall out otherwife, as commonly vponhim autharitiatomake fuch laws as fhal it doth, that humane !awesbe not enacted_pf bind the confcien~e~ as properly and truely as things indifferent, but ofthings that bego&! Gods !awes? and whatdothhe elfe when hee in themfchres,that is,comanded by God; then ak:ribes to himfelfepower to free mens con· are they not hmn•nepropetly, but diHinelaws. k:iences from the bond offucfl'lawes ofGod, Menslaws intreating ofthings that aremoral. as are vnchangeable l as mayappearc in a Calygood,& the partsofGods worjhip,arethefame bOQ ofthe Council! of Trent: the words are withGodslawes:& ther!Ore bind confcicnce, 5 IT thefe./fanyjhallfay,thatthofodegreesofc•nfonnor becaufe they were enatlcd by men, bur c;n." 3:•· guinitiethat be ex.preffidin LeHiticHI,doonlyhinbecaufc tbey were firll; made by God_: me? b~- 1 der VJ::!tri;mony to bcmadc,&bre4~Ubemg made, mg no more but mftrumenrs and mtmfters m andtb&;.the Chitrch cannot dtjpenft w~·rh fome of.l his name to rcuiue,renew,andtoput in execu... them,orapyr.ooHe that more degrwm(IJ hinder or tion fuch precepts and !awes as prek:ribe the break£marriage,/et hjm_ beaccnr,Jfd,Q facrilegiWorfhip ofGod,fl:adiug in the pracrife oftrue qus.~mplctyl confidcriugrl)e !awesofaflinitic rdigion andvenue.Of ~his kinde are all pofil!,oconfimguioity,Lm.I8.arenotceremomall, D t1ue !awes reuchmgarnclcsoffauh,&theduor iudii:iallawes peculiar to thcieW<6,butthe ri<softhe morallaw.And the man that breaks very !awesofnature,whatis tha>.C!Inon elfe, fuch !awes linnes two waies: firfi,becaufe he but a ppbiike Proclamation to the world,that breakes that which is in eonfcieoce a law of the Pope & Church of Rome do lit as Lords, God; fecondly,becaufe i~difobeyinghis law• orrather idols in -the l)earrs and confc1ences full Magllhatc,hed1fobe1es the general! corn· ofme1ilThis will yet more fully ap[?Care toamandementofGod, touchingMagifiracic. nym;m,ifwe readcp0pifh bookeo ofpraf/ica/1 But if it fhall fall out that mens la;ves bee or Caft. Di11initic, in which the common manmadeofthrngs that are eu.Zl,andforb1~deuby neris tobinde conftienco where God loofcth God, then i.Hhere no bond of confc1cnce~t it,and~oioofe whcre·hebinds: but.a.dedaraall bur contrariwife men<Ire-bound in confCItion otthis requires long time. . ence not. to obey,AI1+Ii>·And hereupon the Now I come(as neere as pofs1bly I can) to three ch1ldren are commended for nor obeyHow mCs fet downe the true mancrjhowmens lawes by ing Nabuch~ti.JJtztar, whenhe gauea paruculaws bind the commoniudgcm~nt ofDiuincs, may bee lar comm~ndcmcnt vnr.ot~cm to fall~owne confdfaidto bind ccnfcicnce. That this point may and worfhlpth.e golden Jmage,'Zl••·3·>8. ene<, be cleared, two things mufi be handled. By Moreou~r, ln'that mans law b1~ds not, .tut what meanes they bind,an'dhow faJre forth. by211thomreof~odslaw, hence ltfollowes, - that