Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

574 rv1 '1\eformed [atholi~. prayer and falling are caufes of iullificarion A 1 but there is no good 111orkcofany man that is before God• .An[w. Indeed,men th~t truely I perfrtHy good:and therefore cannot iullifie. humblethernfeluesbyJrayerand fallmg,doe Obu[f; VIII. To bekme in Chrillisa appeafe the:wrath of od: yet not properly workc , and by it we are iu!lified: and ifone by the~act1?ns, but by their faith expreffed 1 worke doe iullifie, why may wee not beeiu· and tdh_fied In them, whereby they apprehend ' llified by all the workes of the law 1 .Awfw. thatwh1chappeafeth Gods wrath, euenrhe l Falthmullbeconfideredtwowaies· fir!! asa merit of Chrifl: in whom the Father is well , worke,quality, or vertue·:, fecondly, as~~ inpleafed: ~nd for whofe fake alone hee1s well firumcnt, .or hand reachmg out it fdfe to repleafedWith v•· ceme Chnlls ment. And we arc iu(Hfied by Obie£1. IV. Sundry pc~fons in Scripture faitb!not ~·ir is aworke,vtrtue,or quality:but are commended for perfethon: as 'l'{~e, ai_ld asit IS an mllrumcnr to r<ceiue and applythat AbrAham,Z.uharoeand El•~abeth:· and Chr1fl: tbmg whereby we are iuRified.And therefore bidderhvs~ll.tobeperfect, and where there is it is afiguratiue fpeech to fay, We arei•ftified anyperfethon ofworkes, there alfo workes /ryfazth.Fanh confidercd by it felfc maketh no mal'iullifie. Anf. Therebe two kindsofper- B ma~rig!lteous; neither doththe aCtion offaith fethon: perfe<hon mparts, and perfectionm wh1ch 18 to apprehend, iafl:ifi<; but the obie<l\ degrees. Perfe<'hon in parts is,when being reoffaith,which is ChriRsobcdicnceappreheii. generate, and hauing the feedes-of all necefdcd. · · ,. farie venues, we indcauour accordingly to.,. Thde arc the principall rcafons commonly bey God, not in fomc few, but in all and euery vfed; which as we fee are ofno moment. To .partofrhclaw: as /ofta.rturned vnto God acconclude thercfore,we hold thatworkescooc0rdingro all thelaw ofMojis. Perfectionin curretoiuflification, and tllat we areiofiilied degrees i• , when aman keeperheuery corn· thereby as by fignes and elfclls, not as'catifes: mandementofGod,and thataccording to the for both the beginning, middle , and accom- .rigour thereof, in the very highefl: degree. plilhment of our iullification is ondy in 'fNowthenwhereas we arc commanded to be Chrill; and hereupon John faith, if anjm"" ' petfected,and haue examples ofthe fame per- (being already iullified)ftnne, we hA•< au Ad. 1 fection in Scripture : both commandemcnts "''""with the Faeher, lt[111 Chrifi,and he is the anll e~amples mull be vnderflopdofpcrfectipropitiationfor.orftns. And to make our good i 'on inparts , and not or perfection indegrees, workesmcanes; or caufes ofour iuftification, • ' which cannot bee attained vnto in this life : C is tomakecuery man aSauiour to himfelfc• ~ ' though we for our parts mull: daily llriueto · come as neere it as pofslbly we can. .. . .. Ob. v. 2.Cor.4•17·0•r momentany•ffliEiiThe fifth paint: OfMerits(. 1 tms work! in flsagreater meaJHreofglorie: now ·ifafflictions worke our faluarion,thcu workes BY Merit, we vnderllandany thing orany · alfo doe the fame. An f. Affliftions worke fal· worke, wherebyGod.sfauour and life e- - I uation not as caufes procuringit,but as means uerlafiingisprocured; and thatfqrthe dignity l .dircfting vsthereto. And thusalfo mull weeand cxcellencic of the worke or'thingdone; ·ftecmeof workes in the matter ofour falilatior,agocd workedone, binding him that re- ! ooiasofacertaine way or aniarke therein, di· ceiucth it torepay the like. I rcd:ing \'s to glory,not caufing and procuriog Ourconfiwt. Lib. de itiai rB.emard faith, thatarevia RegniJn•ncaHfo TouchingMerits wee confcnt intwo:coagr:at.&: :,·l'gnandi.'J;hew.iy to the k!,ngdome,notthecaufeif clufionswitlnhem. The firll•onclufion, that lib.arbit.j reigning ther,. merits are fo farreforth nccdfary, thaowith- < ·;QbiefJ. VI· Wee are iullified by the fame outthem theiecan be no faluation•. o • • I .thing whereby wee are iudged: but y;'CCare li>, The fccond,tbat Chrifuour Mediatouraod iudged by our good\vorkes: therforcm(hfied Redecmcl',isthe root &,foun!aiae ofal merit. I I alfo.Anfw.The propofition isfalfe: for iudgeThe dijfont ordifftrfltet. : mentis an att ofGod, declaring amanto bee The Popill1 Church placcth meritswithin _iull:thatis already iull:and iullificationisanman, making two fortsthercof: the meritof other dillinctactofGod,whcreby hemakerh the perfon, and the merit ofthe workcil< 'The him to be iufr , that is by nature VAiull. And meritofthe perfon,is adignity iri the perfo1i, t~crefore in equitie the lall iudgcment is to whereby iris worthy oflifeeuerlalling· Ar.d proceede by workcs: bccaufe they are the fitthis(asthey.fay) is to be found in IJ1fants'dyteLl meanes tomake trial of euery mans caufe, ing afteL baptifme, who though they want ·' and'ferue fidy to declare whom God hath iugood workcs", yet are they not v01de o~thiS fiifi<d in this life. kindofmerit;for which they recemetbek1ngObieR. VII. Wickcdmcnarecondcmned ·dome ofheauen. The merit ofthe wcrke,isa for euill workes:and therefore rig~1teous men dignity or <·xcdlencic in the worke, whereby I are iullified by goodwork~s. A•fThe reafon itis made fit and enabled to dcrfc:rue hfc euerboldeth not: for there isgreat diflercnce be- !ailingfor the doer.And works has they,teach) tweene cuill and good workcs.An cuill worke .are•mcritorious twowaics: fit )bycoucnant, is perfectly cuill, and fo deferuerh damnation: becaufe God bath made a promife ofreward vnto