Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

z.Cor. 'l·f· 15,66 d 'R,.eformed [atholi~. !which hebeleeueth. And h?wfoeuercomm6- A !ourrepentance void: for he that truly repen– IJy men doe not beleeue_thet~ faluatto~ as vn- • 'teth ofhis knowndins, repenteth alfooffuch falltble,astheydoethetr arttclesoffatth: yer as be vnknowne, and receiueth the pardon fome fpectall m~ndoe,haumgGods word apofthem all. God requireth not anexpre{feor l'lted by the fpmt as a 1i1te ground of their fpeciall repentance of vnknowne ftnnes: but fatth, wherb~ they beleeue their own faluatio, accepts it as fufficient, if we repent of them as they _haue 1t for a ground of the arttcles of generally : as D••idfoith, Pfol., 9 • 12 • who thm fatth. Thus certamly was .Abrah•malfukgowes theerro•r~ ofthu life?forg••e memyjicrer red ofhis own faluarion : as alfo the Prophets finnes. And wnereas they adde rbat faith and & Apofrles, & the martyrs ofGod in all ages: repcnrance muO: be fufficientt i anfiver that wherenpon without doubtingthey haue beeile the futficiencic of our faith and repen;ance content to lay downc their liues forrhename fLwds in the truth, and not ulthe meafure 0 ; of Chrifr: in whom they are alfured to reperfedion thereof; and the truth of bath ceiue eternal! happinclfe. And there is no wherecheyare, iscettainlydifcerned. ' queflion, bot there be many now, that by long Reafoq. V I. The iudgement of the aunciand_oftenexpe~tenceofGods mercy, and by B enr (•) Church: A uguft.Of an euiUftruantthou •neverthe mward certtficate ofthe ho)y Ghofr, hauc art m•dea good: therifm prefume notof thine bi> Dei arramed to ~I! affurance ofthctrfaluatton. owuedomg, bMtofthe gsace ofCl7rifl : it u not ferm.:S, IJ. Ex«;ptton. Howfoeuer aman may be afarrogancie but faith: to "'k?fowledge wh.r thou furedofhtsprcfentcfrate,yetnomaniscerten h'if/receiued, it unot pritk but deuotion. And ofhisper!!b~rancevnrotJ:e~nd-.Anf.Itiso- (b) Lerno,..~a~k!anotherman, bntrerurneto b Trait. therwtfe:for mthe lixtpetmo,Lw/vsnot into hu owneheardfbeftndcharitie thert,he bath fer.incpifi. tempwion, we pray that God would not futfer curitiefer hupajfogeftom/iftto tkath.Hilar.on .oh. vsrobe wholly ouorcome of thediuell inany Mat.5. The kjngdomeofheauen whi<hour Lord temptation: &. tO this petition WC haue a proprofeffod to be in himft/fe, huWlf/ Uthat itmHj/be tnifc anfwerable. t. That Godwith hopedfor, wichout any doubtfulnelfe of voccrtemptatii'!illgiue aniJli:e:and therfore howfo· 1<>~·:e ~ill., Otherwijithere uno i•Jiification by euerthedmcll may buffet, molcfr, and wound aJth.iff••thJtftlfebe made d.ubrfuU.Bernardin the fcruanrsofGod, yet !hall heueuer be able his epifr.to7. Who u theiuj/man,b•t hethatbetoouercomethem. Againe, berhat is once a inghuedofGod,loueshimagaine:v;hichcomesnot member ofCh1if.t, can neuer be wholly cut I to paffe but by the fpirit reue\ling by Faith the off. And ifany by fin were wholly feuered fro c et<rn•ll purpofeofGod,ofhu faluation to come. Chrifr fot atime, in his recouery he istobee WhiChreullation unothingelftbut mfufio•offPibaptized the fecond rime: for baptjfme is the rir..tlgr.ce : by whi<h; whenthedmls •!thejlefb Sacrament of initiation or· ingrJfting into aremtJrtifttd,themanisprep4redtothekj_ngd9me Chrifl:. By this reafon we l!iould as often be ofheauen - -,Together receiuing inonefjirit baptized as we fall into any ftnne,whichisabthat whereby bee may prefumc th•t he u i<Jued ferd. Againe,S. John faith, t•./oh. 1 "9· They andalft /oueatame. -- went outftom vs,buttheywerenot ofvs:forifthey To conclude, the Papifrs haue no great . hadbinofvs, thry,wonldh:eue continued withvs. caufe to diffenr from vs in this point. For they Where he takcth it for graunted, that fuch as teach and profeffe, that they doe by a {peciall beonce in Chrifl Oull neuer whglly be feuefaith beleeuetheir own faluation certainly and red or faH from him. Though our communion vnfallibly in r<fpett of God, thatpromifc:th. with ChriO:rnay bcleffentq, yetthe vnion and Now the thing which hindr<th them is their the bond ofconiunchon is neuer diffolued. own indifpofition andvnworrhineffe (astbey ll.lo Exc~ption.They fay,we are indeed to fay) which ke<pes them from beingcertaine bileeue our faluation on Gods part: but wee otherwifc rhm in a likely hope. But thishinmuO: needs doubt mregard of our felucs, be- D derar.ceis eafily remooued, ifmen will iudge caufethe promifes of remifsion of ftnnes arc indifftrently. For firfrof all in regard ofour giueH vpon condition ofmans faith and refdues & our difpofition we cannot be cerraine pentaoce.Now wccannot(fay they)be a!fured at all , bot mufr defpairc of faluation euen to that we haue true fqith & repentance, becaafe the very death. We cannot be fuf!icrently dtfwe may lie in feqet fins; 'and f<;>wam that itipofed fo!ong~swcliue inthisworld,butmsO: deFde, which we lUppofeourfcluesto hauc. alwate~ lay wtth lacob, I_amlejfe then all thJ Anf ~ fay.a~ine he that dothtruely repent mcrcm, Gen. and wtthDa•sd, Enrcrwt and be!eeue, dorh byGods gr~ce know that into.Hdgementwith thyftr•ant, 0 Lord,fornone Pfal. 14 ;. nee doth repent and bdceue : for elfc P•ul liumg.JI.• ••flifiedm thy fight: and wtth the 10• wou1d ncuerhaue faid: Pr.ooH~)'9ttrJelues wh!~ Centurion,Lwd,lamntJtWllrthyth'atthoujbouJ.. theryo• bein the faith or not: and the fame Adej/ com;vndermy roofe.Matth.s.s. Secondly, po!!le f.irh, 1 Cor. 2 .t a.W<h,~•• not recemedthe Qod mmakmg ~romtfe effaluatton retj>etts /P,irltofthell!ortd, but theJPmt whzch u ofGod, no,1 rge~s worthmes. For be cl~ofe vsroltfe •- that wemight )<now the things which are g•u~v~ uerl.arlmg 'Yh~n we wero not:ne redeemed vs :ofGod: wllich thillgs are notoncly Iif~ euerla- (t'!l!l.d5~th bcJng enc,fllt...; ~nd tntlt(es vs to llfling,but iuflificarion,fanGification, anc\fucl) 1 the pt:9,mtfe of faluauop, ifw,.~11§..,/edge osr like- And as (or fccret ftns,rhey cannot mak' Jiluesto befmners, M~th. 9•r;• lf we ftdJ.••ra•d - tr'AHefl