, oflujlijication. 573 andiuthis fen'fe mulhheplaceof Saint )an~<s A man to be bound to the rigour of the whole be vnderfiood , that .Abraha,. was iufiilied, law,isas much as ifhe were bound tohis own that is declared and made manifefi.to beeiufi damnation. indeede by his obedience, and that euen beIII. Election to faluation is ofgrace withfore God.Now thatour doctrine is the truth, out workes;thereforc the iufiilication ofa finit will appeare by reafons on both parts. ner is ofgrace alone without workes.For it is aecrtaine rule, that the caufc: ofacaufe isthc Our Reafons. caufe ofathing caufed. Now grace witheut wotkesis thecaufc ofeledjon,which election I. R•m-;.~8. wecoi1Ciudeth.e amanui~flifi· is the caufe ofour iuftification: and therefore edby faith witb.Httht work!s ofthe 14w. Some grace withont workes is the caufe ofiuftifica· anfwer, thatceremoniall workes beexcluded tion. here;fome,thatrnorall workes; fome, workes IV. Amanmufllirflbefullyiuflifiedhcgoing before faith; But letthem deuife wliat forehecandoeagood worke: for the perfon theycanfor themfc:lues, thetruth is, that Pas/ mu!Hirft pleafc G 0 D before his workescan excludethall workesivhatfoeuer,asby the ve- B pleafehim. But the perfonofalinnercannot ry text will appeare. For V·24·he faith,we are pleafe G 0 D till bee bee perfectly iullilied: isjlifiedfroely by hitgr><Ce:that is,by the meere and therefore till he be iullified , bee cannot gift ofdod: giuing vHq vnderfiand, thata doe fo much as oae good worke. At•d thus finner in his iuflification is meerely pafsiue, good works cannot be any meritorious caufe rhat is, doing nothing on his part, whereby ofiuftification, after which they are, both for God !houldaccepthimtolifeeuerlafiing.And time,and qrder ofnature. In a wm:d,wherea• v-~7· he &ith, iufiification by faith exc/Ndeth they make twodiflina iuftifications:wee.ac• all bo4Jing:and therefore all kindofworks are knowledge that there bedegrees offanOificathereby excluded ; and fpccially fuch as are tion,y~t fo as inftification is only one,fiinding mofl ofall the matterofboafting, that is,good mrem1fszon offins, & Godsaccc:_ptationof'vs workes.For ifalinner,after that he is iufiilied to life euerlafting by Chrifr;& rhus iufiificatio by themeritof Chti!t, were iufiified more by bath no degrees but is perfe.'l at the v.e'ry firfl. ' his owne workes , then might he haue fome ObieC/ions ofPapij/s; ' n ·, matterof boafiingin himfelfe. And that wee Pfo1.7.8.ludgemeaccordingtpmyr\ghteoufnes. I may not doubt ofPauls meaning,con!ideraod Hence they reafon thus. Jf 'Dauid be iudgcd reade,Eph.z.8.9. ~race(faithhe)youarefo- C accordingto his righteoufncs, thenmay.he be uedthraughfaitb: thAt notofyosrfebm,it u IUfttfjed thereby : but D~uid de6res •to bee thegiftofGod: notof•mk!s, left any manjhosld iudged according to his nghteoulilcst& therbMftbi,felfe. HerePau/excludes all and euery fore he was iuflifiedtherby.AnfThore.he'two : worke,& directly worksofgrace themfelues, kinds ofrighteonfnc!fc, oneot the.perfon;thc : as appeares by the reafon following; For wee other ofthe caufe'or action: The righteoufu"hs arehilwsrk..'manjhipcreatedin Chrijl 1efH4vnto ofa mans perfon,is whet<by1tis accepted'ingood workes ; which God hath ordained to the fauour of God vnto lift eternall•. 'Ibd that w•Jh•uld walk! in them. Now let the Parightcoufi1es"Ofthe actionor .caufeis.twhcn dre I pills tellmee,whatbe the workes which God acHonor caufe is iudge<l of God to beego6'd I bath prepared for men to walke in, and to andmll. Now 'Dauid in tbis.Pfalme,fpoakech I which they areregenerate; vnle!fethey b~the onely ofthe righteoufncs•pfthe action, 10rinJ ! mo!l:exeellentworkes ofgrace? and let them nocencie <>fhis caufe , in that bee was>falfc:Ly .·.i marke"how ·Pau/,cxcludes them wholly from charged to haue fought the kingdom<. In,!ike ' the workc ofiuftification and faluation. maaner it is faid of Phinea<, Pfalm. ,r;o6>3-I. i 'I I. G~l.5.3.lfyttbeeclr<Hm<iftd,yeartbound thathis fad in killing Zimri and Coshi•~·WM· tothewb.kt.w, andyeareaboiijhedftomChrij/. D imputedto hi"'for righteoufn1ft: not btcauC. it ' ' Here Paul difputeth againfl fuch men as was a fatisfadion to the law,the rigour l!lhor! would be &ued partly by Chrifl, and partly of could not bee folfilled in that one worl<i:: I bytheworkesofthelaw• hence I reafonthus. but becauftGod accepted of it as a inft work, I Ifany man will be iuflified by workes , llee is and as atoken ofhis righteoufnetre andz~ale bound.to fulfiU the whole law, according to for Godsglory. · . the rigourthereof:that is P41ds ground.! now I I. ObieCI. The Scripture faith in fundry a!fume: no man can·fullill the Law according places, that men are ble!fed which doe good tothe rigour thereof:for theljues and workes w_ork~.Pfol.r 19-t•B/effedu theman thAt-it vp· ofmoll righteousmen are imperfcd,and fiainghtm heart, andwalk(thinthelawujthe Lor,d, ned with finne: and therefore they are taught .An[. The man is ble!fed that indeauou<eth to eucry day to fay onthis manner: forgiuevs our keepe Gods commandemenrs. Yet ishe not debts.Againe,ourknowledge i• imperfed,and ble!fed fimply ,becaufc he doth to1but becaufe t~ercforeour faith,repentance,and fantlificaheis inChrifl,by whom hedoth fo,and his olion ts anfwerable. And laflly, the·regencrate bedience to the la)ll of God is afigne thereof. maqi~ partly!lefh and part!y fpirir:and there. Obieif. Ill. When man confc!feth his fins fore~lS befl wotkes are partly from the !le!h and humbleth himfelfe by prayer andfalling, and In part oaely fpirituall. Thus thenfor any Gods wrath is pacified and !laied; therefore "(. Ccc , .prayer