Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

d CJ'reatife of Confcience. their fpeech and lilettce,yea theirpraying .and A \ The propertie ?f r~gen~rate confdence is ferumg of God. For they doe thefe allmns two-fold: Chnfhan hbertte,and ccrtainrie of etthcr of cuttome,or e~ample,ornccefstty,as falu~tiOn.&caufeboth thefe haue th:irplace, beatts do,and not offatth: becaufe theyknow not 111 the outward man but in the fpitit and not G<>ds will touching things to bedone or confcience. ' left vn<lone. The confideratiou of this point Chrittian libertie, is a fpirituall and holy fhould makeeuery man moll carefull to fecke freedome purchafed by Chritt. I for kn~wleilge ofGods ~ord,~nd da!IY to inI fay, i~ isjliri!UAO, fir!t,to put adifference l creafe tntr, that h< may mall hts affatre.s hauc bewccne ttand CIUllllibertie whichttand!in Gods lawesro bethe men ofhis counfcll, P fo. outward& bodily freedome ~ndpriuiledg~s. 119: 14. that hemay giue heed to them as to fecondly_,toc~mfuteth~ Iewes, thatlooke fo; theltght fhmmg madarkeplace, 2 Ptt.r.I9• earthly liberueby Chntt, & the Anabaptitts thathe may fay with Peter, when Chritt cornwho imagine a freedome from all authoriri; manded him to la~nch forth into thedecpe, of Ma~i!lrates ~n~he kihgdomeof Chritt, and to catt forth hts set:Lord,,.,haue·beene •11 Agatlte,Ifay lt IS an holy frecdome to c<in· night,Andhauec•rchednothing : yet iu thy word B fute the Libe.rrines, who thinke th;t by the wtlllhtd.wnernyner.Luk.s·5· death of Chnll they haue libertie to Iiue as ' CHAP. Ill· theylitt, Ofthekf.ndsifconftience: ondifcoll{ciLattly, I fay it ispur.hJftd~yChrif/,tolbew . . ~ncuegenerate. _ . thea?thodtie thereot: Gal. 5· I· St411dfaftin COnfctence IS eithergood or liad. the liherm l>her.....h madeyou(Tu. Goodcoofcience is that which rightly A~d '?confute the Papitls,.whofedotlrlnein accordmg to Gods word,excufeth& comfor· elleCiu thus much,that this libertieis procu· teth.Fo~ the excollencie,goodnes,and dignity redind~edby Chritt, audis continuedpartly ofconfctence,ttands not In accufigg,butm eX• by Cbrt!t,and partly by the man himfelfe. cuGng. And bydoing any finne whatfoeuer to Chrittian libertie baththree parts. giue any occafion to th< confcience to accufe !he lirtt is freedome from the iullification sea. r .. OfChri· fiJanli· bonic. aud condemne,is to wound irand to offend it. 1 byrhe moralllaw. For he thatis a memberof Tlllls '7'••1faith, thatthe ~orinthians wounChrifi.., is no_r bound in confciencc to bring · ded the confctences ofrhetr weake brethren, the perfell nghteoufueJfe of the law in his wheo they vfed their libertie as an occafion of owne perfon for his iultilication before God. offonce to thcm,r Cor.8.9. 1,, Againe,he cal- C 641. s .r. with verf.3· leth a good confcicnce, a confcience without Hence it followeth, that he that is a Chri. offence, rhatis, which bath no llopor impellian,is likewife freed from thecurfeand con. dimentto hinderit from excufing. All. '4·19· demnation of the law. Rom. 8. I· Thert u n• Good confcience, is either good by creati• condemnatiolt to them thAt are in Chrift. Gal, 3 . on or regeneration. IJ· Chrtft h4th mleemtdvs f•m thecurft ifthe Good by creation wasthe confcience ofA. 14w,whenhew.um41ka rorftfor vs. dam, which in the e!tate ofinnocencydid only By this part of Cbrittian libertie,it apcxcufe& could not accufe him for any thing : peares that there cannot bee any iullification though itmay be, anaptnes toaccufe was nor of afinnec by workes ofgtacc before God, wanting,ifafterward an occafio lbould be ofFor hethat will be iullilied but by one worke fered.Antl hence we haue furth<t diretlionto u mbtetto the whole lAw, Gal. 3· 3• butnom;u; confider what a good confcicnce is, namely, thatis a member of Chritt , is debter to the ftJchanonc as by the order fet downe in the wholelaw; for hislibertieistobe fre,in that alnr•· creation, exi:ufeth oncly without accufing. poirit:thereforenoman is iuttiJicdfo muchas (pelt of Yea toexcufe is a • defect in true confcience, by one workeofhisowne. 1 he ... following afterthe lirtt creation. Fornatural- D The fecond part, is freedome from theri· · cdlem ,. 1 fy there isan agreement &harmony betweene gourofthe law,whicbtxalleth perfetlobedifiate in the parts and the wholo:butif the confcience ence,& condemneth all imperfetlioo. Rom.6. wh:ch fhould naturally accnfe, there fhouldbeadif. 14· Sinb.thMmoredominwn•ueryou:foryeAre ~:~te~~s lentand difagrcemcnt and diuilion betweene n_otvnder the lttW~but vntkrgrAc~ ·I ~oh.5.3.Thi& the confcience and the man himfelfe. u thel•ueof God, that'"" k[epehu comm.,de· Regenerate confcience is that which being ments : 4ndhiJctmmAndementsar' nutgrieNom. corrupt by naturt, isrenewedand purged by H<nceit followerh, that God will acceptof faith in the blood ofChrill.Fortotheregencour imperfetl obedience, ifit be fincere: yea rating of the confcience, there is required a heaccepts the will,defirc:,and indeaaourto O· cqnucrfionor change; bccaufeby lJatnre all beyfor<>bedienceitfelfe, Mal.u•.;. 17· And mens confciences fince thefall are ~uill, and Iwilljpare thern.u amanJParet,h hH ''""' fonne none are good but by grace. The inttrument thatftrNeth him. . . • fcruingto makerhisci1angds faith:A/1.15·9· The third part ts, that the confc.tence IS Faith punfteth the he.rt. The meritorious freed from the bond of theceremomalllaw. caufeis thebloodofChrirl. Heb. 9·14· How Ga/.3. >5· BJetaft"tb.tfauhu<O.,e,we.reno miiCh morejha/1the blood•fChrift,&c. purgeour mm vnrlerafthoole•after,Eph.2·14>l5.&bath conjiuncejiom tkadworkt. toforue tht liuingGod, brok_en theflop of theparmwnr,.n, m .brogmng · throug'!__