1 .touching ~eritt. 577 \from the holy G.1o!t, in and by th_e will and A necelfarie, for neither Church nor common- ' vnderl}andiog of man' and by thts mea•e• wealthcan be without them: conGdering they they arc tainted with fin; as water m the founare notable meanes to vphold ciuill peace;and taincis both cleareandfweet,yetthe flreames othcrwht!es they are fruits oftrue fairh,asthe therei>fpafsing t.hr,9ugh' the filthy channel are fatisfachon of Zache,. was. denleq thereby. Again,thcyreafon th'us: That C•ncl'!f.II. Weacknowledge canonical! or which we are bound to do hath no fault 1111t: Ecclefiailicall fatisfachon: and that is,when bat we are bound to doe good workes: thereany hauing giuen offence to the Church of fore theY are peife~. Anfw. The propofition I God, orany partthereof, doe make an open mu£\ be-expounoed: that which we are bound and publike reflimonie of their repentance. · to doe,in it fe!fe,according to the jntentionof Miriam for murmuringagain£\ Mofos, ~mb. the commander,hathno fault: or, that which 1:. was flricken with leprofie,and afterward we are bound to doe, according as wee arc by his prayer!he was cleanfed; and yet for all bound to doe it, hath nofault: yet in regard that, !bee muft gofeuen daies out ofthe tents ofthe intention ofthe doer, or in regard of and congregation,that !he might make a kind our maooer ofdoing,it may be faulty. . B offatisfa<'hon to the people for her trefpalfe. Obic£1. V. Chriil faith, Reu~l·3·4·thatthe And ir. the oldteflamcnt, fackclorh and a!hes faithfu!l in rhe Church of Sardis(halwalk£ with were lignes oftheir farisfaction. him in whitcJorthry •re worthy:therfore beleeConc/Hf. I I I. We hold that no man can be uersmerit• .Anfw. Euery beleeuerts worthy to faued, vnle!le he make aperfect fatisfaaion walkc with Chrifl;yet not worthyin himfelfe, to the iulHce ofGod for all his finnes; becaufe but in Chrift,to whom he is vnited,and made God is infinite in iuftice,and therefore will ebone ofhis bone,and Aefh of his flcfi1. And by uer exact an euerlafling puni!hmenr, or fatisreafon oft~isconiunction it is , that men are {lion forrhe lame. faid tobe worthy, bccaufe theyarc enriched with Chrills merits and righreoufne!fe. Obie£1. VI. z.Tim.4.8. Euerlafringlifeis tearmed "crDwne, anda crowne of r~hteoHfoe.Jl! tobegiuenofaiHjliJ<dge: therefore man for hts part by his workes deferues the fame. Anf.E– uerlafring life is called a crowne onely in re– fc:mblance: for as bee which runneth a race, C mull: continue and run to the end , and then be crowned ; cuen fo rnuft we continue and walke in good workes vnto theeud, and then receiue etcrnalllife. And it is called acrowne ofrighteoufnefle, not becaufe it belongs to any man by due and defert; but becaufe God bath bound himfelfe bya promifc to giue it, inllerforming whereof,he is rearmed iufl:and. by vertue of this promifc it isobtained,and no otherwife. Thefe are the principa!l obie<'H– ons, by which wee may iudge what the refl are. Andthus we fee what is the truth~namely,that merit is nece{farie to faluation:yetnei. ther merit of any mans worke, or perfon, but themeritofChrifl:imputed to vs,whereby we being in him, doe procure and dei.Crue the fa· D uour ofGod and lite eternal!. Thelixrpoint: OfSati~ Ourconftnt, ConcU.f. J, Firfl, wee acknowledge and hold Ciuill or Politicke fatisfaction: that is, a "compence for iniuries and damages ofle· red anyway to our neighbours. ThisZache– '" pratlifed,when at his connerfion heereflo– red foure-fold, things gotten by forged cauil– lation. Againe,by ciuill fatisfatlion I vnder– fland,the impolitions offines,mulcts,and pe• naltics vpon offendors, and the inAilting of death vpon malefactors. For all thefe are fa– ~isfallions to the law,& focietieso~menwhen . they,are wronged. All rhefe we maintaine as The dijfent ordijferenct. The points ofour difference and dilfent are thofe. The Church of Rorne teach<th and be. leeueth, that Chriltbyhisdearhhathmade a latisfallion for all the finnes ofmen, and for theetern~Jl puni!hmentofthemall: yet fo,as they thefc:lues mufl fatisfie the iufticeofGod for the temporall puni!hment·oftheiroffen– ces,either oneanhor in Purgatory. Wc.: cead1 and bcle.uc, that Chrift by his death and paf– lion hathmade aperfect and al-fufficient fatis– faction to rhe iu!liceof God for all the finnes ofmen, and for the whole puni!hmentthere– ofboth eternal! and temporall. Thus we dif– fer, and herein we for our parts mu!t for euer fland at dif!'<rence with them' fo as if there were no more points ofvariance but this one it !hould befufficienr tokeepevs alwaies fro~ voicing our religions, and caufe vs to obey the voyceofChrifl, Comeootofhermypeoplc, For as in the former points, fo in this alfo,the Pa– pifls errc, not in circumflance, but in the very foundation and lifeofreligion. Our R.-fons. I. A fatisfaaion that is madeimperfell ei– theqlirectlyor by confcquent , is indeede no fatisfa(lio at a!!.But the Papifls make Chrifl:s fatisfa<'l:ion imperfell,in thar they doe adde a fupply by humane fatisfa<'l:ions; and rhus much a learned Schooleman, Biel in plaine . wordsco~felfed ;.Altho11gh (faithhe)thcp•ffi- S"perlih. on of Chrijl be~ theprmCJpaR mmr, for which J.d>fi.t9•. graceu con.[er_red,th~ openingofthe k,ing~me tllld condus.5 gl•ry, yet ISitoeuer the alone totall and meritorious caufe:it Umaniftfl,btc4ufe alw4ies with, them_erit ofChrifl, thereconcHrretb fomt work.!~ m~ the. ~~ tf congruitie.orcondignitie of h1m · thtit recauethgrace prg/ory,ifhe beojjceres, and h~He .