cvf 1<,eformed [atholil\t . reigning. Auguji•.Manoe/, chap. 2>. All my A ! thenhath Chrilt partners in the worke of rehopet<mthedeathfmyLord: HPS deathw.u my demption : men doingthat byhim,which hee mmt : mymentIs the pafs1on ofthe Lord. I doth ofhimlelfc, in procuring their falu<•:ion. fb•llnDt be voidt-ofmmtsf !.ng "'Gods mercies Nay,if this might !\and,that Chrilt did merit arenotwawtmg.Bajil.on Pfol.u4.Emnallrejl that our workes fhould merit then Chrifi u reforu<dfor them, L..wfully in fhould merit .<hat our fiained ~ighteouf•e!fe thu life:n" for the mcnts ifthcsrdomgs,but vpbeemg for this caufe not capable of merit, onthegraceofthe mojl bounti{uaGod, m whzch fhould ncucrthelc£le merit. I call it fiained theytrufled. Augujl.on Pfol. 120, Hecrowntth becaufewe are partly flefh, and partly fpirit; thee~ becaufiheecrownethhuownegifts, notthy and therefore in our feluesdefetuing the curfe meml, And 'Pfol. 142• Lord,thou wiltquirk$n ofthelaw, rhongh we be «generate. Againe mee 'in~hy_iMjiice~ Rot in mine: not bec,;U4ft 1 def'!rooegood worke we dce, we hauemany e~ lfemcd",bHtbeca1eftthou haft compajfion. udl,the otlence whereofdefaccth the merit of Obieaions if Papijls. our bell: deeds, and makes them too light in the ballance ofthe law. · B Obie[/. I II. Our works meritbyha~aine Obie[f. I. In fundry places of Scripture, or cou<nant, becaufe God hath promi cd to promife of reward is made to them that bereward them. Anfw. The word of God fets lceuc and dogood works:rherfore our works downe two couenams:one kgall,theothcr edo merit:for a reward ana merit berclatiues. uangelicall. In thekgall couenant lifceuerlaAnf.Reward isrwo.fold:ofdebt,and ofmerfiing is promilfd to workes, forthat is the cic. -Lifeeuerlafiing is not a reward of debt, condition ofthe law: Doe thefe things and but ofmercie,giuer, ofthe good will of God, thou ihalt liue. But on this manner can no wiihout any thing done ofman. Secondly,the man merit life cuerlafiing, becaufc none is akingdomofheauen is properly an inheritance ble to do all thatthe law rtquires;whether we giuenofafather to achilde,and therefore iris rcfpe{l the manner, or the meafureof obedicalled a reward not properly' butby a figure ence. In the Euangelicall couenant, the proor by refemblance. For as a workeman bauing mifes that are made, are not made to any ended hiS labour,receiueth his wages; fo after worke or vcrtuc in man, ~ut to the worker' men haue led their liues and finifhed their not for any merit ofbis own perfon or worke, courfe in keeping faith and good confcience, but for the perfon and merit of Chtifi. For a~ dutifull children,God giuing them eternall C <xample , it is apromife of the Gofpel, Bee life. And hereupon it is rearmed a reward. lf~ithfNR vntodeath,andI wiUgiuetheethe mwRe Thirdly, IfI lbould grant that life euerlafiing if life, Rroel.r.2. 10. Here the promife isnot is a deferued reward, it is not for our works, made tothe vertu< offidelity,but to the faithbutfor Chrifis merit impuredtovs,cauung vs full perfon; whofc: lidelitie is~uta tokw that thereby to merit: andthus the relationfiands heis in Chrifl : for the merit ofwhofe obedidirea!y betweene the Reward and Chri(b ence G 0 D promifeth the crowne of life : Merit appliedvnto vs. and th<rfore Chrill faith further,/ come qui<i(; Rcu. u. Obie[/,IJ. Chri!\ by his death merir<d that (y~&wiHgi11ettuutry man"""'rlingtohUworf<!: l!. our wt>rkes fuould merit lifeeucrlalling.Anf. marke, hee faith not totheworke, or for the That i's falfe: all we linde in Scripture is, that worke ; but to the worker according to his Chd!l by his merit procured pardon of Gnne, works. And tt.usthe bond ofall other promi. imputation ofrighteoufnc!fe, and life euerlafes of the Gofpel, in which God willingly fiing: and it is no where faid-inthe word of binds himfelfe to reward our workes,doth not God, that Chrifi did merit that our workes dire{lly concerne vs, ~ut hath refpcCI te the fhould merit: itis adotage ofth'cir owne deper!on and obedience of Chrifl, for whofe ui!ing. Hcedied notforourgood workes to D fake alone God bitds himfelfe as debter vnto make them able to fatisfie Gods anger; but vs, and giucsthe r<eompcncc or reward, acfor our finnes that they might bee pardoned. cording to the meafure ofctr faith refiilicdby Thus much faith theScripture, and no more. our workes. And ther.fore it canr.ot be trueAnc! in that Chri!\ did fufficiently merit life ly gathered, that workcs dce merit by any ·eternal! for vs,by hisowndeath;itisafuflicipromife or couenant, pofled on Gods ·part ent,proofe , thathe neuer inr<nded to gine vs to man. Some mayfay,lf workes merit not ; power ofmeriting thefame:vnl~s we fuppofe why au they mentioned in the prornife? I that atfometime hegiues more then is needanfwer, net becaofe thty merit, but bccaufc: full. Againe,Chri!t in rhe office ofmediation they are tokens, that the doer ofthe workcs, as heis aKing,P•iefi, and Prophet, admitteth is in Chrifi, forwhofe merirrheprom1fe fhall no deputy or fellow. For he isa.moll perfect be accomphfhed. Mtdiatour, doingall things by himlflfe,withObieif. I V. Goodworkcs areperf<CI and outthe helpe oh ny. And the minifiers that wittoutfault, for they are ti e workes of the difpcncethe word, are nothis deputies, but holy Ghofi,who cannotfinne : thereforethey ' reafonable and voluntarie infiruments, which meric.Anf.lfworks did proceedonly and imhe vfeth. I;! ut if men by workescan merit inmediarely frcm the l:oly Ghofi, there could creafe ofgrace and happincffi: for thea.felue•, not be any fault in them:but our work<s come . from,~