I :~:hrifi his fatisfatlion, an: m~~r:::,?;~~::~ment feat,there to be iudghls death 1s Imputed to euery finnerthat doth edm the rigour of iullice: for then we mull ~.~~~;;·1 beleeue, for (a) his fatisfatlion before God: bring fome thiAg that may counteruaile the · and httherro we agree: . . ~ull1ce of God; not hauing ontly acceptation '·cap. 7 " The very pomt ofd1iference IS th1s: Wee mmercy,butalfo approbation in iufiicc: G0d h?ld that the fatisfaction made by_ Chrifi in beingnot onely merciful, but alfoa iufi iudge. hiS cleath,andobedtence tO~helaw IS Imputed n. Reafon. :.Cor. 5 •21. He which /,zlewno to vs ~nd beco~eso!tr righteoufnefle•.They finne, wa. ~adejinnefor ~s, tbu wtt might bee fay, 1t IS our fausfatl1on; and not our nghtemade the r~ghteo•foeffe of God wf>ich u in him. oufne!fe, whereby we £land righteous before Whence I reafon thus. As Cl>riU was made God: becaufe it is inherent in the perfon of linforvs,fo are we made therighteoufite!feof Chrillasa fubie<\.Now theanfwer ofthePaGod in him: but Chrill was made finne or a pill: to the former qudHon is on this manner: linner by imputation ofour finnes, he ~ei~g The tiling (faith he) thatmaketh vs rigt.Jteous in himfclfe moll holy: therefore a £inner is before God, and caufc:thvs to be accepted to made righteous before God , in that Chrills life euerlalling, is remifsion offinnes, and the B ~ighteoufnesisimputedand applied vnto him. habiteofinward righreoufnes;orcharity with Now ifany !hall fay, that man is iullified by the fruits thereof•. We condefceudand grant righteoufues infufcd: thenby like reafon,I fay that thehabiteofnghteonfnes, whichwecall Chnll was made fin for vs by infuflon offin fancti~cation,is an excellent g!ft ofGod,and which tc: fay,is blafphemy. And the expofiti~ hathhis reward of God; and Is the matter of onof th1s place by Same Heerome is not tobe ouriufiification before man;becaufe it ferueth 1 ~efpifc:d. Chrij1 (faith he) beingofferedfor our todeclare vstobe reconciled to God, and to 11mves took!thenameoffm,that wemight bemade be iullified ; yet wee deny itto be the thing, therighttonfneffo of God inhim.Notours norin vs. which maketh vs of finners to become righIf this righteoufndfe of God be neither ours teousoriufibeforeGod. nor in vs, thenitcanbe no inherent righteAnd this is the fir!l pointof our difagreeoufnes, but mull needs be righreoufne{fe immenrinthematterofiu!lification:whichmull puted. And Chryfoflome on this place faith, be marked : becaufe ifthere were ne> more It u <40<dGodJ r.ghttoufncffo, becanji it u ""of pointsofdif!<rcnce betweene vs, this one aWork!s, andbecanji it "'"ft b• without all llaine lone were fufficient to keepevs from vniting or want; and this cannot be inherent righteof our religions: for hereby the Church of c oufnelfe. Anfolme faith, Heu m•defmnetUwe Rome dothrafethe very foundation. aremadeiuflice:notours ~ut Gods:not in~sbutin Now let vs fee by what reafons we iufiilie him: tU he ;, madeftnne~·•hUvwnebutours:~otin our doctrine:and fecondly,anfwerthecontrahimjilfe,but invs. ry obieetions. Reafon. Ill. Rom. 5.J 9• Asbyone m411S difOur reafons. obedimce many were madejinners:foby the obedi. met of one,jha/Jm4!1J bemade righteous: marke, here isa comparilon betweene the firll &the fecond Ada,.. And henceI reafon thus. As by thedifobedience ofthe firll Ad•mmea were made finners : fo by the obedience of the fe– cond eAd.lm,are we made righteous.Now we are not onely made finners by propagation of naturall corruption, but by imputation. Fer AdAms firll finne was the eatingofthe forbid– den fruit: which very a a is no perfonall of· fence , butis imputed to all his pollerity , in wh•mwe h~ue aOftnned. The (b) Fathersq)\ this very fmnc .AdAms hand-writing, making vs debters vnto God. And therefore in like manner the oi>edience of Chrill is made the righteoufnelfe ofeuery beleeuer, not by infu– fionbut byimputation. Reafon. I. That very thing whiclt mullbe ourrighteoufues beforeGod, mollfatisfie the inlliceofthe law, which faith, J.e thtjithings Rom. 10 • and thoujhalt liue. Now thereis nothing to fa1· tisliethe iufiice of thelaw but the righteouf– nelfe or obedience ofChrill for vs. Ifany al· leadge ciuill iullice, it isnothing : for Chrifi faith, Exceptyour righteoufoesexcudthe righttMat.f.:.O oufnesofthe Scribes ~tndPhArifts:~ye cannot enter int~thek._ingdome•fheauen. What? !ball we fay D that workes doe make vs iufilthat cannot be: for all mens workes are defe£\iue in rcfpect of the iullice ofthe law.Shallwe fay our fanctifi– cation," whereby we are renued to the image ofGod io righteoufites and true holines ? that alfo is imperfect and cannot fatisfie c.Gods iu– llice required in the law: as if.Uhath faid of himft:lfe and the people,ABo•r nghttoufoeffou xra.46· 6. IU armnjlruom clo•th. T0haue a cleare confci– ence before God is aprinci~allpart ofinward righteoufncs:and ofi~Pa11iin hisowne perfon faith thus,/ampriuytonothingbymyfo!fe,yetam 1Hotiujlifiedthereby, J .Cor.4-4- Therefore no– thing eau procure vuto vs an abfolution and repentance to liue euerlafiing,but Chrills im– puted righteoufiJe{fc. And this will appearc,if we doe confider, how we mull comeoneday Reafon. IV. A fatisfaction madeforrhe want of that iulliceorobcdience which the law requires atour hands,is accepted ofGod as the in£lice it felfe. But Chrills obedience ts afatisfattion made for the wantofthat iu!lice or obedience which the law requires, asthe !'apills thcfelues auouch. Thcref?re thisfatis. faction is curiullicc. And mothmkes,the Pa• pifis vpon this confideration haue little caufe to di!fent from vs. Forif they make Cluills obedience their faluation , why fhould they bit<~~.H f.c~p. l7· chryfon. ho~nil.2d Ncoph.