ruf 'R.eformedCatholik,f. offi~rae,becaufi itbifalli m<nfor themerit! ofhu difobedience, dndit u the ca•fi of Jinnt. Reafon.I Y.The iudzememofthe auncient Church• .Auguft. Epil'r.29. Charitie infome u more,infome lefli,infome none : thehighejl degree A. ~rl'c inhim,andtherioriginallcorruption: but mvsoriginal! corrupti6n is firl'c, and then a· Cluall finne. of all whtch G_tt11nst be incre~Jfed, i& innone, a& iont ~'in4n li11u vpon Mrth. And tU long tu it may be wcreafiJ, that whicq is lelfe then it 01ould be, is in fault: by which fault itu' that there uno i11j/ manvpon earth thatdothgooJandfinntthnot: by ,.,hich fault ndnc liNing ]hall be iuflifted inthe fight ofGod. For whichfault, ifwe[ayweehaue nofmne, there Uno truth in vs: frJr, though weprofit neutr{omHch, iti& necejfariefor vs to foy, fqygiHe vs our debts, thoHgh a!i fiHT wordJ, deeds, andthoughts bealreodyforgiuen in B baptifme. Indeede .Augujl. in fundry places fecmes to denie concupifcence to befinne af· ter baptifme: but his meaning is, thatconcu· pifce10cc in the regenerate is not the fiune of thcperfon in whom it is, or thusheexpounds •Ad V•· himfelfe,(a) Thisi;nortohauefvme,nottobee l". l;b. ' guiltieoffinne, And, (b)Thelawoffinne in bap· bat"-t 4 · tifnic u re1ntttedant1TJot ended. And(') ~etnot con~. i:1: jiNne raigne: hefoith not, let notfinne be,bst letjt c Tu[%. not raigne. ForMI~ng M thouliueft, 6_{ neceffitie 41-. in finnewiiJ be in thy membeY.s: at the/e4jl, look.! it lob. raigne n~t in thee,rj-c. ObitEiiows of'Papif/s. The arguments whichthe Church ofRome alleadgeth tothe contrary are thefe. Obie£1. 1. In baptifme men receiue perfect and abfolute c pardon of finne 1 and finne beeing pardoned is taken quite away: and therefore origioaU finne afterbaptifmeceafcth to befione• .Anfw. Sinne is abolifhed two waies : fir£1:, in regard d Q;t>Jd (d)ofimpatation to the perfon: fecondly, in i~puc> • regardof(e)exil'cing and being.Forthis caufe, ~oQ,~;d Godvouch&.feth to man two blefsingsin bap– niftomi~ rifmc,_Remifsion of finne, and Mortification am. of the fame•. Remifsion or pardon abolifheth finne wholly in refpect of any lmputa· tion thereof vnto man, but not limply in re– gard ofthe being thereof. Mortification ther– foregoeth further, and abolitheth in all the powers of bodie and foule, the very concupi– fceucc or corruption it felfc, in·refpect of the being thereof. An<;\ becaufe Mortification is D nota,complithed tilldeath, therefore origi. nail corruption remaineth till death, though notimputed. Obie[/. II. Eueryfinncisvoluntaty: buto· riginall finne in no man afrer baptifme is vo– luntarie; and therefore no fin . ..A"J. The pro– poution is a politicke rule pcrt•ining to the courts ofmen,aod mul'c be vnderfrood offoch allions as are done of one man to another : andit doth not belong tothe Courtofconfci– encc,which God holdeth andkccpeth in mens hearts, in which euery want ofconformitie to thelaw is maddin. Secondly,! anfwer, that original! fione was voluntarie in our firl'c pa– rent.Adam: for hee finned, and brought this mifery vpon vs willingly : tllough in vs it bee otherwifi: vpon iu£1: caufe. Actual! titine was· . Obit[/. Ill. Where theforme ofanytliing , JS taken away, there the thingit felfe ceafeth· alfo: but after baptifme in the regenerate, the forme ofongmall fin, that is, theguilt is quite remooued : and therefore finne ccafeth to bee finue•. An[. The guilt or obligation to punifh· ment;ISnot the forme oforiginalkorruptioo but (as we fay in fchoolcs) an accident or ne: ceffary companion thereof. The true forme of original! finnc, is a defect and depriuation of that which the law r<quireth at our hands in our minde,will, affe<lions,and in all thepow. ers both offoule and body. But they vrge this reafon furth~r, laying, Where the guilt and pumthmentJstaken away, there is no fault re– maining , htlt afrcr baptifme ihe guilt and pu~ifhlnent is re~ooued, .andtherfore though orJgmall corrupnon remame,itisnotasa faulr: t<> makevs guiltie before God, but onely as a weakenes•.Affj.Guilt is remooued,and not re· mooued.Itis remooued from theperfon regc· - nerate, which frandsnotguilty foranyfiane, original! or aftuall; but Guilt is not remooued from the finnc itfelfe;or asfome anfWer,there be twokinds of guilt, aauall, and potential!. Theaauall guilt is, whereby fin maketh man tiand guilty before God ; and that is remooued in the regenerate.But the potential!guilt which is an aptneffc in finne , to makeoma~ frand guilty ifhe finne, that is notremooucd • and ther<fore ilill finne remaineth finne. T~ this or like effect faith A•gsjline, Wef"J that theguilt ofconrMpifoence:.not wherebyit is Guilty C~ntrt (for that iJnot4 perfon)butthat wLereby it ,.de ~uU.~. 1• m4nguiltieftomthebeginning, Up~trdo118d, anti .~;. · th•t thethingit felfe iseuill, fo.utheregenmtte difire to behellltdofthiJpug••· Obief.l. IV. Laltly,forour difgrace rbey al– leadge that we in our do~rine teach that ori– ginall finne after baptifme is onely clipped or pared, like the haire of a mans head, whofe roots l'cill remainc in the fleth, growing and after they arc cot , as before. .Aff[. Our doarine is abufed;for in the paring of•1 ny thing; asin cutting ofthe haire, or iR lop;. ping atree,the root remaines Vntouchetl, allt!' thereupon multiplietb as before. But in the Mortification of original! tin after baprlfme, we bold nofuch paring; but teach,that in the very fir£1: inilanrofthe conuerfion ofafioner, tinnereceiueth his deadly wound in the root, neuerafterward to be recouered. The thirdpoint: Certaintie of taluation. /, Our confmt. I. Cone!. We hold and belccue that a man in this life<maybecertain< offaluation1 and the fame thing doth the Church of Rome reach and hold. II. Co!IC/Hf.