Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

;8 'The order of the cat{es demneth all thofe marciJants,which tranfport A giucth to God painte~-wotlhip,thatis,ifyou wares to idolaters, and fell them frankinregard outward behau1our,grcat ftncerity: if cenfe, waxe cloath, or other fuch things as the inward and hearry affel<ions, oone atall. help: them in the fer• ice of their idols. Mat.r 5·7· Hip"ritts,wt/1 EfoiM prophe. The fourth, is tr.iall or fuits in lav before ciedof you,[4Jing, ThUpeqpfecommeth neere me Judges which are infidels, when Chrillian ~ith theirmouth.& honorethme \~ith their lips courts may be frequented:but ifthey cannot, bHt their he~rt;s[4rre Th; and we haue to deale with infidels, we may \\lick!dm4n i1 fo promJ~thfft he(iek.!_th notfor God appeale to infidels-r.Cor.6.6.Bmhergotth to The elfedsofhypocrilie are thefe: r. To l•wlllithbrother, •ndth.,vndtri•Jidels. Ad. fcekcthe pompe and glory ofthe world and >5.11· P•ul•ppMittht•C~for. by all mcanes ro enrich it fdfe notwichn~n.. The fifth, is the worlhipping of thebeall, ding itmakeaglorious lhew ofthe fcruice of and receiuing his marke. Reu. 14. 9· If"''} God. 2. It is flmpe lighted,and bath Eagles m~nworjh;p the ~e..jl,a11d his image~m:dreceiJte eyes to obferue other meosbehauiour when the mark!;n hU[Qrthead orinhi4 hand. vcrf.1o. in the regarding its oo.vne, it is as bli~d asa Thefome 'ji,.o drinke ofthe Wine if the wrath of B beetle. 3• To be more curious intheobferq.a. This beaCI is the Church of Rome, J uation ofancient traditions, then rhefiatures meane nor rhat old, but this new Rome, now and cornmandcments ofalmighty God+To no better then an heretical! and apoCiaticall Clumble atallraw,and skip ouer a block that Synagogue. is, to omit ferious affajres,and hunt aft;r triV I. Will-worlhip, when God is wortbipfles, Mlth. •;. 4, ~· '!o doe all things that ped with a naked and bare good intemion, they maybe feen~ ofmen, Math.6.5. not warranted by the word of God. Coioff. Popifh fafiing,is meere hypocrifie:becimfe 2,23 .Which rbings indttdehaue a]hew•f wiftit llanderh in thediCiinllion ofmeates a~;d it dome in1Jolurtl4rie re/;gion, snd humblcnrffi cJ is vfed with an opinion ofmerit. ' minde, 11nd innotffiaring the bodie: nritl"r h.1ue Externallabfiinence from mcates, without thryirineflim.eiutu(4tufie thrflcfh. r.Sam.t3• mteroall and fpiritoall faCling from finne, ar.d 9,1o. .And SRHl{o1id, 7Jring aburnt offering to vnlawfulldefircs. Era. j8. s.6. lsthis (uch• me, andptaceojfcriogs: and heoffired• burnt fafl.u 1ha~~tchofin, th•t • manfho•ld •JJMI hu offering. And ;u fo<ne .u he hadmadt<n endof {oultfor. day, •ndbowd•llmt hss ht4d .ua b•l Djfiringtheburnto!Jering. beh•ld. S•mlltiCAme, rufh,•dlied•~>neinfo<k{clllh•nd •foes! ,.;Jt andverC. q. foid t• Sa•/, Tho• h.;ldone fo•- C thru«0this• fajJing, ''""«mptable day vntD lijhry, thDII h•fl not ~ept the .ommandement if rhe L.rd! Is not thisthe{•fling thct I hau"h"" the L9rdthyGod, whirh he '"'"''"nded tbtt, fin,toiDDji the,..ds •f~iclt._edneffi.t•tA/:.! •ffrhe Hitherto may weadde Popifh fuperllitions in he..y b•rdens, ••d to /<tthe •ppref!idgoefm, facrifice•,mcatcs, holidaies, apparcll, teoopo- •tldth"'Jdre•kt eueryy•k! ? rarie and bead-ridden prayers, indulgences, V I I. Contempt,neglcC!,and intcrmifsion auCierelifc, whipping,cer_crv.ooies. !!eilures, ofGodsferuice. Reu: 3· IS, r6. I lt._now tbJ gate, conuerfation, ptl~nmage, bulldmg of workfs,thatthDu rtrt tmtbercold,.orh#t,I would altars, pid-Jres, Chore es, and all other of thou lllmj/ coldor hot. Therfore bec••fi th•• •rt that rabble. IHk! w•rme, 11ndneithercoldnor hot,;, n:iUcome To thefe may bee added confort in mutofaf!i,thatlfh•IJJewthtt•utifmym•uth, I ficke in diuine feruke, feeding the eares, not V I I I. Corrupting ofGods worO,ip,and edifying the minde. I. Cor.'+ 1 5· Wh<t il it tl1~tordcr o[gouernmcnr, which he hath orthen? I will pray with the j}irit, but I will pr.y damed forh16 Church: the which isdonewhe ll>ith the vnderfl•nding •1ft, !willft•g ,.iththe any thing is added, detracted,or any way, a. ffiirit, but I wiOjingWith th• vnderfla•ding alfo. gainll his prefcripr,m~ngled.Deut. rz.3:. EIullinus Martyr in his bookc of Chrifiian D uerything\llhirhlm,.,..ndyou,thatdo:oeither queCiionsand Anf. 107, It il notthtcuf/•m"f addtt• it,11or dttr<il[mn it, This condemneth th• Churrhts, t•ft•g their nmtm with •")foch that Popifh cleuation of bread in the Lords kjnde ofinf/rumr•Js)r!rc. b11t their m:mner is on!J Supper, and t_headmi~ifirarion of it a~one ro t• vfi pi4i•t(ong. the people wtthout wme, together wtth that Lafily,monallicallvowes,which,I repugne fearefull abomination ofthe Ma!fe. the law of God: asthat vnchaCivow of finBy this we may karne to reiefrall Popifh gle life , and proud promife of pouertie doe traclitioos.Mat.r s.9.Jnv•i•e Jotthe7 worjhip plainly cuince: for ht that laboHrtthnot, mujl me,te~tchingf"r dcElrmes,matsprectpts.Now ir not eau,:~.TheO:3·I o..Andit it bttter to ma"y, is manifefi~thar all popiCh traditions, they e,i.. thito bur•einh4]J. 1 .Cor·7·9·1I.Theyaregreather on theirownenarure, or others :abufing ' ter the mens nature can performe:as in a finofthem, ferue as well to fuperllition and falfe gle life,to liue perpetually chali.III.They dif. worfhip,as to enrich that couetousand proud anull Chrifiii'Iibcrty,&make fuchthingsne.. Hierarchi~: whereasthe Scripturescontained ce!fary as are inditfcrent. IV. They rcnue Iu. in the old and New Tellamenr, areall-fi1fliddaifme: v. They are Idolatrous,becaufe they ent,not only to conlirme doctrines, butaho I make them partsofGods w011hip,&dleerne to reforme manners. ,, Tim. 3· 16. The themasmeritorious. V I. Hypocrifie,which "hole Script•re isgi•tnby injpiwiii ofG•d,••d is