ofIujlijic~tion. 569 ----~--~~~ ~~~--~~~--~--~ tr.y;;;;tfuUydofc hands wirhvs, and make it A 'beyod, God obeyed: and when bee fulfered, their iuiHce alfo? nor becaufe the Godhead fulfercd or perfory, Reafon. The confent of the auncient med any obedience, but becaufe the perfon Church. Bem.rdfaith, epilt-190· The iufrice which according to one nature in God,perfor· ofanother iuffigned vnto man, who ,,,.,ttedhu med obedience and fuffered. Asd by this ow11e: miVI wat indebttd,andman madepayment. meancs his righteoufndfc is of infinite vabe , TheG~tisfa{lioofone u imputedte all. And,why price,merir,and efficacie. Hence alfo ircom· m"'!not inftice be ftom another, "'we!la~gnilti• meth to palfe; that this obedience of Chrifr neffi u fonHnothcr? And in Cant. ferm, >5· ferueth not onely for the iufrifying of fome lt fHJ!icethmeefor anrighteoufoejfe, toh•ue him one perfon (as (4) Adamsdid,)burofall and •!.nemercif~tYtomcc,ag•inftwhom1hauefinned. eueryone ofthe Elect: yea it is fufficient to And, Not to[smteio Godt iuftice, mans iufricc ti iufrifie many thoufand worlds. Now ~ocome the mercifulneffeofliiod.And ferm.61.Sh•O I to the point, this righreoufne!fe that is in mg mincownerighteonfoes?LordIwiOremember Chrifr, in this largeneffe and meafure; is perthy righreoufo.s alone: for itismine alfo: in th<t tainingtovs in a more narrow skaotliog: betuenthouartmadevntomt righteoufoejfeof God. B caufe it is onely receioed by faith, (b) fo far What, jiJ41lIfe•r• kjl that one be notfufjicimtfor forrh,as it ferueth to iufrifie any particular be. vs both?it io1Jotajh.mclekftbatcannotcouertwo: lecuer. But they vrge the reafon further, fay. itw•ltcomrboththeeandmeelargety, beiltgboth4 mg; If Chrifr his righteoufndfe be rherigh. largeandeterna/1i•ftice.AugHjt.onPfol.:z.Hee teoutiJe!fe ofeuery beleeuer; then euery man pr4J<thforeurfa•lrs, & bathmAdeourfaults hu fhould bee a Sauiour: whichis ab(urd•.Anfw. .,.lrs, rh., he might mak!hio iull:ice our iufrice. I an~weras before,and yet more plainly thus : Obiections of P~pifts. Chnfr his righteoufne!fe is imputed to the Ooie{lions·of the Papifrs proouing inhe- · petfonofrhisorthar man,r.or as it is the price rent righteoufnelfe re be in the matter of our ofredempuon for all mankind, butasi~isthe iu(Hce beforeGod, arc theft:: 1. ObieEt. Itis price of redemption for one particular man: abfurd, thatone man fheuld bee made righ-' ]as for example, Chrifr his righteoufnelfe is reous by the righreoufi1effe ofanother: for it Imputed to Peter, not as it isthe'price ofreis as much as if one man were made wife by demprionforall, but as it is the price of rethe w1fedome ofaaother. An[w.It is true,that demptlon for Peter. And therefore Chrifr his uo man can be made.righreou• by the perforighteoufne!f, is nor applyed to any one finnail righteoufneffe of another, becaufe it per- C ner m that largeneffe and meafure, inwhich it raines onely tooneman.And bec•ufe the wifis in theperfon of Chrifr: but onely fo farre dome that is in one man, is his altogether forth as it krlll:~ to fatisfie the law for the wholly,itcannotbe the wifdome ofanother ; faid /inner, an:II:O make .his perfon acceptod nomore then the health aud lifeofone body, ofGod as righteous, and no further. can be the health of another. Butit is other1! I. _Qbie!J, Ifwe bemade righteous by wife with the righreoufiJe!fe ofChrifr:it is his Chnfr hiu•ghteoufoe!fe truly, th<" Chrifr isa indeede, becaufe it is inherent in him as a fublinner truely by our linnes; but Chrifr is not ic~ : itis AOt his alone,but hisandoursrogeindeed a linnet by our linnes. .Anfw. We may thcr by the rcnourof the Couenantof grace. withreuerencctohis Maiefricingoodmanner Chrifr as bee is a Mediatour is gioen to euery fay, that Cbrifr was a linner and that truly, bcleeuer as really and truely, as land is giuen' nor by any infulion of linne.inrohis mofr holy from•nantoman: andwithhimaregiuen all perfon, but becaufe our linnes were laid on things that conceme fahtation : they beeing him: thus fa1th the holy <'ihofr: hee which madeours by Gods free gift ;amorig which,is knew no linne w.u madejirmefor w: and hee Chrifrhisdghreoufne!fe. By it therefore, as wasaccount~d ~.ithlinners,/fo.H·IZ·Y;tfo, bemg a thmg ofour owne, we may be mfr1fied D aseuen then mhtmfelfe he was without blot befoteGod,andacceptedtolifeeuerlafring. yeamoreholythen all men and Angels. 0~ II. Obieif. Ifaliooerbeiufrifiedby Chrifr this manner laid Chryfoftome. :. Cor. 5· God hi.righteoufnelfe, then euery beleeuer fhall permittedChrift to be condemned"' a finner. Aqe as righteous as Chrifr: but thatcannot be. gaine, He madetheiujloRCtobe alianer that he An[w. The propofition is falfe; for Chrill: his might m-k!finners inft. ' righteoufne!fe is not appliedtovsaccording I V. ObieEt, If a man be made righteous as it is in Chrill: : neirher according to the by imputation, then God iudgeth linners to fame meafure, nor rhe fame manner: For his be righteous, but God iudgeth no !inner to obediencein fulfiiling the law, is aboueeAbe righteous, for it is abomination to the dams righteoufue!fe, yea aboue the righteoufLord. eAnf. When lbod iull:ifieth a linner by netfe ofall Angels. Fortheywere all but creaChrift hisrighteoufoe!fe,at the fame rime he tures, and their obedience the obedience of ceafeth in regard of guilrine!fe to be a fm~er . c~eatures:~ut Chrifr)lis obediepcels thcobe. and to whom.God imputeth tighteoufrie!f,; dte•ce or nghreoufoelfeofGod : fo rearmed, them he .fanchficrh at the very fame ·inll:ant .Rom.1, 17,18. z.Cor.5. 21. noron:ely becaufe ,by his holy Spirit; giuing alfo vntooriginall Gad accepted ofic, butbecauf~ it was intha, corruption his deadly wound. . )PerfoJJ, which is very God. When Chri!l:.o· V. Obieff. That which.eAdam neuer loll:, Ccc was a Name· Iy, for himfelfe. bAsany onc:llarre pan:lkes in the whole light of the Sun with the rdl:ofthe (l:lrrcs,fo far forth ns the raid ligh; makcJ it to thine. :t.Cor.s.