Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

<?A' 1\eformedCathvlikf. hauethevftofreafo11: oruffomeotherforhnnifhc A want rtafon. Forthat which admitsafupply by another, is imperfea in it fclfe. Therefore· humane fatisfaaions cannot tland. Learned Papifts make anfwer,that Chrifls fatisfaaion and mans may fhnd well together; F9r (fay they) Chrills fatisfaC!ion is fufficient in it felfe to anfwer thciuflice of God forallfinnes and punifl>ment; butitisnot fttfficient tb this or that man, till it be applied: and it mullbe ap• plyed byourfatisfaC!ionmade toGodforthe temporal! punifhment ofour finnes. But I fay again,that mans fatisfallion can be no meanes ~his cannot be<:: for Chrifr ypoll th" ~rdlre~ whendeathwasvp6nhlm, faid, It i<firirfhed, thatis, I haue fully fatisf!e'df6r·aUrhl"tin'lies ofmankind , ~oth in refpea of' th" fault"Ond punilhme~r· As for Chiifu burial I andre,/llr:' rechon,which followed hjitteath,ihey feroed not to fatisfie,' btit to conlliine the liilne. 'A– gaine, Palllfaitp, •·Cor.s\2{:' He that knew n?finne, was m1ad.r[inn~~~, thatis, rhC..~r~ mlhment of finne tor vs: hut if the Chu,ch' of Rome fay true,that Chtift cloth daily fatik-' · fie, thenPa•l fpake too !hort, •· Cor. 5• 19. and would haue faid further , That Chrifl was madefinn6 fortn, ;md in'rls too: and that God was not onoly in Chrifl, butalfo invs,reto apply the fatisfaaion of Chrifl, and I prooueit thus. The meanes ofapplying Gods blefsiugs and graces vntoman, are two-fold: fame refpeCl:God himfelfe, and fome refpea mau.Thofe which rcfpeCl:God,are fuch wher· by God on his part doth offer and conuay his mercies in Chritl vnto man : ofthis fort are thept·eaching ofthe word, Baptifme, and the Lords fupper:and thtftareasit werethe hand 1;\ conciling the world to himfelfe. But Paul ne– uer knew this lcarning•and therefore let them turne themfelues which way they will, byput– ting afupplement to Chrifls fatisfallicn, they doeindeede annihilate thelime. ofGod, whereby hcreachcthdowne, and gi– ueth Vnto vs Chrifl with all his benefits. The other mean:s of applying oil mans part .. are thofe whereby the faid benefits are receiued. Ofthis fort thereis onely one, namely faith, whereby we beleeue that Chrift withal! his benefits belongs vnto vs 1 and that isrhe hand of man wherby he receiueth Chriflashe isof– fered, or exhibited by God in the word& Sa– craments.As for other me•nesbefiaethefe,in c Scripture we findenone. Foolifh therefore is theanfiver ofthe Papifls, that make mens fa– tistaaions meanes to apply the Cuisfaaion of Chrifl vntovs ; for by humane fatisfaClions, Chrifl is neither offered on Gods part, nor yet receiucd on mans part: let them prooue it if they can. Other, not contented with this their former :mfwcr,fay; thatourfatisfaClions doe r.otbing derogate from the fatisfaCiion Reafon I I. Iu fundryplaces ofScripture efpecially in the EpifllcsofPaul, wearefaid to be redeemed,iuflified,and limedfi"ly: which wordfiedy, doth import that we arc iuflified & faued without any thing done on our part, or byourfclues,in the:: matterofour faluation: and ifthis bcfo, then canwedonothing at all that may fatisfie the iuflice of God, for the leaf! puni!hment ofour finnes. Ifwee fatislic in our owne perfons,we are not faued freely; and ifwe befaued freely,wee make no fatisfa– aionatall. Reafon III. Wepraydaily,forgiuevsour ftnnfl: now toplead pardon, and to fatisfiefor our finnes 1 be contrary:and for all things, for which wecan make fatisfaaion, wee neede not craueapardon: but we are taught in the foreliiid petition, wholly and onely to vfe the pleaofpardon for our finnes,and therefore we acknowledge, rhatwccanriot make any fatis– fa<.'l:ion at all. ' Reafon IV. The iudgement of the aunci– ent Church. Tert•l. de Baptifm- quiltinejfo beeing tal:!naway, thepuniilimentis alfotaken of Chrifl: bccaufe our workes haue their dignity and merit from Chrifrs fatisfaaion : hec meriti•g that GUt workes Olould fatisfie Gods iuflice for tempoxall puni01meor. But this is alfo abfurd and falfe,as the former was; ForifChrifl did fatisfie that man might fads– fie then Chrifl doth makeeuery belceuerto be~ Chrifl, a Iefus,a Redeemer, and a Priefl in thefameorderwithhisowne felfe. Butto make finnefull man his owne Redeemer, though it be but from temporall puni!hmenrs, away. (a) .ANgujline,(hriflbytak_ingvponhim . the punijhmmtandnot tbefault, ht~tth done aw~ 2 Serm. bothfault andtbe puni!hment:Tom.Io. Hom-s. jJ7-d• D he faith, WhtnwearegoneoutofthiswDTidJ there verb. wiN remain6nocomp~mflion orfotisf4£Jion. Some Apofi. newEditions haue foifled in theword(•ilq••) · a11d fo haue turned the fenfc on this manner: is adollrine ofdiuds.For the holy Ghofl tea· cheth, Hebr. 7· •4· That the l'rieflhood of Chrifi: is incommunicable, and cannot pttjfeftom himto a."!_) other. Now to makefatisfaction for Cmne,or aoy part ofthe puni!hment thereof,is aduty,orapartofChrifthisPrieflhood: and. therefore to make a fatisfaC!:ion, is a worke that cannot patfe from hisperfon to the per– fan ofany man. Againe,ifChnfl byhiS faus • fad:ion giuc power to man t0 fatisfie, then man doth fatisfic by Chrifl,a11d Chrifl befidcs his own fatisfallion vponthe~rotfc, mufl dai– ly fatisfie in man totheendofthe world: but There will remttinenocompur.Elionorfomej~~tis{ll· fJwn. But that is flat againfl .Aoguflinumea– ning1 whofaithalittlebdore, thllltwhmthe w-!114 emkJ, there is nocompounding ofosrct~u[e With any. Chryfofl· pro<.£m. inF,fo. Say not to me,1ha1sefinned: hOIVp,a/1 I befieedfiemfo many Jinnes? Tbo.u c11nji not; bHt thy G~d c~tn, Yea~4'nd hewillfoblotoutthyftnwts,thatthtrtfhalremalne no print ofthem: which thmg btfall" not 11 tht bQe!J, for when it U healed there remtmus 111 sk._tilrre: but God d4 fo~ne IU Jue exe111pts thee . ftompu~ijhment, h6e gi~<eth the iujlice. eAm·- ;T,~~;t~ebrofe fatth ~ 1readeoffcrcrs ~~~res.~ b11t 1rtade bo 1101 of his fatisfaaion. .Agame .. Letvsad~re nomor. Chrifll