~~~[1~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'11,lt<!-; :.<'JI.!.k.~WE"Y.~~.w"Y.Wl>:~~~'11.~kl~@®~~s:j~ RRvEL, 18. verf. 4• And I heard another 'Voice froin heauen, faying, Cjoe out of her m:J people, that ye be notpartak!rs of herfinnes) andreceiue not of herplagues. N the former Chapter A Saint John fetsdowne n(l citie in the world that rulsd ouerthekings oftheearth but Rome; it then bdng rhefeat wherethe Emperour put1ntxecction his im– periallauthority. Againe, in thefeuenth verfe thee is faid tofit onabeafthauingftoumhetttlsaNd a defcription of the whoore of BabyIon, <' and that at large ashe faw her in a vilionde– fcribcd vnto him. In the 16. verf. of the ten hornu: which fc:auen heads beftaum.hills, verfe 9• whereon thewomanlitteth, and ai– fothey bcftHen l(ings. Therefore bythe whore of BabyIon is meant acitie llandingon feauen hillcs. New it is well knowne, not onely to learned men in the Church of<Sod, buteuen to the heathen themfelues, that Rome alone is the cirie built on fcuen di!linlt hilles cal– led C~tlius, .AU6ntinsu~Exquitiwm, Tarpei:U, or C.~pitolinm, Yimin;;/it, P4latinm, f2.!!iriwalio. fame Chapter bee foretells her dellruclion: and in thethree firll verfes ofthis r8.chapter,. he goeth on to propound th~ faid dellruC!ion, yet more directly and plainely: withal! al– ledgiog ar\;nments to prooue the fame, in all the verfcs following.Now inthis fourth verfc is fetdowne acaueat feruing to forewaroe all the people of God, thatthey may efcape the iudgement which!hallbefall the whore: and the words containe two parts : acommande· mentand areafon.The commandement, Come out of her my people, that is, from BabyIon. The rcafon, taken from the euent, left yee bee 1 p~trtak!rs)&c. Touching the commandemenr, firll, I will fearch the right meaning of it, and then fet downe the vfe thereof, and do– Chine flowing thence. In hifrorie therefore are three Babylons mentioned: one is BabyB Papi!ls to hdpe themfelues,doe alleadge,that old Rome flood on feuen hilles, but now it i.! remooucd furtherto C~tmpus Mrtrtim. I an .. fwer, that howfoeuer the greatell part of the citie in regard ofhabitation bee not now on fcutn hils, yet in regard ofregiment and pra– {life ofreligion itis, for euen to thisday,vp· ou thefc hils are fc:ated certaine Churches and Monalleries, and other like place• where the Papal! authoritie is pur in execution: and thus Rome being put for allate and regiment,cuen at this day it llands vpon fc:uen hilies. And though it be ccme to palfe, that theharlot1n regard of her latter daies l'Uen cha11ged her feare, yet in refptCI of her yonger times in, .Ion of Afl}'ria, frandi11g on the riuer Eu– phrates, where was the confuGon of lan– guages,and where the Iewes were in captiui– tie: which Babylon is in Scripture reproched for Idolatry and other iniquities. The fecond Babylonisin•Egypt llandingontheriuerNy- c Ius: and it is now called Cayr: of that !"en- J tion is made, 1 Peter). '3· (asfomethmke) I though indeede it is as likely and more com– monly thought, that there is meant BabyIon of Alfyria. The third J?abylon is myllicali, whereof Babylon of Aflyriawas a type and figure; and that is Rome, whichis without quellion here to bee vnderf\ood. And the whore of Babylon, as by all circumllances may be gathered, is the llate or regiment of a people thatare the iohabitants ofRome and appertaine thereto. This may bee prooued which !he was bred and borne,01ee fatevp011 the fcuen hils. Others, becaufc they feare the wounding of their owne heads, labour 'to frame thcfe words to another meaniag, and fay, that by the whore is meant tlle compa· nic of all wicked men in the world whatfoe– uer, the diuell being the head thereof. But this expolirion is flat againll the text: for in the fecond verfe of the fc:uont<emh chapter, fhee is oppofed to the kings of the earth,with whom fbee is f.aid to commit fornication: and by the interpretation ofthe holy Gholl : for in the !all vcrfe of the fenemeenth Chapter, rhe woman, that is, the whore of Babylon, is faid to be acitic which reigneth oucr thekings of thuarth: now in the daies when Saint John (penned this booke of Rcuelation, there was ' in the Iall verfe thee is called a citie /landing on fcucn hils, and reigning ouer rhc kings of the earth (as I hane faid,) and therefore mullneeds be a llate of men in fome particu– lar place. And the Papifls tbemfelue~ pcrcei– uing that this 01ift will not ferue theu turne, make two Romcs, heatheni!h Rome, and that whereofthe l"ope is head:now(fay they) the whore fpoken of is heatheui!h Rome, which