)58 'Ba~lon thepre[ent fome harpemuch vpon this firing,that aVni· A there u it in mAn to "~lk! o; dirtt/ hisj/eppts. on may be made ofour two religions,and that _IV· Conr:l•f. The thud kmdeof allions arc we dilfor not in fubfrance, but in pointsofcir· fpmtuall, more neerely concerning the heart cumfiance. orconfcience, and thefe be two.fold: they eiThe firfi point wherewith I meane to be· ther concerne the kingdome ofdarkeneffe or gin,fhall bethcpointof Free·wiO ;though it be elf: the kingdom ofGod.Thofe thatconc;rne not the principall. the kin~domc ofdarkcndfe, are fins proper· I. O~trco•font. ly:and 111 thefe we hkcw1fe 10yne with the Pa· Free-willbothbythem and vs, istaken for pifis; and teach , that in finnes or enill actions amixt power in the mind& wil ofman;whcr· man h~th freedom• of will. Some peraduen· by difcerning what is good& what is euill,be tare wlllfay,that wefinne neceffarily,becaufe doth accordinglychoofe or refufe the fame. he that linaeth cannot but fin : and that freeI. Cone/• f. Man mufi bee conlidered in a willand necefsitiecannot fiand together. In· foure-fold efiate,as he was created,as he was deed the l'(ecefsiry oftompulfion or coaction corrupted, as he is renewed, as he !hall bee and free-will cannot agree : butthere ;. ano: glorified.Inthe firfi e£\ate,we afcribe to mans B ther kindeofnecefsitie,which may fiand with willliberrie ofnat•re, in which he could will freedome of will : for fome things may bee or nillcither good or euill: in thethird, liherdone necdfarily and alfofreely. A man that tie ofgrace: in thelafi, libertieof~lorie. A11 is inclofeprifon, mufi needsthere abid~ a•d the doubt isofthefecond efiate:an yet therecannot pofsibly get forth and walkc:·.;here in-alfo we agree, as theconcluli<lns following he will; yetcan hemoouehimfelfe freely and will declare. walke within the prifon : fo Jikewifethough 1I. Cone/M[. The matters whereabout Freemans will bee chainednaturally by ihe bond will is occupied are principally the actions of of finne , and therefore cannot but linne, and men, whichbeofthree forts; natural!, hu . thereupon finneth necdfarily , yet dothit alfo mane,fpirituail. Narurall actions are fuch as finnefredy. are common to men withbeafl:s; as to eate, V. Conc/Nf. The fecond kinde of %irituall drink,fleepe,heare,fee,fmell,tall;in all which, attions or thiogs, concerne the king ome of we ioynewiththe l'apills, and hold that man God: •srepentance,faith,theconuerfionofa hath free-will,and euer lince the fall of.AJ..m linner,new obcdience,and fuchlike; in which, by natural! power of the minde doth freely we likewife in parr ioyne with the Church of perfo•me any <>fthefe attions, or the like. C Rome , and fay , that in the firfi conuerfion I I 1. C.•ncluf. Humane attions are fuch as of a fmner , mans free-will concurres with are common ro all men good and bad , as to Gods grace, asafellow or eo-worker infome fpeake,and vfereafon, the prattifc of all mefort. For in the conuerfionof a finner rhree chanicall and liberall Arts, and the outward things are rcquired:theword,Gods fpirit,and performance of Ciuill and Eccleliafiicall dumans wil:for mans will is norpafsiuein aland ties; as to come to the Church,to fpeake and cuery refpelt , but hath an action in the befi preach the word, to reach out the hand to re· conuerfion andchange ofthefoule. When any c;eiue the Sacramet,& tO lend the earetoIifi:en man is conuerted, this worke of God is not outwardly to that which is taught. And hither done bycompullion, but heis conuerted wilwee may referre theoutward aeiions ofciuill lingly:and at the very time when he is conuervcrtucs:as namely,iuO:ice,temperance,gentle• tcd,byGodsgracehe wilshisconuerlion. To nes,and liberalitic. And in thefe alfo we ioyne this end faith .Aug•Jiint, Serm. 15. dtvtrb. A· with the Church of Rome,andfay(asexperi. p•f/.He whichmAdethee withoutthte,wilnotfoue ence teacheth) that men baue anatural! free· tbee without thee.Again,Th4t Uurtl'linJthrtt our De gm. domeofwill, to putthem,or not to putthem will urequtrtdinthu. that we may doe•nygood &IJb. .:ll'· in cxecutio. J'aMICaith,Rom·•·'4·The Gentiles D thing well.:bHt'We haueitnotft1mourorrzup•wer~ bit. I, thathAue not the law, d•eth<thingsrf thelawby but G•dworkp to wi/1 invs. For looke at what nature;that is,by natural! firength: and hefaith time God gmesgrace,atthe fame time he' gi· :~.Po!rc: ofhimfc:lfe, thatbe(ore hisconuerlion, tou· netha willto defire and will the fame grace: vdle &: chin~ the right<Oufneffe ofthe law, he WM vn. as for example, when GOD workes faith, at a8:unlle biam~able, Phi!.3• 6. And forthisexttrnallo· the fame time heworks alfo vponthewil,cau- recipere. he<jience,naturall men receiue reward internfing ittodefire faith, and willingly to receiue porallthings,Mat.6.s.E<ti{,>9·19· And yet thegift ofb~lcruing.God makesofthevnwilhere fome caueats mu£\ be remembred:f.That ling will,a willingwil: becaufenomao canreinhuRlane attions mans willis weake~nd feeceiuegracevtterlyagainfihis wil,confidering ble,and his vnderfianding dimme and darke: will conllrainedis no will. But here we mufi and thereupon hee often failcs in them. And remember, that howfoeuerin refpctt oftime in all fuch attions, with .Auguf/ine I vnder• theworking ofgrace'by Gods fpirit, and the fiand the will of man ro bee onely wounded willing of it in man goe together : yet 1~ reor halfe dead. I J. th.r the will of man is ·gard of order, grace is firfi wrought , and vnder the will ofGod,and therefore robe ormans will mufi·firll ofall bee acted and moo• dered byit; as fer. faith,chap.ro. 23.0Lord ued by grace, and then it alfoalleth, willeth, Jk!Jowthattheway~man isnot in himfolfe, nti· and mooueth it f<Ife.And this is the lafi point of