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touching Satisjaflion. 579 c-bri - ft 7 ,-th:-A-th.-.,-,,.-ryfi -::ay_v_n_t•-vs-,-:Fearenotthefins A qfthu world, nor the >Mrmofbodtly•foffmngs: I haue remrffion offinnes. Hicrome faith in 'I'falme 31. ThejiMeth~t i4 ~oueredis notfeene,.the.jinne th11tU nDtfoene t1 nDt imputed, thatwh~eh u not imputed , is not punifhed. ChiJfoftome in I Matth. homiJ. 44· .Among allmen,fome indure punijhment inthulife,andthe life tocome:others in tbU/ifealone: othersalone int4e lifnocome: o .. thers i neitherin thi4/ife, norin the life tocome. There alone JtU Diues,who wasnotLord fo much IU ofone drop ofwater.Here ~tlone,theincejluoHs mttn Amongthe Corinthi411s.Neither herenfl7 there,as the .Apoftles4RdProphets, ,ualfolob Andthereft ofthukj_nde: for they inrlHred no futfenngslor punilhment,butthat they might bek_!town<to bee B conqutrours in thi< fight. ObieaionsofPapijls. Oilie£1. /. Leuit. 4· Mojes according to Gods commanden1ent prefcribeth feutrall fa– crifices for fcuerall perfons; and they were meanes of fatisfattion fer the temporal! pu– nifhments oftheir daily finnes• .Anf. Thofe facriliceswerc onelyfignes& typesofChri£ls fatisfad:ion to beoffered"' his farhcr in his a– lone facrifice vpon the crolfe : and whofoe– uer offered any facrifice. in the oldTe~am<'nt, did thus and no otherw1fe e£leeme oflt,butas atype and figure of better t~ings•. Secondly, the faid facrilices were fausfat\1ons to the C . Church,wherobymen didte£lifie their repen– tance for their olfences,and hkew1fe theude– fire to llee reconciled to God and men. And fuch kinde of fatisfactions, wee acknow– ledge. Obie£1. JJ. Men,whofc: finnes are all pardo– ned, haue afterward fundry cro!fes and affli– ftions laid vpoA them, vnto the end oftheir daies: therfore in alllikelihoGd they make fa– tisfattion to God for temporall punilhments. As forexamplc,The Ifraelites for murmuring again£\ the Lordin the wildernefft, werebar– red all from the land ofpromife: and the like befell Mofos and .Aaro~ for not glorifying God asthey lhould hauedone attile waters of fl:rife. .Anfw. Man muft bee confidered ina D two-fold eftate, as he is vnder the law,andas heis vndergrace.In the firft e!tate,allaffliCli– ons arecurfesorlegall punilhmeots, be they little or great:but to them thatare in the fc– colld efl:ate and beleeue in Chrifr, thoughthe fame afllictions remaiue, yet doe they change their habite orcondition, and are the allions ofa Father feruing to bee trials, correllions, preuentings,admonitions, I-/)>r.n.3•· When ~eare iudged, wee e~re m~rture4ofthe Lord, and Heb.u.7. 7fyeeendurechafliftments, Godoffe– reth himftlfo vntoyou M children. And Chry(o. ftome faith,r.(<>r, hom••S.When wearecorre£/ed of the Lord, it is m!Jrtfor (IUY 4dRtSonition then d"mn4titn: morefor amedicine thenfor 4 put~ifh .. ment: more for 4 correflion, thenfor apentdtie. And whereasGoddenied the beleeuing Ifraelites,with Mofos andoAaron to enter inro the landofCanaan, itcannotbeptooued that it was a punifhment or penalty ofthelaw vpon them_ Iht Scripturefaith no more,butthat it was_an admonition to all men in all ages fol-. lowmg, totake heedofhke offences, as 'PaRI 1 ~riteth, .AIIthcfetbingscamevntothemfor tn114mples, andwere wrsttmforoHradmonition:~ 1. {<> Obieff. Ill. 7laHidwas punifhed afterhis repentance for his adulterie, forthechilddied andhe was plagued inhisowne kind,in thein– cell: of Abfalon: and when he had numbred the people, hee was yet punifhed in the death ofhispeopleafter hisowne rcpentance•.Anf.J anfwer as before , that the hand ofGod was vpon7la•idafter his repentance; butyet the iudgements which befell him, werenot curfes vnto him properly, 9,utcorrectionsfor his fins and trials of his faith, and meanes to preuent further linne, and to renew both his faith and repeAtance;as alfo they ferued toadmonilh .,_ thersin like cafe;for7laxldwasapublike per– fon,aod h1s linnes were otfenfiue, borll with– inthe Ch•rchofGod,and without. Obie£1, IV. The Prophets of God, when the people were t~r~atned with the plague; famme,fword,captmlUc, &c. exhorted them torepent,& to humble themfelues in fackcloth andalhes: andtherebythey turned away the wr~th of6od that was then comming foorth aga1nft them. Therefore by temporall humi. liation, menmay efcape the temporall punilh– mentsoftheLord• .Anfw. Famine,fword !Ja. nilhmenr, the plague, and othe~ iodgem~nts ~ntonGods people, were not properly pu– mfhments of linAe, but onely the correClions ofafather, whereby bee humbleth them that they might_repent: or thu~,they were p~nifhments tendmg to correc!hon, not feruing for fatisfallion. And the punilhmentsofGod are turned from them,not becauf.: they fatislie the iufl:ice ofGod in their owne fulferings,but be– caufc by faith they laic hold on the fatisfad:i– onofthe Mefsias,and teftifie the fame by their humiliation and repentance. Obie£1. V. Dan•.4••4· :Qaniel giueth this councell to Nebuchadnezzar; Redeemethyfins byiuftiu,andthineiniqNities byalmes-dtedes, Be– hold(fay they) almes-deeds are made ameans to fatislie for mans iniquities. .Anf. The word which they tranOate to redeeme (as the moll: learned in the Chaldietongue with one c6fent auouch) doth properly ligni!ie tobre4/:tojf: as if th~ Prophet lhouldfay: 0 King, thou art a mightie Monarke, and to enlarge thy king- . dome thou haft vfed much iniuftice and cruel– tie,thereforenow repentofthine iniquitie,and breake olfthefe thy linnes, te!tifie thy repen– tance by doing iu!tice , and giue almcsto the poore whom thou haft oppre!fed. Therefore heere isnothing fpoken offatisfaction for fin, but onely oftellificatiorrofrepentance by the fruits thereof. Obiell. VI. Matth+i· Doepenance;and bring