·~~ '1.~~" i,~~) VVO RS HIPFVLL, W I L L I A M B ·a -WE S K N I G H T, &c. GRACE AND PEACE. I G H T Worfhijlfull, it is a notable policie ofthe diuell which he bath pm into ths: hands of fundry men in this age t~ ;hinke ;hat our Religion , and the Religion of the prefcot Church of R0meare all ~n: for fubfiance: and that they may be re-vnited as (m thelt opm!on) they were before. Writings to this effetl:are fpread abroad m the French tongue, and refpeeted of Englifh Protefiants morethen Jsmeete, or ought to be. For let men in . fhew ofmoderation, pretend chc peace and good efrate of the Cathohke Church as long as they will; this vnion of the two Religions can neucr be made, more then the vnion oflight and darkeneffe. And this fhall appeare, ifwee doe bur alittle confider, how they ofthe Romanc.Church hau.e razed the foundation. For though in words they honour Chrill, yet indeed they rurnc him to aPfeudo-Chrift, and an idoil ofrheit· owne braine. They call him our Lord, but with this condition, that the Seruant of Seruants of this Lerd , may change and adde to his commande– naems: hauing fogrear power, that he may open and fhut heauen to whom he will; and bind the very confcience with his owne !awes, and confequenrly be partaker ofthe fpiritu<ll kingclome of Chrifr. Againe, they call him.aSauiour,but yet in Vs : in that he giues this grace vnro vs, that by our merits, we may partake in the merits of the Saints. And r'hey acknowledge, that bee died and fuffered for vs,but with this caueat, that the Fault being pardoned, we mufi fatisfie for the temporall punifl1ment, either in this world, or in Purgatorie. In aword, they make him our Mediatour oflmercdlion vmoGod: but withall, his Mother ruufi be the ~cene of Heaucn, and by the right of aMother command him there. Thus in word they crie opnnd, but indcede they crucifie Chrifi. Therefore we haue good caufe to blelfe thename ofGod , that hath freed vs from the yoke of this Romane bondage, and bath brought vs to the true light and libertie of the Gofpell. And it fl10uld be agreat height of vmhankfulneffe in vs, nor to fiand our againfi the prefenr Church ofRome, but to yeeld our felues to plottes ofreconciliation. To this dfeC! and purpofe I haue penned this little Treatife, which I prcfent to your Worfhip, defiring it might be fome token of a thankfull minde, for vndeferued Ioue. Andicr~ue withall, nor onelyyourWorlhipfull (which is more common) bur aifo your learned protection; being well alfured, that by skill and art you are able to iufiifie wha:foeuer I haue_truly taught. Thus_wiflJing to you and yours the continuance and the mcreafe of fatth and good confctence, I take my leaue. Cambridge, Junezs. IS9TYour lVorihips in the Lord.; William Perl(jns. THE