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rUf 1\cjormed [atholik.J. contrary is,That a[mner u iujlifiedbifore Godby A \ euer uprick_!dfor hisJins,and thirj/eth4/ttr righ– fazth: yea,by fatth alone. Th~ meamng IS,that I teo•fneffo, let htmbe/u ue inthee, whoioj/ifiej/tbel notluo~ wlthm man , & nothing thlt man can fmpcr,and being i•Jiifiedby f~ith alone, he jl:al/1 doe, either by nature,or by grace, concurreth hauepeacewith God. Chryfo.onGat. 3.Tbeyfoid, to the a<'l: of w!hfication before God, as any hewhichrej/ethonfaithalone,uaccurfed,but Pa.J caufe therof,eJthe; efficleot,material,formal, jbeweth, that hee u bkffidwhichref/ethon faith! or finall, but fa~rn alone: all other gifts and .alone. Bajil. de Humil. Let man ackfowledg<'j graces,as hot'e,lo1:1e~the fcare ofGod, are nehimfelfe to want true iuftice,andthathtis utftijie.rll cdflfie to fah:ation,as fig;1es thereof,and conbndy by faith in Chri!t Orig.onc. 3 ,Rom. We fequents of f.11th· N0•hmgm any, man con~ thmk[ that amanu ••Jiifiedby faith withoutthe cums as anr c~ufe so this work_e but faith awor/;!if~he law:andhefoith,i•flifiwion byfaith lonc.And faith Jt fe!tc IS no pr:nc1pall but onea/onefofficeth, fo M amanontly belecttingmay be ly anmftrum:ntall cou[e whereby we recemo, ••flified. And, therefore it/ylthvpon vs - to,\ apprehend, ·ar.d al'ply ~hri!l: andhisrighteearch, who WM iujlified by faith withoutwor~s. oufJ1dle forour tufhficat:lOih AndftJr an ~XIlt»ple1 1 thinklvpon the thiefe 1 Wh6 R<afon.I.loh+I4,I5• As M•fislift vpthe .B beingcrucifiedwithChrij/criedvntohim,Lordrc. er pent in the wildemes.Jo mujl thefon~e if"""'be membtr me when thou commejl intotbJ k};ngdome: lift vp: that whofoeuerbeleeutth mhtm/hall not & there uno other good work ofhu mentioned perijh but haue euer/afring life. In thefe words in the GoJPekbutfor thitalonefaith,Ie[H6foithvn Chrift makes a compari!on on this ma~lner: tohim,Thu night tho•Jhalt be witbme·inParadif. Whenany one of the Ifraelites were fiung to · I I I. 'lJijference. death by fiery ferpents, his cure was not by aThe third difference abeut iullification is ny phyficke or ft~rgerie, but onelyby thecaconcerning this point, IJamely, how far forth !lingofhis ciesvp to thebrazenferpenr,which 'good workes arc required. Mofis haderected by Gods commandemcnt: The dollrine of the Church ofRome,is that cucnfo inthe cuccofour foules, when we are there be twokinds ofiuflification: the fit!l& flung to dea:h by /inrie, there is nothing re- \the fec&d,as I haue faid, The firfi,is wh_en one qmred W!thm vs for our recouery, but onely ofan emll man ISmade a good man& mthis that we call vp and fixe the eye of our faith workes are wholly excluded, it being wholly on Chrift and his righteoufue(fe. ofgrace. The fecond, i• when a man ofa iuft Realon, I I. Tb; excl:tfi'ueformesoffpeech man is made morciuft. And thi.rhey wil haue vfed in fcripturc probue rhus much: Weare iu- C to proceed from worksofgracc:for(lay they) jlifiedfteely, not ofthelaw, notby thelaw,without as a man when he isonce borne,can byeating the/aw,withoutworJes,nor ofwork.!,nota<eording and drinking make himfelfc a bigger man, to wor~s,notifvs,not by the work[softhelaw,b~~t though he could not atthe lirftmake himfelfa byfaith. Gal, ,,,6. A li boajling <:•:eluded,onely man:eucn fo,a /inner hauing his I .iufiificatio, belceHe, Luk., g. 50.:hefediflin~icns, wheremay afterward by grace make himfclfe more by workes and the law are exduded in the iufr.Therefore they hold thefe two things :I. worke ofiufrification,doe include rhus much, thatgood works are meritoriouscaufes ofthe that faith alone cloth iuflific. fecond iufiification,which they terme Allual. Reafon. I I I. Very rcafonmay reach thus !I. that good works arc means toincreafethe much: fornogift in man is apt and fit as a fpifirfiiufrification,which they call Habitual!. rituall hand eo rccciue and apply Chrifrand Nowletvsfcehow farforthwemufrioyne his righreoufne!fc vnto a finner,but faith. In· with them inrhispoinr.Our confent therefore deede loue,hopc,the feare ofGod,and repenfiznds inthree conclufions. tance,hauerheir feuerall vfes in mcn,but none I. That good works doneby them that are !'erue forrhis end to apprehend Chrifrand his iufrified doe pleafe l'iiod, and are approoued meri·s, none of them all haue this receiuing D of him,and therefore haue a reward. propertic: and therefore there is nothing in II,Good workesare nece!fory to faluation man,that inflifieth as a caufe butfaith alone. two waies:firft,notascaufestherof,citherc6· ·Rcafon. 1V. The iudgement ofthe ancient uerfant, adiuvaor,or procrcant; but enclyas Church. Ambrofi onRom. 4· They are blejfod confequenrsoffaith;in that they are infeparato whomwithout any labour or work done,;,;_ bl~ companions a~d fruits of,rharfaith,,vhich qm'tics ttre remittedand{inne coHered:no workes 1s mdeed neceffaneto falua_uo. Sc:condJy,thc:y or repentancereq1iireJo[ them, but onely that are as neceffary a~markc:s maway,an~as the they l?elccue. And c. 3. Neither working any way it felfc direLlmgvs vnro etcrnal~hfe. thi»g, nor requiring the /ik[, arethey iuj/iftedby lii.We hold& belecue, that the nghtcoas faith alone througl> thegift ofGod. And I. Cor. man,is m fome fort 1Ufi16ed by workes: for fo I .Thuit appointedof God, thanvhofoe•erbeleethe holy Ghofi !Peaketh plamely and truely, uerhin Chrijl,jha/1 befoucdwithO/It anywork! by lam.z.>I·Th~t Abrah~m ""' Hlj/ijiedbywork.!. aDe ver- faith alone , fteely receiuing mni!Jion of jinnes. Thus fan.veJ~ync with them : and rl_1c very bis dom. aA1tj/ine, Thcr,c u one propitiatio:Jforal/fins, to difference IS thiS. They fay,we are mfiiJied by f"m40. belw<e in Chrijl. Hefyc. on Leuit. lib, 4· c. 2 • works,as by caufes therof: wcfay,th~t we arc 0 5uper Grace whU:h u of mcrcie u apprehended by iu!lified by works, as by /ignes & frmts of.our ~;:~~2 • filitb alom:,andnot ofwork$s. Bernard, b Whofoiu.(tification before God, and nootherw1fe: and'