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cvf ~eformed [atholil<!• ~as neue~giuen by Chri!t: but ~eneuerlofl A :example to all that arc to be faued. 1· Tim. 1 , Imputed nghreoufneffe>therefore1n~as ~euer 16. and'Phi/. 3· 15·'7· gmenvntoh'!"· Anfw. ThepropofitioniSnot II. Reafon. That whichwearetoaskeof true: ~or IJlnmg faith, tha~ was neuerlofr by Godm prayer, we mufr belecue it fhallbe gi- .Ad!m,Isg~en t~ ys m Clmfr : and .Adamneueo tovs,as we aske it;but in prayer weare ro eer had thiS pnu1ledge; that after the lirfr askethe pardon<>fourowne fins and the me- ' Woe grace fhould follow the(a)fecond,and thererit of Chrifrs righteoufne!fe fo; our felues. hJue" fore being lefr to himfelfe, he fell from God : rherefore wee mufr belccue the fame particu: ~~~r::~e and yet thismercie is vouchfafed to all bcleelarly· The propofirion is a rule ofGods word hld no uers: thatafterthe firfr conuerGontSod will requiring that in eueryperirion weebring~ mo" but llill confirme them with new grace : and by particular faith, whereby we beleeue thatthe po!fe fi this meanl!s, they perfeuere vnro the e_nd. thinglawfullyasked,lhalb~giuenac~ording- ~:~~~~ And whereas they fay that .Ad•mhad notlmly,M•rk! 11·24·The111mons alfo euident nej. •ed vdle puredrij!hteoufneffe: I anfwer, tnar heehad .ther can itbe denied: for wee are taught by quodpo(. the fame for fubfrance, though not for the Chrifr himfclfe to pray on this manner Forfet. Aug. manner ofapplyingby imputation. 11 giMtvssNrdebts : and to it we fay, Ame;, that de coe. VI.Obitll.Iufrificationiserernall: but the IS, that ourpetitions fhall without doubt bee "P'· et imputation of Cbrifr his rightcoufueffe is uot graunred vntovs• .Aug,form.dtTemp. 1 g 2 , ~:~'· "P· erernall• forit ceafethintheendof this life: And here note, thatthe Church of Rome therefore it is no.t that which iufrifie.rh afinin the dodrine ofiufrification by fuith,curs off ner. Anfw. The 1mputat1on of Chnfls nghthe prmcipallpart and properrie thereof. For teoufnolfeis eoerlafling: for heethat is efreein iafrifying faith, two things are required . med righteous inthis Iife by Chrifrhis righrefirfi,knowledgreuealed in the word touching oufnelle!isaccepted asrighreous _for ~ue.r: an_d the meanes offaluation: fecondly,an applying the rem1fs10n of !inncsgraenred m thiShfe, IS ofthings knowne vnro our felues, which fome for euer continued. And though fanCiificaticall afliance.Now the firfrthey acknowledge, on be perfca in the world to come, yet fhall 1burthefecond which is the veryfubfianceand it not mfrifie: for we mufr conceiucir no oparr thcreof,theydeny. therwife after this life, butas a fruit fpringing III. Reafon. The iudgemenr oftheauncient from the imputed righteoufndfe of Chrifr, Church. (b) .Augujl. [ demandn•w,doej/thoH b n. without which it could not be. And a good beietMe in Chnj/,0 fimrer? ThoNfaJefl,( beleeHe. verb.Dei childe will not cafrawaythefir£1: garment, C Whatbekeuef/thoM?thatallthyfinnes""'J[mly fenn.7. becaufe his father giues him a fecond. And be pardoned;, him. Thou halt that which thou whatif an iaward righteoufndfe be perfe<'t in beleeuefr.(c)Bernard,The .Ap.jflttbink_eththat , Sttm. theendofthis life,. fball we. therefore make it a11111nu U.j/ifiedfreelybyf•~th. 1f thoubelu"ejl de Anthe matter of our mfr1ficauon? Godforb1d: that tbyjinnesc•nnotberem~tted,butbyhimalane nun. For the righteoufneffe whereby!inners areiu- <~~ainjfwhom they werecommitted: bNtgor[Hrltified, mufrbe had in thetime of this life, bether, andbeluu~thu too, th.r by him thy fins are fore the pangs of death. forgiuen thee,Thu uthetejlimo"}whichtheho!J I I, Differenct abolltthemannerqf Ghojlgiueth in the he<~rt.f4Jing, 1 byfinsareforiufliftc•ti<lu. giHen thee. (d) Cyprian, Godpromljeththeeim- d 5 All,buthPapifrsand Prorefranrs agree,that mortalitie, when thougoejlout ofthu world, and de~,":;;!. a fitmer is iufrified by faith. This agreement doejl thoudoubt?Thu u inderdenot to k!Jow God, is onely in word, and the difference betweene andthu ufora member•fthe Chun;h in thehouft vs i• great indeede. And it may be reduced to offaith not to haHefaith. 1f we beleeue in {hrijl, rhefe three heads. Firfr,the Pa~ifr faying that let vs belteue hu words •ndpromifos, •ndwe fh•N a man is iufrified by faith, v~derfiandetha geneotrdie, andfha/1 come to (hrijl with ioyfull fenerall ora Catholike faith,whereby a man be- D curitiewith him to rergnefilr euer. Ieeuerhthe articlesof religion robe true. But The fecond dif!Crenee touchingfair)l inthe wee hold that the faith which iuftifierh, isa aCt ofiufrification,is rhis. Thepapift faith,we particular faith, whereby wee apply to our are iufrified by faith,becaufe it difpoferh afin. felues rhe promifes of righteoufneffe and life nerto his iufrificatioafterthis maner:By faith euerlalling by Chrilh And·that our opinion (faith he)rheminde ofa man is inlightened in isthe truth , I haue prooued before; but will the knowledge of the law and the Gofpell : adde areafon or twaine. knowledge frirres vpafeareofhcl wirh aconI. Reafon. The faith whereby we liue,isthat fideration ofthe promife ofhappineffe,asalfo faith whereby wee are iufrified: but the faith the loue and feareofGod, and hopeofhfe ewherby wcliue fpirimally,is a particular faith ternaii.Now when the heart is thus prepared, whereby we apply Chrifr vnro our felues, as God infufeth the habite of ch.ari~y and other P""l faith, Gal.z.zo.lliue, rhat'is, fpiritually, verrues, whereby a finneris IU~lfi~d before bythef•ithofthe Sonneuj God; which faith hee @od. We fay orherwifc, that fa1rh mfrifieth, fbeweth to be a particular faith in Chri£1:, in becaufc iris .a fupernaru!all mfirument creathe very words following,who bath loued me, red by God m the heart ofman at hiSco~uer· Mtlgi~«n himfolfe for me particularly: and in lion, whereby he apprehenderh andrc~e1ueth thiS manner ofbelee•ing 'PaRI was, and is a_o Chrifis righreoufneffefor hismfrificattou. In