Bcll.u.l.3 p.lll.,9.d I touching certentie ofS.iluation. )63 U. Concl~J. Wee hold and belecue thata A apply the fame to the perfons of the hearers man is to putacerren affiance inGodsmercie mhisowne_name: and that itisasmuchasif in Chrifl for the faluation ofhis foule;and the the Lord htmfelfe lhould fpeake to men partame thing by common c6nfent holdeththe ttcularly. To fpi:ake more plainely: in the forefaid Church: this point maketh not the Scrtpture the promtf<:s of faluation bee inde· difterence betweene vs. finttely proponnded: Jt fatth not any where, III. Cone/. Wehold that with atfurance of Ifl•hnwtll bdecue, hcc lhall be faued; or if faluation in ourhearts is ioyued doubting; and Peter will beleeue,he fhall be f.ued; but whothere is no man fo atfured ofhi• faluation, but foeuer beleeueth lhall be faued. Now then he at fometime doubtcth thereof, efpecially comes the miniflerofthe wor~,who !landing in the timeoftemptation; and inthisthePat~theroomeofGod,andinthel!eadofChrill pills agree with vs,andwe with them. htmfelfe,takes the indefinite promifes ofthe IV. Conc!N{. They goe further andfay, that Gofpell, and laies them to the hearts ofeuery a man may bee certaine of the faluation of particular man: and this in effe<'bs as much as men,or ofthe Church by Catholike faith:and if Chrifl himfelfe fhould fay, (.me/ius befo fay we. B lecue thou,and thou !halt be faued : ?Pmr bey. C•ncl. Yeathey hold that a man by faith leeue thou,andthou !haltbe faued.Itis a11fwe• may be allUred ofhis owne faluation through red, that this applying ofthe Gofpell is ~oli extraordinaryreuelarion, as .Abr4h~macdocondmon ofmens faith and rtpentance, and thers were,and fo doe we. that men are deceiued touching their owne VI. Com:l.They teach that weare tobe cerfattbandrepentance:and therefore faile in ap- ~neofour liduation by fpeciall faith in repl~10g the wotd vmo the>llfelues•.An[.IQdecd gard ofGod that promifeth: though in regard rhts manner of applying is falfe in all hypoofour felues and our indifpofition we cannot; cmes;herencl<cs;and vnre!'cntantpcrfons,for and in the former pointtheyconfent with vs. they apply vpon carnall prefumption, arid not by fatth. Neuerchelelfe it is true in all theelcC\ hauinll the lpiritofgrace,and praier:for when God In the mmtflerie ofthe word beeing his owne o~dinance, faith, See~yemyfm:e: the heart ot Gods children truely anlwereth 0 n. Th• diffint or difference. The very maine point ofdifference lies in the mannerofalfurance. I.C.ncl. W c hold that a man maybecertain ofhis faluation in his owne confcience euen in this life, and that by ordinary and fpeciall C faith. Tl)ey hold tl!at a man is certaine ofhis faloation onely by hope: both of vs hold 3 certainty,we by faith,they by hope. U. Conc/.Further,wehold andauouchthat our certainty by truefaith is vnfallibly: they fay their certainty is onelyptobable. III. Conduf. And furtherthough both of vs fay, that we haue con6denceinGods mer– de in Chrifr for our faluation: yet wee doe it with feme difference. For our confidence commeth from certaine and ordinarie faith: theirs from hope, minillring (as they fay) but a conietl:urall certcnty. Thus much ofthe ditfercnce:now letvs fee rhereafon toand fro. Lord,Jwillftek.!thyface, Pfol,z7.8. And when Go~ lhalllity, ThOJ•4rtmypeople,theyfhallfay agame. The Lordu"'Y6'od,Zach., 3·9· And it tsarruth of God, that he which beleeuerh, knoweth that he bdeeueth: and he that truely repenteth,knowe~h that he repenteth: vnlefii: It be mlhe begmnmg ofour conuerlion and in the timeof dillrttfe and temptation. 6ther– wifewhat thankfulnes can there be for grace receiu(d? JIJ, Obieffioirs If hpif/s. Obioff.I.Where there is no word,there isno faith,for thefe two are relatiuesibut there is no word ofGod, faying, CorQe/i.,..bdeeue thou, Peterbeleeue thou, and thou !halt bee faued. And therefore rhereis no fuch ordinary faith Obicff. II: Itisndarticle ofthe Creed, that a man mufr bekeue his dwne faluation: and therefore noman is bound thereto. .Anfwcr. By thls a~gumenr it appeard plainely; thiiF rhc vcty pillars of the Church of Rome doe nor vnderl!and the Creed: for in·thatwhich is commonly called the Apoflles Creede,eueD ry article implierh in it this particularfaith. And in the firfl article, 1be/eeueinGod; are three things contained : the lirfl , to beleeue that there is a God, rhe fecond, ro beleeue the farrie<iiod to be my God, the third, to put my confidence in him for my faluation: and fo much CQntaine the other articles , which :uc· concerningGod. WhenTiwma<faid, Joh.,o. z8. My God, Chriflanfivered, Thou h4ftbelee– uedTh.,tU, Where we fee thatto bdeeue in God, isro beleeue God to be our God. And Pfal.,s.zz.robeleeue in God,and to puttrufl in him arc all one, TheybeieeHednot in God,and tfuf/dnot inhi&hdpe.And the articlesconcer· ningR<miffionoffinnei,and Lifeeueri4Jft~ig,doe i~clude,and we in.them acknowledge our fpe~ t1al fatth concernmgourown faluation-For rd beleeue ehis or that, ..is rdbcleeue there is fuch fo beleeue a mans 0wne particular.faluation. ..4nfw.The propofition is falfe,vnleffe itbe fup. plied with a claufe on this manner.Whereihcre i&no t:Pordofpromift, nor 411Jthingthat1/othco'un. NrU4ile4partkHlarpromift,ther~isnofaiih. But (fay they) rhereis no fuch particular word. It isrrue, God doth nor fpeake to men particu– larly, Beleeue thou, and thou !halt be faded. Bur yetdothhe that which is anfiverable here– unto,in that hegiueth agenerall promife,with aco~mandement toapply the fame: and hath ordauu:d the holy miniflerie of rhe word to