Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Epift.I7· Eufto. &: Paulz:ad Mar eel. Serm. in Can.JJ· Epi. !!$. 'Baby/on theprefent Church ofR.ome. 557 which was ruled by crueU tyrants, as Nero, A Domitia~, and the rdl; and tha; Rome whereof now the Pope is head , is not here meant.Behold avaine and foolilh difiinc.'tion: For EcclefiafiicaiiRome in refpec.'t ,of Hate, princelydominion,a~dcrueltie in perfecuting the Saints of God , 1s all one w1rh the hea– thenilh Empire: the See of the Bilhop being turned into theEmperours court, as all hillo– riesdoe manifell. But lee the difiinltion bee came to rhe Popedome by intrufion or vfur– parion. It is true indeede : but wherefore was hee an vfurper ? Hee rendreth a reafon thereof, in the fame place : becaufethe Anti– pope called Jnnrx:entim , was chofen by the kings of Almaine, France , England , Scot– land, Spaine, Hierufalem; with confent of the whole Cleargie and people in thefe nati– ons,and the other was not, And thus Bernard bath giuen his verdil.l, that not onely this vfurper , but all the Popes for' thefe many yeeres, are the bea!l:s in the Apocalyps, beas they f•ppofe,yet by their leaue, hereby the whore mullhe voderfiood, not onely heathe· nilh Rome, buteuen the Papallor Ecclefialli– call Rome: for, verfq. ofthis chapter, the holy<fihofi faith plainly , that lhee bath ""'de 116nations drNn~with thewineofthewrathofher fornicatio~: yea it is added, thatJhee bathcom– mitted fornication with the i(ings of the earth, whereby is fignified, that.!he bathindeauo~red t<> intangle all tho nattons o~ the ear~hm her fpirituall idolatry , and to brmg the kings caufe now they are onely chofen by the Col- c. in 00 , ledge of Cardinals. To this agreeth the de- mine, creeofPope Nirho!M rhe fecond, ann. 105 9 • dift.,,. B that the Pope !hall afterward bee created by the fuffragcs of the Cardinall Bilhops oe Rome, wirbrheconfc:ntofthere(! of.rheder-1 gie and people, and the Emperour himfelfc: and aH Popes are exromm~eni&ate and accNrfod fC!~~ente M Anticbrifts, thatenterotherwife,as all now ~~eT~~IT. I ~~C· lo<ehimHJ AbbM faith, Amichri.fl W4il long oftheearthtoherreligion. Whichthingcan– not he vnderfiood ofthehearhenilh Rome,for that leftall the kings oftheearth to their own religion and idolatry: neither did they labour to bring forraine kings to worlhip theirgods. Againe, is faid,thatthe ten homes which be te~ i{ings, JhaR hAte thewhore, andm•k!her d<folate andnak!d;whichmufi not bee vnderfiood of heatheRifh Rome, but of Popilh Rome: for whereas informer times all the kiags of the earth did fubmit themfelues C to the whore, nowthey haue begun to with– draw themfeloes, and make her defolate' as the kings ofBohemia, Denmarke, <fiermaay, Eogland,Scotland,and other parrs: therefore this diClinl.lion is alfo friuolous. They further alleadge, that the whoreofBabylon is drunke with the blood of rhe Saints aod Martyrs, chap. 17. 6. 1hednot in Rome, bur in Ieru– falem,where the Lordwaurucified: & thetwo Prophetsbeing!laine, lie there in the ftreets, Reu·11.8. But this place is normeant of Hie– rufalem, as Hieromehath fully taught, but it may well be vnd<rlloodofRome: Chri!l: was crucified rhere·, eitherhecaufethe autl!oritie ' whoreby hee was crucified,was from the.Re– mane Empire: or elfe becaufe Chri!l: in his D members was and is there daily crucified,, thoughlocally in his owne perfon he wascru. cified at Hierutalem. And thus, notwirhfian– ding all which hath beene faid, we moll here by the whorevnderfiaitd the fiate and Empire ofRome, not fo much vnder rhe Heathen Emperours , as vnder the head thereof, the Pope: which expofition, hefides the autho– ririe ofrhe Text, karh rhefaaourand defence ofauncient and learned men. 7Jemard faith , They 4re the minijlm cf Chrijl, but theyferue Anti<hrijl. Againe,, The bea!l:!fol(_enofin the Apor.!yps, to whieh 11 moHth u giuen to fPeake hl.ffihemies, aNd.toJ}hlk£ Wilrre with the S4ints of God~ U now gotten intt~ Peterscbaire, M (I. Lyonproparedt• hi<prey, It will be faid, that Bern:'rdfpeakes thefe latter wordS:ofoaethat "':'borne inRome,•ndJh•llyet he aduancedhigh– erm the Apoftot.k! See, 'l'etrRrch faith, Once Rome,nowB•byloR, And Jrenem hb. 5.cap. la(!, £udbefore all rhefe, that Antichrijl fh•uldbct L4ttinm, aRomanc. Againe, this commandement mufi not fo much he vnderfiood ofa bodily departure in refpec.'t ofcohabi~ationand prefence, as ofa fpmtuall feparauontn refpec.'t offaith and re– hgion. And the meani<lg of the holyGho(l ts, rhat menmufi depart from the Romilh Church, in regard of iudgement and do– c.'trine, inregard oftheir faith and the wor01ip ofGod. Thus then we foe rhatthc YJords containe a commandcment from God , ioioyning his Churchand people to make a feparatioo from Babylon. Whence I obferue, That •B thofe who wia befitued, mnftdep4rt andJep•r•tethem– retues ftom th• f•ilh ll11d religion of thu profelft ChurchofR•me, And whereas they are char– ged with fchifmc that feparate on this man– ner ; the truth is' they are not fchillnatikes that doe fo,hecaufe they bauethe commandement ofGod for their warrant : and the par– tieis the fchifmatike in whom the caufeofthis feparation lieth: and that is the Church of Rome, namely, the cupofabomination in the whores hand, which is th<ir herericall and fchifmaticall religion. Now couching the dutie of feparation, I meaneto fpeak atlarge, not!l:anding fo much to proouc the fame, becaufe it iseuidenr by thetext,as tofhewthe manner andmeafureof makingrhis feparation:and therein I will ban· die twothings. Firfl,how farre forrh we may ioyne with theminthe matter ofreligion : fi:– condly, how farre forth and wherdn we mull: diJfent and depart from them. And for rhis caofe I meane to make choiceofcerten points ofreligion , and to fpeake of them in as good order as I can, !hewing in each of them our confeot & difference : an~ t!Je rather, becaufi: Bbb fome