..If. 'Tr;eat!fe, of Confcience. 5f1 offaith· Web 0 !dtbis for a'c!eareand euident A in quefHon, yet when thefeale is putto, they principle ofthe;vo:td ofGod,andc6trariwife I are made outofdoubt:& therefore whenGod th"'Papills .Jeme Jt wholly. I.wtll thetfore , by hisfpirit is faide to fcale the promifein the prpopc the tru.th by fome few argumems, and heart ofeuery particular beleeuer,it figni6eth then anfwer thec0mmonobieClions. that he giue~ vmo them r.nident a!furice that Arg. I. That which the SpititofGod Cotb the promife of life belongs vnro them. And firll:of all tefrifie in the.heart.and cor,fcien(e the gining ofeame£1: is an vnfallible token vnofany man, & the.nafrerwardfully confirme, to him that receiueth it,that the bargain is rais robe beleeued ofthe fame manas vnfallibly tified,and that he lballreceiue\he thingsagee· certaine:buttbe Spiritof God firfrofalldoth ed vpon. And itwere a great dilbcnour vnto tdlificto fame men, namely true beleeuers, God,to thinke that thieamefr ofhis own fpi· t~atthey are the fons of God : and afterward rit giuenvntovs,lbouldbean euidence ofeter· confirmesthefame vnto taeJhTherefore men I nalllife,notvnfalliblc,butconiecturall. are vnfallibly to beleeue their.owne adoption. Arg.2.The faith oftheelect,or fauingfaith, Now that the Spiritof Goddoth giue this teis acertainperf..vaficn,& apartic11/arperfwafi· frimonie ro the confcienae·ofman, the Scrip- B onofremifsicm offin and lifeeuerlafring.ToutUJ:cis more then plainc,Rom.8.15. Ye haue re.. ching the firfi: of thcfe twaine, namely, that cdHcdthefPiritof~ptionwherebywecrie,Abba, faith is accnaine perfwafion,yea that ccrtainFath.r.ThefomejpiritbeamhwitnmrithoMrjpitie is ofthenature offaith, it appeares by exrit.thaiweare thefonnes ofGod.Anfwer ismade, preffe tdlimonie ofScripture, Mar.y4· 31. 0 tbatrhis refrimonyoftheSpirit is giuen onely thou oflmlefaith,why haftthoudoubted? and 21. by an cxperimeatorfeelingofaa inward deV·2I .Jfy ehauefaith,anddoubt nJJt:Jam.r .6.Let lig!JtOt peace, which breedeSin VS 00[ an inhim tik£ it1{aith:andwauer rJfJt.for he that l"PtU~Cf:d(ibJe but aconieCluall certenty. And J an- .rcrh u lik$awaueofrhefoa,toft ofthewind,&carfiver,~gaine,th~r thisexpofitioo is Rat againll riedav;ay.Rom·4·20· T(cither didhe J.oubtofthe ·the t~xt.For the Spirit ofadoptionis faid here promijeofGodthrough-.nbelcefe,blltw<Uftrcngth. not tomake vs to thinke or fpeake, but tocrie nedinfaith.! wil not frand longeron thispoint Abba,Fathe"<aildcrying to God as to a father which is not denied of any; argue.scourage, confidence, and boldnes. ATouching the fecond parr ofmy reafon,-that gain the fame Spirit ofadoption is oppofed to faith is a particular ~erfwafi6 applying things thejpirit ofbondagecaulingftare: andtherefo~e beleeued: I prooue 1t thus. The properric of 1t mull: needs be a Spi;it giuing affi~rance ofli- C faith isto rcceiue the promife, Gal. 3· I 4· and berty,& byth.rmeanesdriningawaydifrrufrthe thing promifed, which is Chrilt with his ful feares.Aud the end, nodoubt, why the hofpirir;,/oh;x.t2· Now Chri£1: is receiued by a )y Gholl: comes into the heart.as a.witneffe of par<icularapplication,as wil appeare,ifwedo adqption is, that the truth in tHis cafe hidden but marke the end and vfe ofthe minill:cry of and therefore doubtfull, might be cleared and the word, a>ldofthe Sacraments. For when made manifcll:. If GOII hi.mfelfe haue appoioGod giues any bletsi"g to rnan,it is to be rrcei. ted that adoubtf41l truth among mea, !ball be ued by man,as God giueth it. Now God giues CO!I_Iirmedand put out of doubt by the mouth Chril1, or at the leafrotfereth him, not gcneofcw'?.()rfhrce wir:ncffes,it is abfurd torhinke rally to mankind, but to the lcuerall and parti· rhat tfic tcfrimonie ofyod himfelfe knowing cu!ar members ofthe Church. In the Lords all thingf 11 &tal,<ing 1 ypon him to be awitnes, Supper,as ineucry Sacrament, there is are)a .. fhoQ!& be conieCI;~r~ll· Saint Bernardhad leartion or an~logie b~tween the outward Ggnes, Bem,d. nci<lqc\ter.d(uinity,,;yh~ he faid, Who u iuft,b,., and the tlungs figntfied.The athon ofthe miepift. 107, he :h~~ ~fet~gl~t,cdofGoJ~ Yeturne.,.; Wlle t.o him 4· nifrcr giuing the bread andwine to the hands ga111e.? whu:h.u potdone but fry the !lpim ofGod ofparticular cornunicants,reprefenteth Gods aM,.kc (a)reuealing byfaith vnto maotpe<;erna/1pur- D actiooingiuing Chrifr with his benefits to the it well. pofe~/GodconcertJirrg,his foluatWnir!'timetocomt: fam!l particular communicants•. Againe, rhe whi~rruclation vnt{onfttedlyUnothS11jelfe but an ad:km ofreceiuing the bread and wi~c partimfu'[idn.offPirituaUgracc: by whicfi; whileflthe c.ularly, zeprefenterh another fpirituall action dectiJp£the flep, ""mortified,the m•nu prepar~d ofthe belecuing heart, which applieth Chrifr to rhe't(jngdic ofGod,>·eqciuing:>ithall,th., whcrvnto it felfe, for the pardon offin and life ebyhem") prefi•me th.at he uloueJ,~nd lo"e again.. uerla!ling.l?apifrs yei!d not this:yet iftlr~}"reFurtherm.orc,that the fpiritofGm! doth not fufe tomaiotaine thisanalogy ,theyouer·turne only perfwade men oftpcit adoptio9, butalfo the Satramcnt, and diffent from Antiquitie. 1 confirmo the fame vntothe,it is m9ft manifefr. . Augufline faith, The bo4y ofChri/1 u afcended Augun. Eph.4.JO Gricu~.110tthe Spirit_ wherbyycarefe>~l~dvp to the znto heanm.fomemayanfwer,._•dfoy,H..,p,.III "'lt.ro. 1 d"J' ofredemptioiZ.A~~ ·I. v:t J·Afte!Jebelm"d, /~oldhimbemg abfont? how jh4/llreach vymine oo !oh. J'eWmfo•ledwith theSp!rit ofpromife, whichu handto hcaueiJ, th.,Jmay layboldof himjininy ' theearneft if our inh;ririice. 2.Cor.1.22 .It u God ·t~erc? Sendvp '.hyfaith,anJ'tho;;-hafllaidhotd';J th.t h;<thfoaled vs, Apdgium vstbccatnf!i•fhu . hw•· And what ts more common then anotfuer Spirit in our heam .,Her~ rhc word~s oife11i~. faying ofhis .? What m<aneft·thou topreparerl;y . & eameft, •re to be cQnudcred. For-rhings that ~fl/y andrcetb; 7Jele<iie.nd thou haft e.urn. Apall\: to and fro all)ong men though they bee .gaiue, Eph•J•U. Paul faith, By Cbrijhiueha•e Zz 4 boldne!fe____