Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

544 .11 'Treatife ofCor!fcience. it in refpea ofthe minif\ry ofother teachers. A he beiee•es..;{not,hefitthittobewanting.Again, ThereforePa11l m tins chapter g?<S abon~ to (b)Abeleeuerftethhuor.nefa<th,bywhich an Apologte for.t, {f>eakmg oothmg wemh,that he belteHtth1vitho•t do•bt,and(c)he oflus owne perfon and t~e e~a~e rh_ereofbewhich loueth hU brother, more k.._nownh the /oue fore God.' but oncly ofhts m11ufrme and the whereby heeleHeth, then hubrotbenvhom bee /o. excellencte thereof. And this is the iudgeHC!h. Againe, whereas it is faid, rhat hauing mentof Theodoret, ~quma&, and L1ravpon fatth; yetweknownotwhetheritbefuffici. this text.And when he faith,Ii•ag•no: myfilf, ent or no: I. anfwer that faith becing without Ius rneamng Is,! take not vpon me to 10dgc of hypocnfie, IS fufficientto faluation though ir what value and price before be vn~crfca. God more refpects the truth of God,m rtfpeCl ofthe mtm£leryofth1s or that ourfaith,then the perfection thereof. And as !Jian: but! leaueall to God. Here then Paul the hand of the childe, or ofthepalfie man refufeth only to giue iudgeq>ent of the excelthough it be feeble,is able toreach out it feife: Jc:ncieofhisown minifl:crie, and inother eauand receiue an almes ofaPrince· fo the faith fes herefuftth notto iudge himfelfe; as when that is but weake, is able to apprehend and he faid,l hauefought agoodfight, I haue k£pt the B receiue Cbri£l with all his benefits. faith,hmciforthu laidvpformethecrownofrigh· Obie[t 5.Prou.o8.14. Bleffod;, themanth.<t t~oufocf[e~ wh~chtheLordtherighteons iHJgefh~U earcth.dwaies~ PhJ.2..J2. Work§.)'Dilrfoluation gmeme, 2 Ttm. 4.8. And C~r:)'(oj/omeon thiS ":"hfeare..dtrtmlt/ing..Anf,Thereisathrceplace faith, that Pa•l refufcdto iudge himfe!fe told teare,.one ofnature,tbe fecod ofgr.ce,the notlimply, but onely fortlusend, that hee tmrdofdijlruft•.Feareofnatureisthat wherby m.ight relhaineorhers,.and teach them modethe nature ofman is troubled wirh~~ thing fhe. And whorePaulfa1th,l i@ownothingbymy that IS hurtful! veto lt,and therefore auoideth filfe,the fpcech is not general, but mufl be vnIt· Feare ofgrace,isthatexcellenrgiftwhich is derflood of uegligences and o(fences in the called the beginning,and it is acercompaffi: ofhjs minilterie. For he was priuie tain aweor reuerence vnto God,in whofepre· tohimfdfe,that inJimplicity andgodly pureneffo, fence we doe whatfoeuet we doe.Feare ofdihe haa'his conuerfotion inthcworld~z Cor,y,y z.& ~rofi JS) when men tremble at the iudgements heknew this by himfe!fe, thatnothingfhouldfiofGod fortheir ftnnes, becaufe they haticno uerhimftomthdot<e ofGodi• Chrij/,Rom.S .38. hope ofmercy. Ofthefe three, the firll was Obicl1. ·4. That we may be iuflified there is good by creation, and therefore it was in our fome what required in vs,namely,faith; & re- c Sauiour Chrifl;but fince the falitis defectice. pemancc: and whcrethefe arc wanring,aman The third is avice,cal!ed flauifh feare.And the ca>motbe iu£lified. Now no man can be cerfecond is that which is commanded in thefe, taine by the certainty offaith, that l::e repmts and the like places of Scripture: the intent ofhis I;os with all his heart, and that he bath whereof,is to make vs circumfpelland fearefuch afaith,asGod requires at our ~ands,conful!lefr we fhould offend God by any fin, our fideriug there isnoteltimony in the wor~,of owneweakeneffcconfidered, and theimmiour faith and repentance in particular. 1l1erenent iudgements of God. And this kinde of fore no man can be certaine by certainty of feare,as aifothe firft,m:Iyfiand withcertainty fOlith,that his fim1es are pardoned• .Anfiv.It is offaith, Rom. II. ao. Tho~fl•ntkftbyfaith, be notnc-cefi:1ry tb~t an.y man fhould becertaine not high mindedhHtfenre. Pfol. z. 11. Se~nethe by fairh of his faith a114 rapcntancc; becaufe Lordinftare~andreioyce in trembling. faith is onely of fuchthings as are not prcfent, Ob. 6. Wherethereis noword,there is no whereas faith and repentance are truely prefaith. Forfaithand the word ofGod berelafent in all that trudy bcleeue and repeot,itfhal riues.But there is noword ofGod thatfaith to b~ iijfficient ifaman may any way be vnfalliparticular men,Cornehm,orPeter~orJohn, thy bly ccrtainc that he bath them. And though D finnes are pardoned, excepting a few perfons; fomemenfaiGyperfwadethcmfeluesthatthey as Mary MageMcn, andthcpalfieman, &c. bdecue, yet he that hath true faith indee:le, Therefore there is no particular faith. Anfw. knows that he bath true faith;euen as certain. Though there be no wordfetdownein Scriply,as he that vnder£lands.knowes that he VJ1tcre,touchiag the faluationofthis orthat par· derfrands.Paulfaithtothe Corinthians,Prouc ticular man, yet thereisfet downcthat which yourfo!Hes whetheryebe in thefaith orno, 2.Cor. ~i equiualent to aparticular word, & as much '3·5· hereby giuing them to vnder£land, that meffeCt. Forthepromife ofremifsionoffins al whichbdeeue,hauc the fpirit ofdifcerning, and Jifc euerlafiing, is giuen with acomman• to know ccrtaindythat they d.oe bdeeue. A· dement, thateuery man d apply the promifc gaine,he 14irhofhimfelfe,a.Tim.Joi2· I k,.nolV to himfelfe,as I haue before prooued:andthis b£p;n. I!2. cLib.S. de. Trin. c.S. dRead~r Bcrnard whom I hauebeiccN<d.And $.Johnfaith,r .epif\. 1S altf>gether as much, as tfeucry manspartt3. >4· By thu ,., ~now that bee d!Vels in vs,by the ctdar norne had bin put in the promife. l addc AWiunt. JPirit which hebathgiuen vs; making ;10 queflifurther, thatthe pro~ufes ofthe Gofpel mufr on of it, but that hce which bath the fpirit, becofidercd two wa~es,firfl,as they aregenc;- knowes that he hat(\ the fame. And rd\imorally fetdownmScrtpture,wHhout apphcan1 aAug_.lib nicsofmen are not wantinginthiscafe. .Aug. ontoan~perf<?ll: fec~~dly,astheyaretaugbt 1· d< T• '"· (a) eueryonefiethfaith to be in hi< own< heart, i andpubhfhed mthe mmtflery ofthe word;thc I3·C.l. __ _ __ ~