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Aug. de d'ltt.Chr l.l.&l. ofVorm. the kiogdome ofiuda and Ifraebout ofwhich A I Scripture, we nlay iudge which is the mltfi theProphets gathered things aecdfary to bee meaning ofany place. Scripture it felfe isrhe knowne, and placed them in holy Scripture. text and the belt glo{fc. And the Scripture is As for the bookcs of Jddo, v{~i,rh, Semi•Jt, falOytearmed themalt<ro(!lrife, it being not G.d,and 7!0rh•~. they were contained in the foofit felfc,but bythea9ufe of man. bookes-ofthe Kiogs and Chronicl~s, and in And thus much of our dilfenr CGncerning the bookcs ofSAmNel, which were not writren traditions, whertin we (!JUft not beewaucring by him alone, but loy fundry Prophets, 1 ,Chr. but fiedfafi: becaufe not l;'ithfraodingour re29·>9·aS alfo was the booke ofludges. As for nouncing of l'opcrie , Ycr Popifh inclinations the bookes ofSa/amonwhich are loft,they did' and difpO>fitiOJ>S be rife amang vs. Our comll<>t concerne religion and matrers offaluati-· mon people marueiloufiy atfed: humane traOJJ, but were concerning matters of Philofoditions : ye~ mans nature is inclined more to phyand IUchlikethings. beplcafed with them, then with the word of Obie<f.IV. M.fis in MountSina,befidethe God. The feafiofthe natiuity ofour Sauionr written law, required from God a more fecrer Chritl, is onely acufiomc and tradirion ofthe dolfrine, which he nener writ, but deliuered B Church,& yet men are commonly more care· by tradition or word of mouth to the Pro· full to keepe it,thenthe Lords day,the keeping phets after him: aod this the !ewes haue now whem;,f fiands by the moral! law. Pofitiue fetdowneintheirC•b•Lf. kf.Thisindeedis lawes are not fuflicieot toreflraine vs from the opinion of fome of the Iewes , whom in buying and felling on the Sabbath; yet within effett and fubflance timdry Papifis follow : the twelue daies no man keepes market. Abut we take it for no berterthen a Iewiih degaine, fee the truth ofthis in our atfcd:ion ro tage. For ifM.fis had knowne any fecretdothe minifierie ofthe word: let the Preacher lfrine befidethewritten law,hee would neuer alleadge'l'eter and 'PAul, the people count it haue giueo this commandement of the faid but common fiutfc, fuch as any man can bring; law, thouJh•ltnot •dd«ny thingthereto. butler men come and alleadgev!mb,efo v{u. Obie<f. V. Heb,5.12·Godswordisoftwo lj/inr, andthcrcfiofthefathers: oh, I>~ is the forts,,il~e,andj/r~ng mwe.Bymilke we mult man,he is alone for them. Againe,let any man vnderfiand the wordofGod written,wherein be in danger any way , and ltraight he fendeth God fpeakes plainelyrothe capacitie ofrhe tothewifemanorwizard: Godswordisnot rudefi; bat ltrong meate is vnwrittcn rraditi· fuflicient to comfort and diretl him. All tbis ons, adol:lrinc •or to bee vnto all C argues, that popery denied with themouth, but to•thofe that grow to perfcaion. v{nfw. l abides flillm thehearr: aodthereforewe mull We mufr know,that oneand the fame wordof learoe to rcuerence the written word,byafcri– God, ismilkeandfirongmeate, inrcgardofl bmgvnroit all manoerofperfeaioa. the maoner of handling and propounding of ------·---- - - ---- it. For being deliuered generally and plainely to the capacity ofthe fimplttl,it ismilkc: but The eight point: ofVowes. being handled particularly and largely, and fo fitted for menof more vmlerfianding, it is 1 0Mr Conftnt. firongmeat. As for exam~le, the dod:rine of 1 . Touching Vowes tlus mullbe knowne, that thecreation, ofmans fall, and redemption by · we doe not condemne them altogether, but .Chrifi, when it istanght ouerly and plaindy,tt ! onely Iabour to refiore the purity ofdoctrine ·is milke: but when ;he depth ofthe fame is touchmg this point, whtch by the Church of througbly opened,it is firong meat.And ther- ~ Rome from time to ttme bath beenecorrupfure 1t is aconceite ofmans braine, to imagme red and defaced.Wehold thereforethat avow that fome vnwritten word is meant by firong ts a promife made t<> God touching fome du.- meat. tD ttestobe performed vnto him: and it Is two. ObidJ. VI. Sundry places ofScripture bee fold,generall,or fpeciall. The generall vow is doubtfull, and euery religionhathhis feucrall that which concernes all beleeuers: and it is expofition ofthem, as the l'apill:s haue theirs, made inthe couenant both ofthe law, and of and the l'rotefiants their. Now then feeiag theGofpel.I will hcreonely fpeakeofthe vow there can be but ene trt!th • wlion quefiiGn is which is made in the coueoantoftlte Gofptll of the interpretation of Scripture, recourfe in which there be two ad:ions:one ofGod,th: mult,bce had to the tradition ofthe Church , other ofman. God in mercie on his part prothat the true fcnfe may bee determined, and mifeth to men the remifsioo offinnes and life thequefiion ended. J4nfw. It is notfO: but in cuerlafiing: and man againe for hispartprodouotfall places-Scripture it felfe is fufficient mifeth to belecue in Chritl, and to obey God • todeclare his owne meaning: fi<fi,by theanain all hiscommandements. All men cuer made logieoffaith, which isthe fummeof religion this vowvntoc:iiod,asthe Iewes in circumcifigathered out of che dearefi places ofScripon: whichalfothey renewed foofienasthey tore : fe<:ondly , by the circumltances ofthe recciucd the pa!!eouer : and in the new tefiaplace, and the nawrc and Ggnification of the ment all that arc baptiz.ed doe the like. Aod in words: thirdly, by conferenceof place with Baptifme this vow is called thejJip•l•tion of~· plate. By thefe and like helpes coBtained in I good <mftimce , whereby wee purpofe to re- --~-----~~-----------_::D;::d~d .----- no_u_nc_e-·--