Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Thom.1. z..q.89. M:uch.f. B· A 'Treatifl of Confcience. 5H longerred, inthatfhe teachcthand maimai- A league with them, & to binde it with an oath; neth thatgouernors, as namely, the Po]?e and . heand the Princes ofthe people anfwerthcm otherinferiour bifhops,hauepowertogtue rethus: We hAieefwornc vntothemby the LordGod laxatians &difpenfations, not only foroathes oflfraclnowth<roforewnwey nottoJtehthem, loj. vnlawfull(from whichthe word ofGod cloth 9·'9·And 3oo.yearsafrer,whenSa•lflew cerfuflicicntly free vs, though rheyfhould neuer raineofthe Gibeonites againll: this oath, the giueabfolution) but from attue &lawful oath plague was vpon the people ofIfrael 3.years, made wittingly &willingly without error or and wasnotfraiedtilcertaine perfonsofSaHls deceit, ofathinghonefraud pofsible;aswhcn family for arecompence were put to death,z. rhe Pope frees the fubielfts ofthisland,asocSam.2t.6.9. cafionisotfered,from their fivorne allegeance fl!*eji.II I.Whether an oath made by feare and loyaltieto which theyare bound,notoneor compulfion bindinconfcience~ For EJ<amlyby the law ofnarurc, but alfo by a folemne ple:a theife difappointedofthe bootie which and particular oath to the Supremacie, which he looked for, binds the trueman by {olemne noneeuer deemedvnlawful!,but fuch as carry oath,vpon paine ofprefentdeath,to fetch and traitourshearts.Nowthis erronious diuinitie B deliuervnto him fame portion ofmoney, as wouldeafily bee reuoked, ifmen did butcon1 oo.or zoo. crownes for the redeeming ofhis fider the natare ofan oath, one part whereof lifo. Well, the oathis taken,and the quefiion is inuocation, in which we pray vnto God, is, whetherit bindhim or not to performe his firll, that he would becomeawitnesvnrovs promife? Ananfwermayberhis:fomeal'ro- , ra. that·we fpeake the truth, and purpofe notto tefrant diuines think it cloth bind:fome againe deceiue; fecondly, ifweefaile and breake our thinke b no: but I rake it the fafefr courfe to promife, that he would takereuengc vpon vs: hold the meane hetweene both,on this m~ncr. &in boththefc petitions we linde our felues The oath feemes to bind, and is mbe perforimmediately to God himfelfe: and God a. med:neitheritisagainllthegoodofrhecomMartyr. daff.:t. lgc. 13~ n. 2.1. "'ic!:mll". in Et.h. quOEfl. de gi.ine,who is the o~dain~roft~e oath,accepts mon-wealth(fortHen it werevnlawfull)but it this bond and kmttes Itby this commandeis ratherafurtherance,in that a memberther- b~~~. ment,tiiitbeaccomplifhed.Hence it follows, ofis preferued: and the lo!fes which follow •pon that no creature can haue power to vntie the are onely priuate to the man, rather to be en- Pfal.Is. bond ofanoath, thatis truely and lawfully an dured thfn lolfe oflife.Yet thar aremedy may oath,vnle!fe we willexalt the crearuresabouc ~ had_of:~·Jlfiuateiniurie, and that a pubGod himfelfe. And the Iewifh teachers gaue C lik~ mtfclitefe rpaybeprcuented, the panic is better cooncell, when they commanded the to renealeJhc matterto the Magifrrate,whofe people toperfm•etheir~•thestoth< Lord, for ofticeit isto punifh robbers, and to order all the preuenting of periurie , and our Sauiour' things according to equity, for the common Chrill in that gaine-faies thein not. good. But iftbe cafe fa! out,thatthe man thoNextlet vs confider the time whenari oath rough exceeding feare, doe further fweare to bindeth or bindeth not. . keepc filence, Ifee nor how his oath may bee An oath bindcth then, when it is niade of kept, excepthe bo fure thatnothing wtll enfue thingscertaine "''d po!Si~le, in trut:l), iufiice, thereof,butapriuate damage tohimfelfe. For iudgement, forthe glory ofGod,and the good odierwife,perpetualllilencefeemesto be a feofour neighbour. eret confenting to the robbcr,and an occafion .!P..!f:•ft. I. Whether doth aa'oathbind conthat others [;Ill into the like danger and hafcience , ifby keepingofitthere follow lo!fes zard oftheir liues. · ~ndhindetancesl An[. Ifit beo~a thingt~at Againe,i~ lixe cafes an 9a:h binds nothing !Siawfull,and the damages be prtuate tohtm at ~ll. I. IfIt be made of a thing tl)atis flat athatfweareth, then doeth itbinde coofcience. gainlltheword ofGod. For all the power of For example:A man makes a purchafeofland D binding whiehit bath, is by theword ofGod: atthe fea Ctde:his,bargaine is confirmed onely ·& therfore whenitis agaioll Gods wil,itbath by eath: andit failes out,that beforehedo enno powertoco1illraioe. And it is an old receiterpolfefsion,the fea breakes inanddrownes uedrule, that an oath IJIUfrnotbee a bond of a part ofthatpurchafe. Now·hceis in confciiniquitie. Hereupon 2laHidwhen hee made a ence to fiand to his bargaiue, becaufe the rafh oathto kill N ab~t and all his houfhold ' thing is lawfull, and the damageis priuate,& reioyced when he had occafion offered by A: great reuereoce mufr bee had of the name of bigailtobreakethe fame;, 1 Sam. >5• 32· And God which hath bin vfed in the bargaine mathougli liefware toShemi, thathe would faue king. DuiJmakes it the propertie ofa good his life,. S•m·I9·•3·Yetafterward vpoo betman, t•fwe•re tohi6 '"'"'hinder""'', IVIdnot to tereonfidoration(as it may feeme) he c6manch.utge,Pfal.t5-4dedhisfonneS•Iomontoputhimto death as f!!tejl. II. Whether the oath which aman onethathadlong agoe defcrued the fame' 1 , hathtaken, being induced thereto by fraude King·>·s>·Aad Hmdwasfarredeceiued :hat ~nd guile,doth bindconfcience? .An f. Ifit bee thought hee was boundbyhis oath togi~c tO fiil! a ~hing la~full, and bring nothing but the;damfcll John lJ•ptijls he_ad in a.platter, Pr!Uate loffes,ttisto be kept.When the GtbeM~~th.I4•7• I I. Jf lt beagamfrthe good and orutes hadby afraud brought l<f"" to make a wholefome !awes of any kingdonie or coun. --~~--------------------~------------------------~~~re~----