~14-0 .A 'beatift of Confiience. world, mans ryot, exceffe,and pride ofhean. A berty of the city of Rome made not only the The fecond. yv_ee mufl: fuffer. our felues Romaaes borne, but euen the men of other !lawfully to be hm!ted and refl:ramed m the countries fi:eketo be cititens thereof. A&. 22 , 1ouer·mucb or ouer-common vfe ofthmgs m28. The Priuikdges of the !ewes in Perlia di!tercnt. I fay the common vfe, becaufc it is made many becomclewes. H<}l.s. 17 • Othen not Gods will vtterly and abfolutely to barre much more fhould the fpirituall libertie of vs oft~e vfeoffnch things. Now the refl:raiconfcience purchafed by the blood of Chri£1:, nersotonr vfc, are t\v.o; ~he firfl:tsthe !awof moouevsto fceke for the kingdome ofheachanue. For asc~antlegmes !'laceto ptety;fo uen, &that we might becomegood members Chn£han hberty 111 the vfeofoutwardthw~s, thereof. I!. Agame, by this we are taught to gmes place to charme.Andthe lawofchanty £ludte, learne, &loue theScuptures in which is, that we010u!d not vfe things indiffi:rent to our liberties are recorded. We make account thehurtor offence ofour brother, 1 Cor.S.q. ofour charters whereby wee hold our eatthly 2J<eft. Whether may amanvfehis libertie liberties,yea we gladly read them& acquaint before fuch as are weake: andyetnotperfwaour felues with them; what ailiame then will ded of their libertie•.AnfSome are weakc of B it be for vs, to make no more account of the fimplc ignorance, or becaufe they haue beene worol ofGod,thatis the law of fpiritualliberdeceiUcd by tbe abufeoflongcn£lome: & yet ty? lam.,,, 2. I I I. La£\jy,we areadaertifed are willing ro_ be reformed. And before fuch mofl: heartily to obey & ferue God according we ,rnu!hb£latnc; Jefl: by exampl~·weedraw to his word, for that i< the end ofourlibenie: themto finne, by giuing occaffon to them of the feruam dorh all his bufinelfe more cheercdoing that whereof they doubt· Againe,fome fully, iR the hope and expcttacion he lJath of arew~ak~vpon affected ignorance orofma- !•bertie.Againe,onr liberty mofrofall appears hce, and mthe prefonce of fuch we n<ede not mour feruicc and obedience; becaufe the ferabfl:aine. Vponthis groundPaul who cin;umnice of God is perfctt freedome: as on the cifi:dTi®thic wouldnotcircumcifeTit,., contrary in the difobcdience of Gods corn· The fec6d refrrainer,is the wholfomc!awes mandements, fl:ands our fpirituall bGndage. ofmen,whether Cinillor Ecclcfiaflica!l. For The fecond -prwertie of confcience is an in- sea. '· howfoeuer things indifferent, after the law is fallible certaintieof the pardon of fin and life ofm. oncemadeofthem,remainc fl:ill i~different in cuerlafl:ing. That thispoint may becleared, 1 "imie of thethfdues: yet obedience to the law is necef. will handle the quefl:ion betweene vs and the f,luation. fary,and that for confciencefake. .AEf.r 5.28. C Papifis tonching thecertenty offaluation.And The third.We mufl: vfe thing• indifferent fo that I may proccedeittorder, we mufl: cli£linfar forthas they fhall further vs in godline!fc. guifh thekindsofcertcnry. Firfl:ofallcerten· For we oughtto doe all things not only to the rie is either Vnfallible or ConieCturall:Vnfal• . edification of others , but alfo of ourowne lible, wherein a m~n is ncuer difappoinred : felues. And therefore it is a flat abufi: ofChriCooietturall, which is not fo euidenr,becaufe fl:ian Iibertic, for men fo topamper their boit is grounded ondy vpon likelihoods. The dies wjth meate and drinke,thatthereby they fecond all Papi£lsgrant, but the firfl: they deny dilable themfelues to heare Gods. word, eo in the matter offaluation. Againe,certentieis pray, to giue counfcll, to aoe the ordinary either of f.1ith,or e.xperimental,which Papifrs workesoftheir callings. call mor./1. Cenenrieoffaith, is whereby any the fourth. Things indifferent mufl: bee thing is cerrenly beleeued :andit iseither gevfed within compalfe of ourcallings, thatis, nerail or fpeciall. Gen<rallcertentie,isto bei .accordingto our abilify, degree, fl:ate, and lecuc alfuredly that theword ofGod is truth , conaitlo'n oflife, And itis acommon abufe of it f<lfc, aAd this both wee and Papifts allow. this \(benie in onr dajes, that rhe meane man Special! cert~nty,is by faith to apply theprowill'ocini~eate,ddnke, :ipparell, building, as D mife oftaluatiqn to our felues, and to beleeue theGentlenian;the Gentlmtan asthe Knight; without doubt, that remifsion of linnes by the Knij;kt as tbe Lord or·Earle. . . Chrifl: &life eocrla£ling belongvnrovs. This J:'fpw the~ thinss indliferent ar.e fanctified kind ofcertenty we hold and maimaine, and to vsby thr word, when our coofcienccs are PapiOs withone conftnt deny it; ackno,vkdrefolueo .ont o( the 'word that wee may vfe ging no aflurancebut by hope. M.,.•Hcerten· them fo it beeinthc manner before named, ty, is that which proceeds from far.Clification and a~co~dingto tbc rules here fer ~owne. a~d good~orkCs,as figne$ and tokens.,[ ltfl< Theyarefanllifi<dby prayer, when wee fatth. Th•sweborhallow,yetwtthfomedtfcraucatGodshandstherightvfeofthem,and ference. For they efreemc all'Certcntle that hauing-pbtaincd~~e fame, giuc ,\~mthankes comes by wor\<es to be vncc~to~and ofitn to therefore,Co/off. 3·•1· Wf•tjocuery<.doein word dccciue, but >ye doe otherwtfe,tfthe workts or·rJ.ede,;Joc •ll in(hen~m<oftiJe Lm!Icfm, gibe done in vprighrnelfe of heart. . . ifing thtUJI<tsto GodtheFiltherbjh{'!i_·-'~l: T~equcllion thenis! whether a man m thts Thus mvch of Cbri£\i~n libertte;liy which hfe may ordt~artly Without reuelanon, ~evnwe are admoni!hed ·of Jundry dflties: I. to fallibly certameqfhtsowne faluauon, lirfl: of labour~opucome good'membersof(:;hl).ll, of all & principally by faith 1 & thenfecondly_, by what efl:ateotcondi.tio 11 foeuer we be. Thelifuch workcs as..are vnleparablc companiOns · · ·· · .. . . of I