Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

'The orderofthe caufes p.5. And th<fame calfeis rearmed an idoil, ,.A{/.7·4-'· Therefore the worfhipping of God in an itnage,is here prohibited. .Anyg""'" image) Here the more fpeciall is put tOr the more gcnerall,namdy,a grauen hnage, for all coumerfeit meanes of Gods worfhip. The fir!\ pm of the commaundement is here illuRrated-by adouble dillribution.The firfi isdrawne from the caufcs. ThoHjiMie ne~t ma~e thee ttn idol,\~httherit be m~rAutn inW(Jod orjle~n~:or Whtther it bepainted in4tllb/e. The fecond istaken from the place. Tho11Jh•lt nDt m.fkt theetJnidoJ ofthings in /;ttfurn, Mft~trres, 11ndbirdJ :er intht tartb, A4 ofnum, ltom~n, ~••Jl: or '!Jndtr the <Arth,Mfifhw · Thisplace is foexpounddby M•fts,DtHt. 4· 14.t0 the 1o.verfc. ThouJl141t n•t boil> d•w•• to them]This is the fecond part ofthe commaundcmenr, forbid. ding all men to fall do·.vne before an idol. I Thisword'Bow"'"'"', is againc the fpeciall puc forthegenerall: for is inhibited all fained worOlip ofGod. F.~r 1] Thefn•ordsare aconfirmation of this comtnat:Jndemcnr, p~:rC..vading to obcdi· ence by foure reafons. . The Lord] (which;., jlrong)The firil reafon, God is ilroog, and fo able to reuenge iuola– try,Heb.Jo.3f. A itai•JUGod] This Cpeech is rake" from the eilate gfwedioeke: for God iscalled rhe husband ofhis Church. Efa. ~. 4, s. Ephef 5·>6,17. And our fpirituall worfhip, is as it were, acertainc marriage ofour fouks,con, recra.ted V'AtO the Lord.!trtm. '1..1.1nmembtr thtt ll'it& the k.fndntt ofthyyouth;Andthe I••• •f the nurriJtt~e, \\l"henthau Wtnttjfttfttrme in the rvildernes);, 4/tm.i th:tt w.,u: natfowne. Whence a!fo Idols are rightly called Gods corriva!s. Heereis another argr.1mcnt drawne from a comparifon ofthing• thatbe like. Gods peo– ple mull alone wor01iphim, becaufe they are Jink~d to him,as awife toher husband , vnto whom alone {he is bound : Therefore if his people forfakc him , and betroth themfe!ues vnto idols, hee will vndoubtcdly giue them a bill ofdiuorcement,and they thall be nomore efpoufecl vnto hi;n.. . Pijiting] To v16t,tSnot aAely to pumfl1 tbe children for the fathers offences, but m take notice, a•d apprehend him in the fa:ne fault~, byreafon they arc giuenoucr tocommtr thetr fatherstunfgrefsions,chat for them they may bee punifl1ed. And this is the third rcafon drawne from the effeC!s ofGods anger. H~tttme J [t may be, this is afecr_ec anfwer, the o~ieB:ionwhereofis not here mexprc:CJe words fet downe, but may bee thus framed : What if we vfo Jde~Jsto injl4mt: ftNdtxcitt ~n'Vs.lf /QH! andremembranceofthee?Theanf-Ncr JS this by the conrrary:Tou"''!Ythin~ th.t ;our vfo •f ide~ls k.f.ndlrth my'u ale~Ht of me~bm iris fofarrt fiwn th>~t, th4talifoch tU vftthem cannotcho,je A buth•te"''· · Shtw ''""'] The fourth reafon deriued from the d!i:tts of Gods mercy to fuch as obferuc this commandcmcnt. Here may wee firil obferue, that God is more ready to fhew mercy then topunifil.Pfo/.103.8-Tht Lmlu f•R •fcomp•Jli•nondmmy Jl•w t• ~nger, .nd •J gre,.t ~mtines.verf.t7· !ht llJHint kindn~s ofthe Lord,tnd~trtthf6r t11tr,ver.9.He \\'illnot IIIWIIJ chtdt 1 ntithtr~ttpe hU •ngrrfor euer. Secondly,· w:e ~aynot furmife, that ehis cx~e!Jent pro~ m1fe 1smade toeuery oneparticularly who is borne of faithfull parene,. For godly lf••k., had god!dfe Efo• to his Sonne; and god!dlt S•ul,had godly 1D11.rh•n. B Tht nrg4tiut p•rt. Th••Jl141tneither wDrP>ipf•lfogods nor the trHt G•d"WithJ•lfo 'W.rfl 1 ip. ' Many things are here forbidden. - I. The reprefentation of God,by an imace. Font rs alye.H•b•l:.•·r 8. wh.rpr•fitetbthe ·tm~tge I for tht m•ktr thereofh11tb m~tde it Ani– nMgt~ttnd lltttl&her ~flits, TIJeido/s w•••Jf•ftt.n'!JA1ti1J. Ier. 10. 8. 1'hrflc•k•il• doCirine •f'~~•niry.The Elib.Councel in the !9; canon bath thisediCt. We tho11ght it ngt mettt to httlte imtflU in ChHrchrs, lrft th11t 'f9hichU "'"Jh;pptdand admd, jhouidbeepainttd "P'" Wa/s. Clem. bookc Iacob. Dom. That forpcnt/ry othtrs ;.,.,nt to fP'"k! thtji wor_ds : We mho11ot.r ofthe i7111ifible Gcd,,rt 4e&ujJomed C _to Mlwe vijihlt im~tges, tht which Q/Jt of•B,,n. troutrfltil v•'1 f•IJ•. AuguRine in his tteatife vpon the 1 n .Pfa!me. The images alfo ofthe crof!"e,and ofChtiil crucified,and ofthe Saintsought to be abo!i– fhed out ofChurches, as the brafen fctpent was. z. Ki•g.•8+ H•~•k.f•h is commended for breaking in pieces the brafen rerpent to which the children o£ Ifrae! did then bume incenfe. This did Ht<.<k£ah,albeit at the firil this ferpent was made by the Lords appoiAt– ment. Numb. 21.8. and.wasa type ofChrills pa~sion. (ohn 3·'4· Origm in his 7· booke a– garnilCeifSN. Wtp<rmitn•t•l1)t•odore lepu vponthe~tltffrsinim~tges, 111 'Vpon Church~w~t!s: .b"AHft it u writtm, ThoHjbAit bAUtllone lther D g•dsbHtmt. Eptph•niH4, in that epillle which hee wrote to l•h• Bi!hopof letufa!em,faith,?t ilag•i•fl the CHflome of tht ChHrth, 11fie "'!Y imttge h«tJ.. ging in the Church,,.htth'" it be of(l;rift ,or•– .ny other S;~int, ~tndtherrfote tHtn with his '\\I'" hands reiU het 4fonder the 1111ile,whtrtin[Hch"" image W.u p11inred, Some obiect the figure or figne, which ap– peared to Ccnf1~tntine, wherein hce fltould ouercorne: but it not rhe figne of the: croffe (as the Papiils doe triflingly imagine) but ofChrifis name : for thcrhing was made o[ thefe two Greeke letters /11 conioyned ·to– gether. Eufeb. in the life ofConfl•nt. booke 1.chap.».l5· Neither ferue the Cherubims, whichS•i•– monplaced in the temple, for thedefence of ima..