Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

a Tripu. dium dl circulus~ caius ce trumOi abotus. rea 1 e o on czence. 539 thr.,.gh hujlefh,thel•wofcemm•ndementswhith A way ofdiflike, Eph. 5. 3· much le!fe is it warj/611deth inordinances, Col. z, 14· .Andbathput rantablc to gdlure and reprefent vice in the out theh411d~ritiwg Dj ordin4nces, whi&h Wa& a way of recreation and delight. The fecond gAinjfvs. ver.J6. . Let no~14ntheriforecondemne rule is,that recreation mull be fparing, mode. you jn meAt anddr~,orm re~JeEt of 1111 ho!Jd.!J, rate and lawfull vfe ofthings indiff<rent, ac. "rofthenew Moone, &c. cording to the rules b following. H<aceir followetb, that all Chriflians may The fpirituall vfe i• when we take occafion freely withoutfcruple of confcience, vfe all by thecreatures to medicate & fpeake ofheathings indifferent, fo it be, the mannerofvuenly things • a~, vpon the fighcofthevine& /ling them be good. the branches thereof, to confiderthe myllicall I AndfirR,wheni faythatallmayvfethem, coniunftion between Chrill & his Church: by I vnderllaod a two-foldvfe ; natural!and fpithe fight ofthe rain.6ow, tothink ofthe prorituall. - mife of God of not drowning the world by The naturall vfe,is either to releeoe our newaters : and by any thing that befals, to take cefsities,orfor honell delight. Thus the Pfaloccafion to COJlfidcr in it the wifedome,goodmill faith, thar God giues nor onely breadto B ne!fe,iullice,mercy,pro.,idenceofGod,&c. llrengthen the heartof man, but alfo wine to I adde furthcr,that thingsinditferent,as bonmake glad the heart, & oyle to make the face dage,ourward liberty,riches,pouerty,lingleet<>lhine, Pfol. 104•'5• and God hath put into ll,re,mariage,meat,drink,apparel,buildings, his creatures infinite varieties ofcolours, famay be vfed feely, bccaufe they are neither uours, tafres; and formes,to this endthat men commanded by God nor forbidden: and in might rake delight in them. Hence itfollows, themfelues confidered, theymay bevfed or that Recre.eionis lawfull,and a part ofChrillinot vfed without breach ofconfcience. an libertie, if it be well vfed. ByRecreation,! The right manaerof vling them, is to fanvnderlland exercifes and fports feming to re. ctiliethembythc w<>rdandprayer, 1 Tim.4. frefu either the body or the mind:& that they 3, 4· and aotonely fome of them , but the vfc may be wellvfed,two rules efpecially mull be of them all. Meate, drinke, and marriage are remembred. The firll, chat 14Wf•ll recreation rhusto be fanC!ified,as the place before noted llands onely in the vfe of things indifferent. dec!areth. Paul fan~lified his iourney on rhis For if the things bee commanded by God, mauner,Ail.u·5. And the !ewes were comthere is no fporcing in them; or ifthey be farmanded to dedicate their houfes at the lirll biddcn,there is novling ofthem at all. VpoA c entrance,De•·•"·5.By thisdedicationwe may this ground , fundry kinds ofrecreation are to well vnder!land nor onely the letting of the be neglected. As I. the dauncing commonly houfe,or the prouiding ofatenant,buralfo the vfed in thefe daics, in which men and women, fanftifying ofit by inuocation of Gods name, young men and maides, all mixed togetaer, that by his blefsing,the place with tae roomes dance tothe found of rhe inllrument or voice thereofmight ferue for their benefit & c6fort. in time& meafure, with many wanton gelluAnd on this manner to ble!fe our dwelling res, and that in folernne meetings aftergreat places whenwe firll enterintorhe, is the belt feall:s.Thisexercife cannot be numbred among way that eaube to prefcrue them from the eathings indiff<rent: for experience fuewes,that fualries offire within, & lightening from heait bath beene vfually either a fruit or a folueo, and from the annoyance and molellation lower ofgreatwickednes,as idola.try,fornicaofeuill fpirits,and otheriudgements ofGod. tion,druokennes: hereupon,one wellcampaThingsindifferent are fanctified by Gods red it t\)a 'circle,whofe ccnter was thediuell. word, becaufe it fucwes what things we may Againe,ifwe mufl ~iue an accountof euery ivfe, and what things we may not : and ifwee die word, then alfoof cuery idle geflure and may vfe them, in what manner it is to bee pace: and whataccouQtcan·be giuenofthefe D done. And to this purpofe the Scripture afpaces back-ward and forward, of caprings, foards foure rules. iumps,gambolds, turnings, with many other Tllelirfr, that all things mull bee done to friskesoflightnes & vanitie, more befeeming Gods glory; 1 Cor.xo.31• Whetheryeeaeeor goates and apes,ofwhom they are commonly drinJvor whatfoeHeryedo,do41/ to thegloryofGod, vfed, rhen men? Whereas Salom<>n elleemed And that this may ~ee performed, thingsinlaughter as madnes, he weuld(no doubt)haue different mull be vfed as!ignes and tables, in condemned our common lafcinious daunwhich we may fuew forth the graces and vercing much mere for mad~e!fe , laugllter being rues thatGod hath wrought in the heart. For but rhe leaf! part ofit. I I. Dicii1g: which is example: wemull fo make our apparell both precifdy rhe callingofalot, not to be vfed at for matter and fafuion,and fo weare it, char it our pleafitres , but in matters of weight and may in fome fort fet forth to the beholderour importance. And ofthis kindeare all games, modellie,fobrietie, frugalitic, humilitie, &c. the ground wherofore notthe lleight of mans thathereby he may be occalioned to fay, beWit,~utlotalone. Ill. Playesand Enterludes, hold a"graue,fober, madell perfon : and fo of that !land in the reprefentationof the vices rherell. And the commonliRneof this time and mifdemeanourofthe world. For ifit bee is, thatmeate, drinke, apparell, buildingsare vfed as banners difplaied to fer forth to the - b In this age. p I not lawful! to name vices, vnle!feirbe in the --------------------------------------------~Z~z~3. __________ w~o~r~ld~,~-=--