Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

~--F4t , rv'f 'Treatlje ofConfcience. . \ I buldmfJe and entr•nce rmh conjitlence by faith"' A Ghof/l!_iHethin our heartJ, faying, Thy[mnu"'': hnn.!n wh1ch words are fet downe two notajOr~lnethee.Forfothe .Apojlletbink.!thth.ramanl , bie etftth and frutts o~faith: boldnelfe, and "•Hf/ified fi'" faith. Papills be<ing much l confidence. Boldnelfe1s,when a poorc finocr cho!..ed wuh th1s place make anfwcr that s dare come into the prefcceofGod, not being Bern, cloth not fay, that we mullbel~eue th; re:rificd with the threarni~gsofthe law, nor pardon ofour fins abfolutely without refpe" wnh the conGdermon ofh1sowne vnworthtof workes, botthatbe requires the condition nelfe,nor with the manifold alfaults ofrhe di· ofourconuerfationand repemance as!ignes ue!l:and it is more rhencertaintie of Gods fawh:reby this perfwaGon is wrough~.I anfwer nour. Nowwhereas l'api~s anfwtr,thatthis ag_ame, that heauoucheth ~lai~ly the generall hberty ofboldnes mcommmg vnto God,profaith, wherby thepomts ot rehgion ate belee• ceedsofa general! faith,they are farrewide.It ued,to be buta beginning or rudimetoffaith is not pofsibletlm ageneralperfwafionofthe and therefore not fufficient,vnldfe wegofur~ go0dnes and troth ofGod, and ofhis mercie ther,and apply thegrace 0f God to ourfelues in Chri!l:, fhould breedconfidence and boldby falth,limply,without refpea ofany condindfe in the heartofaguiltie linoer, andno ex- B t1on performed on mans part.Indeed I grant ample can be broughtthereof. Thisgenerall thatthetrathofconuerlation &other works' faitb concerning the articles of our .beleefe, areby him mentioned afterw~rd liutthatw_; was no doubt inCain, SaN!, eAchitophel, Ju. for this end, tO !hew howany m;n may fuaue a d.u,yeo in the diuell himfelfe: andyetthey de- ~n~bleand euident experience by works, as !paired, and fome of them made away themfrumofthe pardon ofhis owne linnes & life fdues:and thediuell for all his faith trembleth euerlalling,which he belccueth. ' before God. Wherefore that faith which is .Arg. 3• S. John pennedhis/irfr epillle that the root ofthefe.excellent vertues,efboldnes he mightfhew vntothe Church ofGod a way and confidence, mull needs be afpeciall faith, how they mightordinarily and fully bealfured thatis,alarge and plentiful! perfwafion ofthe oftheloueofGod, and ofeternalllife: and pardoa ofa mans own linnes, andof lifeeuerc rh.eref~rehe alfuardeth vs many pregnanttela!l:ing. Againc,Heb.I I.I .faith is calledhyp•- ll1momes for thispurpofe. r.Joh.z. 3· Andhy flajis, that is,a fufiancc orfubfifiwce ofthings thu weknow th.r we haue~nowne him,ifwektep ho~ed for:where faith i? the :natterofourfalh~<omm•ndemenu:andv.5. H<e whichk.!epeth uauou,andotherhke thmgs, IS m_ade to go behui!Jord,mhm•u the loueofGodtrJtel:f accompli. yond hope: for ho~e Walts forthmgs tocome, C fo.d:by th~ we know thatwt aremh"''·chap. 3 , nil they haue a betng tn the perfon hoping; IO· 'By thuare mamfell the children ofGod an but faith in prefent giues a fubfilling or beiog thechildren<JjthetliHtl.&v.r9•B.J.thiswek~ow vnto them. ThiS can not bechat general! faith that weare ofthetruth,d-lieforeh•mwep,.tma'<! (of Papills termed Catholike) for it comes ourhearuconjident.cha.4·13 ·Bythiswceknow !bott ofhope , but it mufi needes be a fpeciall thatwedweOinbim,andheinvs,be~••ftbeebath faith that makes vs vndoubtedly beleeue our grumvs ofhisj}irit.chap.~·•· Bfthil we know owne elcction,adoprion, iufiification)and falthat web1u the foflfltJ if'G~when JPee liHe God, uation by Chrill. And to this purpofe haue andktepe hilco,mandtmewtS.v.x3-JhaHt writte fome ofthe fathers fa id excellent weli ..Augstheft thi11gs votoyoHwhi<h beluur inthe,.,,,. Augun. f/ine f.1ith!Jtkmandofthe~,OJinner,doeft thoube. thtfonne ofGod.rh•t ye ma¥kno.wth•tyou haue de vcrbis lemeChrif/orno? rheHjimft,I beleeue, What be. life ettrnaD. To thde tellunomes, firfi ofall dom. /eeuefl tho•? that hecanfteelyforgiHe theeallthy anfwerismade,that noae ofthem doe necelfaferm.7. trmcs? Thou h4fthat.which tho11haft be!eeued, tily implY_ acertainty of <li~ine faith; bccaufo Ambr.on .Ambrofe faith, Thu u • thmgordatnedof God, we arc f:ud to knoW'thetlungswhlcbwelearn t. Cor. •· that he which beiceHflh in Chri/f,fo•Hidbeefoued byconiellures. Behold a filly and poore fhifr. · without aaywork.!, byfaith a/onefteely recriui11g D S.Johnf~ith,chap.I+Thifet.hilfts wei!Jritevnremi!fionof fins. And with .AnbrifeI ioyne the to )'Oil that y•r ioy may{ufuO. Nowitis but an He6ch. tefiimonie of Hejichimvpon Lcuiticus, who vncertainioythatriftth byconi~lloralknowcn Lcuit. faith ,Godpittying mankjnd,whehejawitdifobled ledge.Again,thisknowl<dge brmgs forth"n· orthefuljillingojrhework!tofthelaw,wiUedthAt fidenct6ndbol4n_es eHelfbejore (jiod. c.3·v-~9'>~· manfho•ldbefoucdbygrace,withuut.tht work[sof and therefore ltcannot but~nclude an tnfa!Itth<ia1v..Andgrf1Ce proceeding of mercie ilappteble certaintic. And to put It ou~ofqu~ll10n hendtdbyfaith•lonClvirhoutwork:s. Whereasin that the knowledge here mcn~10ned IS th.e the twolaft tefiimooies,faith isoppofed geneknowle<4le ()~d1u111e fa11h, or aSinfalhble as lt rally toall workes,anol is withal faid toappreIS Or can be,ltlS added,cha••p6· :Andwe haue bend and receiue, yea alone to apprehend and ~.!foi!Jne andbelmud the /out I!Jh~eh Godhath ,._ rcceiue grace and remifsionoffinnes,theycan I!Jardvs. Seco"dly•" IS anfwcred,that ~11 thefe not bevnderfiood ofa generall,but ofa fpecifl'eechcs arcgener:"ll,andnorconcernmgpar~ ncrnord. all applying faith. Bcrnardhaththefe worde~. ucular men: bur 1t IS falfe: f?r whe~S. John I fcrm.Lde Jfthou belecHej/ that thyfins cannot be blottedout faith(we kuow}hefpeakes-ofh~mfc:lfe, and 10- ' Annunc. but byhimagainf/whom thou haj/Jinned,thou dojl cludcsthe reil of the Church ~n the lame conI ' Man~. we.ll;butgoeyet[Mrther,andbeleeue thot hepardodition withhi:nfclf.Nowhe_h1mfelfe was_fulneththyji>u. Thil isrhareftimonit 1vhich ththoly ly alfured ofhlS owoe faluauon. for Chnll a little ,