ofIujlijication. tr•ueHvwd<rthe b11rdenofthem. o:/Wath.u.z8. A grace ofGod within man, that can doethis /fwehungerandthirjf«[tergra&e./oh.7, 37.And but faith alone. ' thefe things wee may cerrenly and lenlibly The doe!;rine of ~heRomane Ch~rch touperceiue in our felues,and when we find th~m chmg the m!hficauon of a finner IS on tblS in vs, though our vnworthmeffebeexceedmg manner. . . . grear, it fhould not hinderour affurance. For I. Theyhol~ that before m!hfic.auo.nthere God makes manifeCI his power in our weake~ goes apreparation ther~unto: wh1ch 1s an aneffe, ,.cor. I •·9· anq fue will not breakethc: c!hon wrought partly by the holy GhoCI, and broiled reede, nor qnencethe fmoking Aaxe, partlybyrh~ power o!naturall fre~w!ll,wher• lfo, 4•· 3· Thirdly ifa man loue God for h!s by a.ma~ dtfi?ofeth h1mfelfe to bts owne fumercies fake, and haue atrue hope of faluattture mC!tficauon. . on by ChriCI, he is in ChriCiand bath fellow~ In the ,rrepara~ton they ~onfider of ~he fhip with him: and he that is in Chri!l: bath ground of tufl:,ficatton, and thmgsproceedmg all his vnworthinesand wants laid on Chri!l:; from it. The ground is faith, which they deand they are couered and pardoned in his finetobeagenerall knowledge, whereb~ wee death; and in refpell ofour felues thus conli- B vnderfrand and ~leeue that.the dollnne_of deredas weareinChrif/, weehauenocaufero thewordofCSod ts true. Thmgs pro~eedmg wauer but to be eertaine ofour taluation,and from this faith,are thefe,afighrofourlinnes;a thatin'regard ofour felues. feare ofhell, hope offaluatiori, loue ofGod, repentance, and fuchlike: all which, when Thefourth point: touching the iufii– fication ofa/inner. THat we may fee how farrewe are to agree with them and where to differ,fir!l: I will fetdowne thedoCl:rineon bothparts, and fe– condly the maine differences wherein we are to frand againfrthem,euen to death. Our doarine touching the iu!l:ification of a /inner,I propound in foure roles. Rule. I. That iu!l:ification is ao allion of c God, whereby he abfolueth afinRer, and ac– cepteth him to life euerla!ling for rhe righte– oufneffeand merit of Chri!l. Rule. II. That iu!l:ification !l:ands in two things : fir!l:, in the remifsion oflinnes by the merit ofChril! hisdeath: fecondly, is the im– putation of Chri!l:his righteoufnes; which is another aaienofGod whereby he accounteth and c!l:ecmeth rhat righteoufneffe which is in Chri!l:,astherighteoufi1es ofthat!inner which beleeueth inhim. By Chri!l: his righteoufnelfo we are to vnder!l:and twothings, firCI,his fuf– ferings fpecially in his death& pafsion,fecond– ly, his obedience in fulfilling the law: both which go togither:for Chrit! in fufferiggobei– ed,&obeying fuffered.And the verylhedding D ofhis blood rowhich our faluationisafcribed, mull: not onely be confidered as it is pafsiue, ·thatis, a fuffering; but alfo as itis aCliue, that is,anobedience,in whichhe fhewed hisexcee– dingloue both to his Father & vs, & thusful– filled the law for vs.Thispointiffome had wel thought on , they would not haue placed all iu!l:ification in remi!Sion oflipnes as they do. Rule. Ill. That iu!l:ificationis from Gods meere mercie and grace, procured onely by the merit of Chri!l. - Rule. IV. Thar a manisiu!lilicdbyfaitha· lone ; becaafe faith is that alone in!l:rument created in the heart by the holy Gho!l;, wher– by a!inner layeth hold of Chrifr his righte– oufnelfe,and applyeththe &mevnto himfelfe. Thereis neither hopo, nor loue, nor any other men haueattained; they are theR fully ditpo– fcd,(as they fay)to their iufrificadon. This preparation being made, thencomes iufrification itfelf: which is aaachonofGod; whereby he maketh a man righteous. It bath two parts:the firfr,and thefecond. The fir!l: is when afiMnerof ancoil! man ls madeagood man. And to effeathis,two things are requi– red:fir!l:,thepardonoffmne,which is one part ofthe fir!i iu!l:ification: focondly, the infufion ofinward righteoufne1fe, wherby theheart is purged and fanllified, and this habite ofrigh– teoufnes frands fpecially in hope and charity. After the fir!i iu!l:ification, followeth the fe– cond; whichis, when a mailofa good or iuft man ismadebetterandmore iufr: a]Jd this,tay they,may proceedefromwotkes ofgrace:be· caufe he which is righteous by the firfr iu!l:ifi– cation, can bring forth good workes : by the merit whereof hee is able to make himfelfe more iu!l: and righteous 1 and yet they grant that the fir!l: iuiiification commeth onely of Gods mercy by themerit of Chri!l:. I. 011r d;Jfent Andd;jference. Now lervs come to the pointsofdifference betweenc vs and th<m touching iufrification. The firfr maine difference is in the matter thereof, which fhallbee feene by the anfwer both ofProrefrant and l'apifr to this one que– iiion, Wh•t il tbevery thing, that caufeth41114/i tof/and righteo!"before God, •ndto beacceptedr; lifeeuerlaj/ing; we anfwer: Nothing but the righreoufnes ofChrill,which conli!leth part– lyin hisfufferings,andpartly in his alliue obe. dience in fulfillingtherigour of thelaw. And here let v~ confider how neere the Papi!l:s come to this anfwcr,and wherein they diJI'ent. (onfent. I. They grant that in iu!lilicatioli finne ispardoned by the merits of Chri!l:, and that none can bee iu!Hfied without remifsion of linnes, and that is well. I I.They grant,that the rightec:iufnes whet– by a man is made righteousbefore God,com– meth fr0mChrill, and from Chri!l:alone. Il I. The moll learned among them fay , that