--- -------------------------- m r aReformed Catholike,I ~ndt~fotndai:y~on;t!Jatholds thefome nece/Jitrie hwls of Religion with theRomancCh~rch:yerfo,a< hep4Yes offand rei1fts Ail errtru:ndoUrine, whertlry the foid ReligionMcorrRpud. How thM m'?bee done, 1h4uebeguntom4~ fomelittledechmttionin this[m41lTrecift: the intentWhn-e~U t6.fhewhow mere we m•ycomcto{htpre[mt ChilrchofRome infimdry p•inrs of Religion: andwherein wemufl eucrdif[ent. My purpoftin pcnmngthi.[mall difoourfo i6three-fold. Thefirfli.,to con jNtelllt foch Politickp M ~old·andmaintame, th~tt oHr Religion, andthat 0 the Roman< Church differnot infid>jlance, andconfoquemly th4t they may bereconcil•d: yet mymeaning unot heretocondemne any PaciftcaUJn tbltt tends to per[wlfde the RomaneChurch toourRelsgion. The flcond#, th•t the P•pif/swhiCh!hink!fo baj<IJ ofour Religion,"''!! be wonne to abetter likf:ng of it: when thryf/u40foe how neere wecomevntothem mfundry po:nts. The rh,rdJthllt the common Protej/ltNt l!'ight infome p~trt foe 11ndconceiue thepf1ints ofdifference be~~eene vs an~theChurch of Rome: and k._now in what manner andhowfarre forth wecendemnetheop:n1Ms of thefordChnrCh. I craue pardon for the order whi+h 1vfe ~ inhamlling the ftuenr/1 points; for I h4uefit themdowne oneby one, a. theycame te minde, not reJPell:ing thelawesof method. lf'any Papiftfhaii}4J that1ha 11 e notalleadgedtheir opinionsaright, 1anfwer thot their hook!s beat hand, and Jean iuflifiewhai1ha 11 e foid. ' ThJMcrauing thineaccept~t~on f()rthif myp~ti»a~ 4~dwi{hing vntfJ thee the increaflrf~nowltdgc1 4#i/loueofpureandfoundReltgzon, J tal<! myUauc, andma~an cod. 1 Of Free-wili. 2 Of Original! finne. 3 Affurance of faluation. 4 Iu!lification ofa finner. s Of Merits. 6 Satisfa~hons for finne. 7 Of Traditions. 8 o ,· Vowes. 9 Of Images. 1 o Ot Rcall prefence. i1 The facrifice ofthe MaffO.: u OfFaO:ing. 13 The fiate ofPerfetrion. 14 Worlhipping of Sainrsdcparfed. 15 Intercefsion of Saints. 16 Implicite faith. i 7 Of Purgatorie. r8 Of the Supremacie. 19 Of the efficacieof the Sacraments; :o Of Faith. 2 r \)f Repentance. 22 The finnes Of the Romane Church. R VEL.'