Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

I '551. cVf. Treatije ofConfcience. ,q ~~ofGcrd,as when he faid,MyJoule u heauyvnta A vnta him••VerilyI[")vntothet, to dayfiMitthaM .t · 'f· death:and his agony was notfo mach paine & bewithmein Paradift.Bythefe and many other ' torment in bodic , as theapprehenfion of the places it appeares,that when a ma.ndoth truly feare and anger ofGod 111 cofc1ence:and when humble lumfelfe before God, he IS at that in· Heb.r. 7 . 1 the holy Gholl: faith, That he afferedvnro Gad flantreconciled to God, and bath the pardon ! , pray~rswitbjlrangcries?&.v~heardfamfiar:• ofhis fins in heauen: and fhall afterward haue Ihe :lmcHynotes the ddlrdk& angu11h of h1s the alfurancc thereof 10 his owne confcience. [mo!tholy confci~ncc for our fins. And as the :Ih_e fecond lelfonis,whcn weare touched in · blood ot Chn!t 1sanall-fuffie~cntremem.e,fo cofc1ence for our fin•, nottoyetld tonaturall is it alfo rhe alone remedie of all fares and doubtings and di!tru!t; but to refi!t the fame wounds ofconfcience.Fornorhing can flanch & to indeauour by Gods grace to rcfolue ou; or fray the terrors ofconfcience,but the blo.od felues that the promifes of faluatioby Chrifr of the immaculate Lambe of God : nothing belong to vs particularly : becaufe todoe tbu; can C~tisfie the iudgement of the confcience, much,is thevery commandementofGod. much lcfii,the m<;>fr fe~creiudgementofGod, The third thing is,, therefortnauonafcanfti- Good butthe onely fausfaDwnofChnfl. In the •P· B ence;wh1ch IS,when ttdothceafe to accufeaud . conf<ie« p!ic~trionofthe rcmedia, two things are·requi.. rcrrifie,and begins to excufc& tcfiifie vmo vs t a !ruit of red: theGofpel preached,and faith:theGof· by th: holy Ghofl,that we are the childrenof' falCh· pdl isthe ha11d of God, thatoffereth grace to God,and haue the pardon ofour finnes. And vs : &faith is our hand wherebywe receiueir. this it will doe after that men haue fcrioufly That weindeed by faith may receiuc ~hri£! humbledthem{elues,and prayed earneflly and with all his benefits,we mufl put in praDife 2. conflantly withfighes and groanes offpiritfor ltlfons. The fir!t is, vnfainedly tohumble our reconciliation with God in Chrifl. For then felues before God for all our wanrs,breaches, the Lord will feod downc his fpirit intothe and \Vctmds in conf~icnce : which,being vnro confc~ence by a fweetc and hcauenly rdHmo.. vs a Paradife ofGod,by ourdefault wee haue ny,to affurevs that we are atpeace with God. made as it were alittle hellwithin vs.Thishu· Thus wee fee how good coofcience is got• miliarion is the beginning of all grace & reli· ten: & becaufe itis fo pmiousaicwell,I wilh gioo: pride and good con!cience canneuorgoe all perfons, that as yet neuer laboured toget together. And fuch as haue knowledge in religood confcience, now to begin. Reafons to gionand many other good gifts without huinduce menthere may be thefe: I. Youfoekc miliation,are but vnbridled,vumortified, and C day &night from yeare tO yearc for honours, vnreformcd perfons.This humiliation contai- l riches, and pleafures, which ycmufr leauebe– neth in it twodlllies, the firfl is confefsion of I hinde you: much more thertforc ought you our Gnnes,efpecially ofthofc that lie vponour to feeke for renewed& reformedconfciences, confciences: wherewith mull be ioyned the confidering rhat confcience will bewith you accufing and condemning of our felues : for \ in thislifc,in death, at the lafr!udgement,and then we putconfcicncccutof office, and d1fforeuer.U. He that wants acofctence purged patch that labour before our God in this life, in the blood ofChrifl,can neuer haue anyrru: which confcience would performe to our e- 1 and laftingcomforriu this life. Suppofe a man tcrnall damnation after this life. The fecond 1 arrayed in cloath of tifhue , fer in a chaire of dutie is Deprecation,which is a kind ofpray. I eflate, before him a table furnifhed with all er made with groanes and ddires ofheart, in dainty prouifion: his fcruants, Monarches and which weintrear for nothing bur forthe parPrinces ,; hisriches, thechiefeftrreafures and don ofour finnes,and thatfor Chrifts fake,till · kingdomes in the world: butwithall fuppofe ilKh time as the confcience be pacified. one!landingby,with a naked fword to cut his To this humiliation flanding on thefe two throat, or a wild beaftready <uer and anon to oarts, excellent promifes of grace and life D pull him in peeces: now, whatcan we fay of eoerlafling arc made. Prou,zS. 13-Hetbat hithis':'ans eftate, but t~at all his happin~!feis d£thhisfinnes ,fhaBnot proipcr: but hethatcanftfnoth10g butwoe and mtfery ? And fuch ts the ethandforfo~erh themjhalfindrnercy.1 .Ioh t. 9· cllate of all men thatabounding with riches, If we ack!fowledgeuHrfins , he ufaithfnUandiej/ honour., and pleafures, carry about them an toforgiuevs OllrJi•ncs: andto c/eanftvsfram a§ euil confcience,which is as afword to flay the v'Jrighteoufnes.Luk.; 1·53 HebathfiUedthe bun. foule,or as arauenous bcall r~a9y to fucke the grywithgaadthingrandftnttherich empty .,.ay. blood ofthe foule,& to rend lt 10 peeces. Ill. Which are alfo verified by experience in 1unHe which wants good confc1ence can doenodry examples. z S4m.1 z. I 3•7Jauidfoidto Na. rhingbu: finne: hi~very eatmg and drmkmg, tba11,l hauefmnedagainjl the Lard. AndNathan h1s !leep10g&wak10g, and all ~edoth, turnes aidto Da01d,'TheLordalfo bath p•taway thyfin. to Gone : theconfcience mufl firfr bC good, zChro.ll· '3• When Manaffis WM intribulatian before thea<'bon can begood; rf the roote he prai,dtathe Lordhu God, andh~tmbledhimbe corrupt, the frUirsare anfwerable. I V • An ftlfegrwlybeforttheGodafhufothers,&praied eoill confcience is the greateflenemya man vnuhim: andGodheardhu pr")'tr. Luk., 2 ;.4z. can haue, becaufe 1tdor~ ex<Cute all the Andthe thiafefoidtalcfm, Lard remember me partsofiudgementagamflhim.It tstheLords when thaucomejlmtathy k/;ngdam.Then lt[H<jaid fergeant: God necde not fend out procelfe by