touc~ing certentie of Saluation. be done by any alfdl:ionofrhe will, hut by a A 'f"'"'""'""k!"<cordingtohuwiU. Andhenceit fupernaturall act ofthe minde, whichist~a~- .' is, thatin euery petition there muft bee tV.:o knowledge,fetdownc,& beleeue thatrem!fslgrou!'ds; aC?!"mandement to .warrant vs 10 011 of!ins and life euerlafhng by the ment of makmg a pet1t10n, anda prom1fe to atfure vs Chrift belong to vs particularly. To this of the accomplifhment thereof. And vpon which I bauet:1id agretth Auguf/. TraCE. I 5· both thefe followes oecelfarily an application on John. whypr<pAr<ft thOJlleethA!IdbeOy? beofthe things which we aske to our felues. lecue& thouhaftearen:&,.U Re•fon. IV. Whatfoeucr Godcomman- / my h•ndintoheaoun, thAt I miy holdhim deth in thcGofpell , :hac a man muft and can 1tting th<r< I Sendvp tlryfa~th, andth~u l4•'.ft performe; but God 10 the Gof~ell commanhotdon him. AndB<rnardfalth, homtl. mCant, deth vs to beleeue the pardonotour own fins, I 6. Where hte u thoM <anft not<omewow-: and life euetlafting,and thereforewemuft beet goeto,folww him, andftekt him-_; ~''"'" lee~c thus much, ~nd may be alfured t~ere?f· andthoHhaftfoundhim: fortv beleeutlsto find. T~1s propofinon IS plame by the d1fim~hon Chryftft.on Mark,: homrl.1a. Let VJ bdecue and oi the commandcments ofthe law, and of the wefie le[ mprefentbefore "''· Amhrof. <>n LH'<, B Gofpel.The commandeme~~ofthe lawfhew ltb.6.c.8 ByfaitbChriftutoHCbcd,byfaithChrift : vs whatwemu~do,butmlmfternopower to uftcne. TertuM.derefor car. He muft bechewed per_fGrme the thmgto bee done; but the do· by vnderftanding,•ndbe Jigefted byfaith. <lrme andcommandemenrsofthe Gofpel d_oc Reafan. I I. Whatfoeuer rfi" ooly Ghofi otherw1fe, and theref<>re they are calledJPmt loh.•·•J· tdlifiethvnto vs, that wee may, yea chat we andli{e:Goo wit.hthe co~mandcmentgiuing muft certenly by faith beleeue: but the holy grace that :he thmg prefcnbed may bee done. Gholl: doth particularly telhfie·vnco vs our aNow this Is acommandement ofthe Gofpell, d"ption,the remifsion ofour uns,,nd the ulto befeeuerem~ionof~ones' for it was t1:e uation ofour foules: and therefore we may & fubfianceofChnlls m1mftery,repewt&beleeu• mufl particularly and certenly byfaith beleeue the GofPe/1. And rhat is not generally to bethe f1me. The firft partofthe reafon is true,& leouethat Chrifl is~ Sauiour, & thattheprocannot be denied ofany.Thefccod IJMt is promifes made in himare true (for fo thediuels ued chus:S.'7'aulfaith Rom.8 1 5. Wee h<uenot beleeue with trembling) but it isparticularly receinedtheJPiritofbond.gctof eare: but thej}irit to beleeue that Chrift is my Sauiour, and chat if adoption,lVhere4J ru crie Abbafathmad<~mg ' thepromifes of faluation in Chrift belong in limber, thauhefamefPirit bcamh witnejje With C fpe<·iallto me, asS. John faicb. Thu u bucom ourjpirits,th~tt we .ere thechildren if G1tl. Where tnandm1ent,. tbatWee btlt6Hein thename of [efw rJob. 3· the Apoflle maketh two witnellt:s of our aChrift; nowto bele<:ue in Chriftisto put con- '3· doprion:the fpirit of God,and our fpirits,that fidencein him; which tionecan doe, vnletfe he is,rhe confcience C1n~ified by the holy Ghofl. b<e firft atfured ofhis loue and fauour. And ThePapifls toelude this reafon, alleadge that therlorein as much, as weare inioyned to pur thofpirit of<'iod dothindeed wicnes ofour aour canfidencl:!n Chrifr,we are alfo inidyned l dopt!On,by fame comfortable feeling ofGods to beleeue our reconciliation with bim,which l<>ue and fauour, bceing fuch as is wcake and fianderh in the remifsion ofour finnes,and our oftcmimes deceitfull. their leaues,the acc<ptation to life euerlafring. . iteflimonie of the fpirit is more then a bare Reafon. V. Whereas the Papifts teach,chat fenfe or feeling of<'iods grace: for iris called a man may be atfartd ofhis faluacion by hope; the piMdge and e<rneft ofGods fpirit in our euen henceit followes, that he may bevnfallihearcs, • Cor. 1· ,., and thereforeit is fit to bly atfured thereof. For the propertieofcrue take away all occafion of doubting ofour fa!- and liuely hope u newer tom•'<!• manajbamed, uation:asin abargaine theearneft IS giuen beRom.5. 5. And the true hopefoiiGwcth faith tweene the parties to put all out of queftion. D and prefuppofeth certaintie of faith1 neithe; 'Bernard faith,that theteftimonie of the fpirit can any man truly hope for his uluation J vnis amoft fure teftimonie, Epift.I07· lelfe byfaith be be certainly atfurcd chereofin ReafolJ.III.That which we muftpray for by fume meafure. <'iods commandement,that wemuft beleeue: The Popifb Doctors make exception to b•t euery !"an is to pr.ay for the ~ardoB ofh!s thefe reafons c;>n this manner. Fi~fi they Jay,it owne 6nAts, and for hfe euerlaflmg; of this cannot bee proooed that a man 1s ascertaine there is no queflion : therefore heis bound to ofhisfaluation by faich,as he is ofthe;rticles . beleeu(;:he fame•. T~e propofition is moft of of the Creede. I anfrm. Firft, they prooue all doubtfull: but 1t IS prooucdthus. In euery thus much, char we ought to bee as cercaine petitiOn there mufl bee ~wo things: a defire of the one as ofthe other. For looke, what of thcthG1g we aske, add a particular faith commandcment we hauero beleeueche arti· whcrab~. we beleeue, that the. thin~ wee aske des ofourfaith, the like wehaueinioy~ing vs , fhal be gmen veto vs. SoChnft faltb,Whatfato beleeue the pardon of our fitlbcs,asl haac I~ork. o . euer J: tk[ir. lVhrlJyou f""Y, beleene thatyoujhda prooued. Se.condly , thefe ~r~uments pro_oue i 4· bauert,andttJh•Nbegruen1JntojoJt.And,S.lohn ltto b~e the nature or etfennall propemcof j 11 1 (.urtnerllocechoutthi!iparticlilarfaith,'C:alling faith, as cenainely to atfure man ofhis fall , 4~ '·i· (ouriiJfi.::••_ce,that6o'dwiBgiuevntd "'what. cation, as it doth atfure him of the articles - which