ofOriginal!jinne. atthe fame time by his grace he enableth them A both to will or defire to belceue andrepent: as alfo actually to repent aod belceue. Obiefl. II I. If manhaue no free·willto finne or not to finne, then no 1<1an is to be pu– nifhed for his finqes : becaufe he finneth by a neceiSitie not t'o be auoided. AN[. The reafon isnot good: forthough man cannot butfinne, yetis the fault in himfelfe , and thereforebee is to be punifhed, as a bankrupt is not there– fore freed from his debts,becaufeheis notable to pay them : but the billes againft him ftand in fqrce , becaufe the debt comes through his ownt default. not in the abolifi1ment , but in the manner, and the meafur: of the abolifhment of thi• finne. Papifts teach, that Otiginall finne is fo far forth take away after baptifme, thatitceafeth fO'bc a finne properly: and is nothingelfe bur a want, defea, ~nd weakene!fe, making the heart fit and rc,adie to conceiue finne: much like tinder, which though it be not fire of ir felfe, yet is it very apt and fit to conceiue fire. And they of the Chur<hof Romedenieitto be finoe properly, that they might vphold fomegrolfe opinion oftheirs, namcl)l, that a man in this life may fulfil! the law of God, and doe good workes voide ofGone: that hee B may ftand righteous at the barre of Gods iudgement by them. • Thefecond point: Of Originall fin. THE next point to behandled , is concer· ning Originall finne after baptifme, that is, how farre forth it remaincth afterbap– tifme; a point to bee well confidered, be– caufc hereupon depend many·points of Po– But we reach otherwife, that thoughorigi· nail finne be taken awayin the regenerate,and that in fundry refpects: yet doth it remaine in rhem after baptifme, notonely as a want and weakenc!fe ,but as aCtnne, and thatproperly: as may bythefe reafons be prooued. perie. Reafon. I. Ram. 7·I7· P4Hifaith directly 1 J. 0Mrconfent. It f4 nomorelthat dom,butfPmeth•tdwe!lethin 1. Concluf. They fay, natural! corruption me:thatis,originallfinne. ThePapiftsanfiver after bapti{me is abolilhed,and fo fay we: but againe,that it is (ocalledimproper!J: becaufe it let vs fee how farreit is abolilhed.•Inoriginall commeth offinne , and alto is an occafion of fione are three things; I. the punifhment, finne to be done. But by the.circumftances of which is the firft and fecond death. II.Guiltithe Text,it is finne properly: forin the words netfe, which is the binding vp 9f the creature following, Saint P•l<ifaith;that this fin dwelvntopunifhmem. nr. t!tefault,or,theoffen· c linginhim, madehimtodoetheenill which dingof God, voder wh1ch l comprehendour he hated.And v. 24. hecrieth out, 0 wretchrd guiltine!fe in .Adams firft offence: asalfo the mtWthat lam,whofhaOdtliuerme fomthu body corruption ofthe heart:which is a natural! in· efdeath! whence I reafon thus: clination and prononefle to any thing that is That whichonce"'"'ftnne proper!J, andj/iJJre. cuill or againfr the lawofGod. For the firft, mammgmmanmak;thhim tofume, •ndin we fay, that after baptifmein the regenerate, t•nglerhhimin thopunojhmentofjinne, .,a the punilbment of original! Ctnne is taken amak;shimmiforabie, that ujinne proper!J. way :There u ifocondtmn4ti<m (faith the ApoButoriginalljinnedtthalltheft. Ergo. file) tnhem that be inlefm Chrift, Ram. 8. I. Reafon.l I. Infants baptized and regeneFor thefecond, that is,guiltinelfe, we further rate,diethe bodily death beforetheycometo condefcend and fay, that is alfo taken away in the yeeres ofdifcretion : therefore originall them that are borne anew : for confidering finne in them is finne properly : or elfe they there is nocondemnation to them ;there is no fhouldnot die, hauing no caufe of death in thing to bind them to punilbment. Yet this them: forde•th u thewagesefJinne, as the A- ~aueat muft be rcmembred, namely, thatthe poftle faith,Rom.6. 23. and Ram. 5. j 2 • Denth guiltine!fe is remooued from the perfon rege- D entred into the world by jinne. As for aduall ~~~~rate, not from the finne in the perfon: butaf finne they haue none,ifthey dieprefentlyafter thismoreafrerward. Thirdly,thegttilt in.A.. they are borne before theycome to any vfe d,,., firft offence is pardoned. And touching either ofreafon or affellion. · the corruption ofthe heart, I auouch two Reafon.III.That which lufreth againft the rhiltgs: l· That the very power or ftrcngch fpirir, and by lulling rempteth, and in tempwhereby it raigneth in man, is taken away in tmg mnfeth and draweth the heart to·finne, is the regenerate. I I. Thatthis corruption is a. for nature finne it felfe: but concupifcence ia bolifhcd (as alfo the faultof euery actual! fin rhe regenerate lufteth againft the fpirit, Gal. paft) fo f.:rrc forth as it is the fault and finne 5·I7· and temptethas l.haue faid,I~m. I· , 4 • ofthcmanin whom it is. Indeeditremaines God temptethno man, bHt euerymanH tempted till death,and itis Ctnne confidered in itfelfe,fo whenheu drawne away byhuowne concupifcence, loag as itrcmaines, but it is not imputed vnto andis intiftd:thenwhm lujhon,eiuethJit bringeth the perfon: and in that refpetl is as though it I ForthJinne. And therefore it is finne properwere not: it being pardoned. ly: fuch as the fruite is, fuch is the tree. I I. The mflint ordifference. 'AugHjf. Concupifcence •gainft which.theJPirit , Aug. Thus far.re we confent with the Church of luf/tth, is finne, becaufe init there u difobedience ·contra Rome: now the difference betweene V£ !lands 11gainfttheru/e efthe mind:⁢, thepumjhmmt llul.l.5< -----.:::.=.:.:.:.:.::..::.:_::..:_::.:::::..:.::.=:.:.:.::.:._~_.:_:._ _ _ :.:..._::;~::.:_.::.:::..:::_~:::c_= . <'P·J· Bbo ! ef