Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

!548 A crreatife of Confcience. I Sacra';'mr:by means ofwhich fyllogifmethe \A ltefiimonic ofacertaine kinde of righteouf. l holyGhofi mooues & fi1ms the r:>mde, yea 1 nc£fe, beems an. vnl<parable corr.panion cbertfherh &mcreafeth ta1th on th:s manner: I ther:of:and tor th1s caufe,1t is called offome I HewhJchvfeth theelements tfNgbtJhalrece&Ht 1 t?e r:ghttoHfoefe of a$ooa conftience. Now this the promife: I nghreoufncs IS nothtng tHe, Olrt anvnfained I B1tt 1doe~or hau.c 'Vft~theelement~ aright. earneft, and cor.fiant purpofe ~ith indeauou; Therefore 1fl,a/t rccwu the promifis. an[werablc ther<.:to, not to finmany thing,l:ut I Wl:ercas pre!umption and the illution of• in all things wharfoeuer to pleafe God& doe Satan v{e as wdl to tdl ama~ thatbee isthe I hiswil.lieb,tJ·IS·P"Yf'".·wforweareajfored dulde of God, as the true tefi1mome ofrege- 1 thatwe hauegoodconftoen<e 111 all thing;. defirl•g neratc confcten~elt~e way to put. difference to !tHe ~onejliy.2.Cor.t •.1z, OMrrt1oytmgU this, betweene them tsthls.I. Prefumptton IS natu... \1 thetefltmomofourconfc•ence,thatinfimpltcity & rail and from the very wombe;bur this tefiigodly p•reneffi,andnot inflefbly .,.ifidomewehaue monie ofconfcience is fupernaturalt. u. Prehad oHr conHerfotion in the world. r.Cur. 4 . 4 • 1 fumption is in them that make no account of ~Qtow nothingby my {elfe.Lordremembernow hew the ordinarie meanes of faluacion: This tdH- ·B 1hauew•lktd before thee with an vpright heart, E[ 3 .;s.;. monie comesby the reuerent & carcfull hea- ""dhauetbnethot wh1ch i4 ac<eptablein thyfight. ring of Gods word. Ill· Prefumption is in I adde thisclaufe, inall rhinp, becaufe that rhem ~Jar vf~ not ~ocall on th~ nam~ofGod: obedience which is the tign~ or fruit ofgood bur tlus te!hmcnte of confc1ence ts wyned confCJence,ofWhlchalfoirgtuestelHmonic;is with the fpirit ofadoption which isthe fpirit general,lhewing it folfe in a!landeuery com1 ·of prayer. I V. Prefumptton IS wyned With mandement of God. Pl1ilofophers haue fa id l loofenelfeoflife,this te!Hmoniebrin~swirh it ~bar iullice is vniuerfal!becaufe he wbichhath alwa1es an happ1e change and alrcrauon. For 1t hath all vertues. But!tls more truely faid of bee which hath a good confcieace hath alfo this Chriflian tight<oufncffe or new obedience care to kecpe gc 0 JOd confcience in all things. that it is vniuetfall, & thathe whichcan per: V.Prefumption IS peremptory Wlthoutdoubforme true obedience m one commandement ting: Whereas the tdlimonic of confcience is can dothe fame in all . ..411. •l·'· Menand bre~ mingled with manifold doubtings, t}'l-/ .,.lc..6· thren, I haue in •llgoodccnfcience ferued God •4· Luk.,t7•5· yea otherwhiles ouerchargcd till thisday. Pfol.u9.6, Thenfha/1 lnotbeccnwith them,7'fo'·77•7,&.VI.l'refumption wil founded when/fha/1 h••• rtjpetltoalthyc.mmangiue a man the fi1ppein the time at tickenet!e C dtments..A a·•4· I 6.1nthe meane fi-fon I endtaand in the houre of death; but the tdHmonie HoNr myfe/fe, 1r, t4k.! ptUnestoh11ut 4ConjcUnce ofgaod confcience fiickes by him to the end, wirhour.jfeflet"wards Ciod,andtowardsmen. and euen makes him fay, Lordrt11Jlmber nw This fhewes that there isagreat number of how I walk_!dbefore thee in trnth, and haue done men profefsing the Gofpell that want good thattvhichi4ncceptablein thyjight, lfo.38+ confcienc<. for though they fhcw themThe duties of confcicnce regenerate are felues very forward and willing toobeyGod Sell.J.Of two:in fpeciallmannertogiue tdtimony,and in many things,yetinfomeonethingororher, the auttC!i to cxcufe. they vlc to follow the fwjng of their owne ~hegene The fpeciall rhiogofwhichcoafciencegiues wils. Many are diligent to fre<Juenttheplacc {~~:n~~-"" tefiimonie,is that we are the children ofGod, ofGods worfhip,to hearc the word preached predefiinate to life euerlalling. And that ap· with liking,to recduethe Sacraments atrirnes peares by thefe reafons. I.Rom. 8·I6. The Spiappointed,and to approue ofany good thing : rit of God witnelfeth togither w>tbDIIrJPirit all thisis very commendable; yet thefe men thar we arc the fonnes ofc..;od.Now the lpirit often, when they depart home from the conof man berc mentio.ned is the mind or confcigregationfay in dKCl: on thismaoner; Religiencercnucd&fariClified.Tothispurpofefaith D on !lay thou here at the Church doore till l•hn, liethat beltmeth bathAwitnesin himfo!fe, thenext Sabbath, For if we lookc into their 1 ,lohn.5. 1 o.II. That which Gods fp1rit dorh priuateconuerfations,thegouernmentofthcir tellifie to the confcience, the coofcience can families, or their dealings in their partkular againe tellifieto vs:butGods fpidt dothtellica!lings, we lhall wirh grie~e fee muchdifor• fie to the confcience ofaman regenerate that dcr and littleconfcicnce. It IS acommon prahe is thechild ofGod, I .Cor,2.I •. Thrrefote <life with ucke men w~en they make their the confcience alfodoth the IJme.IIJ.Hethat wilson their death beds,tnthe verylirllp4ce is iuflified hod1peace ofconfcicnce.Rom. s.t·. to commend their bodies to the g:aue, and Now there can beno peace in confclencc tili their foules to G?d thot gaue the.mmhope of confciencc tell rhe man which is iufiified that I a hetterrefurrecbon:and all thiS_IS welldone; hei• indeed iullilied.IV.That which the conbutafterward theybe<Jueaththetrgoods gotfcience may knowcertenly,it may tellifie: but ten by fraud,opprdsion, and fo:gedcaulll~ticonfcience may know certenly without reueonto theirowne fnends and cbt!dre~ i W!thlation, the mans deCl:ion, and adoption as I out making any recompeoce or fatJSfachon. hauebefore prooucd:rherforC: it is able togiue But,alas,this lhould not be fo: for obctltence teflimonie ofthefe. thatgoes \virh good confc1ence mull b~ perAgaine, the regenerate confciencc giueth .formed ro all Gods commaodemenrs Without 1 ------~------------------------------------------------------=ex~cep~