of 'Iraditio,ns. Conc/H.f. Ill. We hold th~tthe Church of A God bath power to pr_efcube ordmances , rules ortradirious,touchmg time andplace of Gad; w0ribip and touching order andcome– lineffetobe vf;d in the lime: and in this re• gard Paut, r. Cor. II • 2. commendeth tho Church ofCorinth for keeping his tradmons, and .Ail.rs.29·the Counccllat Ierufalemde– creod, That the Churches of the Gentiles 1h0Uid abllaine from blood , ·and from things llrangled. This decree is rearmedatradition, and itwas in force among them fo long asthe offence oftheJewes remained. Andthis kind oftraditions,whether made bygen~ral Coun· eelsor particular Synods, wee haue care to mainraine and obferue : thefe caneats beeing remembred: firfi, thatthey prefcribe nothing childilhor abfurd to be done: fecondly, that they be notimpofed as anypart ofGods wor· lhip: thirdly,that they befc:uercd from fuper– fiition or opini<>n of merit: lafily, that the Chnrch of God bee not burdened with the multitude ofthem. And thus much touching Traditions. were written thAt yee might belee11e that JefooU tht (hrijl,~ndin beleeuiug,ighthaue tuerlafling life.Here.1s fet downe thefull end ofthe Got~ pell, andthe whole written word, which is to bringmen to faith, and confequently to falua– non: and theref'?re the whole ScriptUre alone 1s fuffic1entto thiSend w1tho11ttraditions.Ifit befaid, that this place mull: be vnderllood of Chri!l:s miracles onely :I anfwer,that miracles withoutthe doCtrine ofClui£1,& knowledae ofhis futferings,can bring no man tolifeeue~lafting: and therefore the placemull bevnder. !l:oodofthe dottine of.Chrill, and notofhis miraclesalone, as Paolteacheth qat.r, 8. If we~oran eAngeOftom_ heauenpr.achvntoyou •"J B th•ng,befide that whu;h we banepreached,ltt him beaccurftd, Andtothisef!C:a he blames them thattaught batadiuers doarin to that which be had taught, t .Tim.r • s. Te!l:imonie IV. 2.Tim.3.16,t7· Thewho!e ScriptH¥e isgiHenbyinJPirationofGod, 411d u pro,. fitt~ble toteach~ toi"!JT901rt~ to corre£1, andto in.. jlrHCfinrightto•fnefft, thatthe mttn of Godmay be abfolHte, beeingm..depnjeCf vnto eueryg•od work!.In thefe wordsbeecontained two argu– m~nts,to proo_ue the fufficiency of Scripture, without vnwmtcn venries.The r .that which is profitable to thefe foure vfes : namely, to teachall nece£fary truth, to confute all errors tocorreaalfaults in manners, and to inllrufr Th• difference. .Papills teach,that befidethewrittenword, there be certaine vnwrittentraditious, which mull be beleeued as profitable and necefiarie to liluation. Andthefc: they fay are two-fold; Apoftolicall, namely, fuch as were deliuered !>y the Apo!Hes,and not written:·and Ecclefi- C afiicall, whichtbe Church decreeth as occafionisoffered. Weholdthat the Scriptures are mo!l:.perfett,conraining in them all dottrines needfullto liluation , whether they concerne faith andmanners: andtherefore.weacknow– ledge.no fuch rraditioAS befide the written word, which lhallbe necefiary to faluation: fo as he which beleeueth rhein not cannot be fa– ued. 011r Rta.fons. inrighteoufue£fe, that is, to informe al men in all good.duties, that is fufficient to liluation. But Scnpture ferueth for all thefe vies : and therefore it is fuflicient: arid vnwritten rradi. tions are fuperfluous. The fccond,that which can make the man of God, that is Prophets and Apofrles, and theMinifiers ofthe word' perfectin all the duties oftheir callings tha; fame wordisfufficienr to make all oth;rmen perfeCt inall good workes.But Gods word is abletomakethe manof God perfea. There. fore it is lilfficient to prefcribe the true and perfett way toeternall life,without thehelpe ofvnwritten traditions. · V. The iudgement ofthe Church. Tmull. faith,(a)Taf<tfromhereti&k!s theopinior~twhlch Te!limonie I. 'De~•·4·•· Tho• V>altnotaddt to the worM th~tt 1ct~mmttndthee~ ner tak£~my thingthere.ftom:therefore the written word is fufficieot for all dott~ines pertaining tofalua– tion. Ifitbefaid, thatthiscommandement is fpeken aswellofthevowritten,asofthe writ– ten word.I anfwer,thatMofts fpeaketh@fthe written word oncly: fc>r thefe few words area cenaine preface which hee fet before a long Commcnrarie made of the written law, for this end , to make the poople more attentiue and obedient. they maintainewith the heathen, th4t theym•y fu~~= D difendthfirqueftiont by Scripture alone,& thry ne m. C4mlot ftand. Againe,WeneedenecH.riofitieafter nis. Chrifl JefUI,!IOr inq•ifitiontifter the Gofpei.When Te!l:imonie II.lfo.S.,o.Tothelawandtothe teftitmnie: [f thry jpeak! not accord»tg tothis word,itisbecauftthmis no lightinthtm. Here the Prophet teacheth what tnull bee done in cafes ofdifficultie. Men mull not runne tothe Wizardor Sooth·liyer, butto the law and te– !l:imony , and here he commends the written' word , 'as fufficient to refolue all doubts and fcruples in confcience whatfoeuer. · Teftimonie III. John. 20. ;r. Thoft thingr' webeiee••it,wedeftretobeleeuenothing befide: for this .,.,firft btleeue,thattbtre is nothingmore which wee maybeleeue. Hiero,. onMntth. 23. writing of an opinion that John B•ptijl was killed , becaufe hee foretold the comming of Chrill,faith thus; This/1tca•ftithathnutauiho– rityfrom Scriptures,may., eajily btcontemned.u approued.lnwhich words there isa conclufion with aminor, andthe m•ior.isto bee fupplied by the roles ofLogtcke thus: that which hath not authoritie from Scriptures, may as ea• fily bee contemned as approoued: but this opinion is fo; therefore. Beholda notable ar– gument againll all vnwritten traditions. .Aug. booke 2. ca[l. 9· de doar. Chrillian. In thoft Dd_ol thin~