1 548 ---/T7<.~r;;;·;rcatholifs! .__ .. miuuce ou.r felucs, to·bdeeuc in Chrift, and to lA ,M•tth<W,Htjhallbe caOed~.-1{~ .. -.-,;~,.-.a~,.-.b~or· bnng fortn the frurrsofrrue repenrante: and rowed from thebooke of the fudges cap 13 , i: oughttobe r<ne\Ved fo oftas we arc part~- ' where ~hey are properly fpok<n of'Sampfon, ktts of the Supper of the Lord. 'lhs vow1s and m type ot ffgure of Chrjft, For as s 4 ,.,pnecelfane, and mufi ae k"''t as a part of the IJon faued Jf(ael by his dearl! folli11 Chrift fiue tr~e W6rfhip of ~od ; l'ecaufe it is apromifc his Church.•Md as Sampfon'killed his enemies w..erem we vow to pertorme all dunes commore by death ohen by lite fodid Chrift. Jds manded ofGod, either in the la\\I, or in the plaine therefoto,that this kind ofvow bindeth Gofpoll: 'It may be \lemanded,cor.!idering we not·vs: fer there are no mote ceremonies to15e are bound to obedience, how wee binde our kept vnder theGofpelforpar'ts ofGods worfclues in Baptiftne thereto. tAnf'ill. Though lhip, but thb outward ritu of Baptifme'lmd we be already b?utid, partly by natllrl:, and th~Lordsfuppcr. Vowe>eoncernihgmeates, partly by the wntten wosd,yet may we renew dnnkes, ature, rouchmg, taftit;g rimcs,d~its thcfamebondin avow; and hethatisbound werepropertotheiewes.' '- ' , " ') ' may further binde himfelfe, fo it b~e for this The fecond kinde of fp~ciall vcw is-that end,tohelpehtsdulnelfe,for waatofzeale,and B whereby a man promifcth freely to performe to makehull more forw~rdmdutle~ofloueto fame outward and bodily <x<rcife, for fame men, and the worfh1p ofGod:tothtSend D4· good end r and th1svow alfo (ifit bee made xidlivarc to kecpe thelaw ofGod. Pfoi.II9· accordingly) is lawfull, and belongs bothto 106. Though hte were bound vnto it bynathe Church of the old and new Teftament. cure, and by. the written law it felfe. In the old wee haue the example of the ReThe fptc!all vow IS that, whtch doth not kabites, lerem.35·6· who by the appointment reach to the perfon ofall bcleeuers, but oncly ofilnadAb their lather, abfrained from firong concerne fomc fpeciall menvpog fome fpei:idrinke,and wine, from planringvinoyardsand alloccafions. And this kindeof\•ow b twoorchards: whereby JonadAb intended onely fold; The firll is thcvowofcercmoniall duty, to brcake them before hand, and to acquaint in the way of feruico to God: and it was in them with their future condition and ftate, pra<'life io the Church of the I ewes vnder the that they lnould t.ee firangers in a·forraine old Teftament : examples hereof, are two e· land: that fo they might prepare themklues fpccially: rhc firft, was thevow ofthe Nazato cndurehardnelfein the time tocome. And rires,whereto no kind ofmen wewbound by now in the new Tcftament we haue warrant Gods commandement, butt~ey bound them- C in like mannertov~w: as ifa ma_n by drinking felues: God onely prefcnbmg the ·manner ofwmeorllrongdrmke, findehtmfelfe prone andorderof keeping the fame,with rites perto drunkennclfe,he may vow with him!elfe to taining cherc.:to; asaoftincnce from wine, the drinkcno morewinenor flrongdrinke, for fo not cutting ofthe hairc, and fuch like. The long time,as he fceles the drinking thereofwil fecond example is ofthciewes, when oftheir llirre vp his infirmity, and minifier occafion owne accords, they vowed to giue God houfe offinning. Ofthis kinde alfo are the vowcs or!and, lheepeoroxen, or any likethings for . in which we purpofe and promife to God, to the maintenance of the legal! worfhip: and of kccpe fettimesof fafiiog, ro taskeoorfelites this alfo God prefcribeth ccrtaine rules, Lm. in prayer, and reading ofholy Scripture~, and •7·Nowthefe vowes were part of the Iewilh to giudctalmesfor fpeciallcaufes knowneto pedagogue orceremonial! law, wherein God our felues, and todoe fuadry like duties: aad trained vp the !ewes in the old Teftament: thacwebe"otdeceiuedill making fuc:hvows, and becingobferuedofthem, they were parts certaine rules mull bee rcmembred. 1. that of Godsworfhip: but now vnderthc Gofpel the vow be agreeable to GodHvill and.word; they were not: bceingall abolifhed with the forifit beotherwifc, the making, asalfothe ceremoniall Jaw, towhich Cbrift put anend at D keeping thereofis finne. Vowes mufi not bee hi, death vpon checr0iie.!t is true, PaNl made the bonds of iniquitie. II. It ·mufi bee.'fo avow, and !ince kept the fame, in the rime of inade, that it may !land with Cbriftian liber. the new Teftament, Afl.t8. t8. yet not :ua ty. For we may not make fuch things necefpartofCods worfhip : but as aching indiffefary in confcience , which God hath made rent for the time, wherein hee oncly condcC. free. Now Chriflian libertie allowes vnto vs cended to the wcakcnelfe ofthe !ewes! thatby the free vfc ofall things indifii:rent,fo it beout this meants hee might bring them the better ofthecafe·dfoi!Cnce. Henceit followcs, that vnro Chrill. And whereas Chrifi.is called a vowesmullbemade andkept, or norkept, fo Nazarite, Matth.2.23, we m>y northinkc hee farre-forth as in confci~nce they ma~ fiaod wasoftbatveryorder, becaufehedidnotabor not ftand with our hberue purch~fed by ftaine from wine: but he was fo rearmed beChrifi. Il I. Thevowmufi be made withcon• caufc he was the verity and aceomplifh:ncnt fent offup.riouri,if we be vndergouernm<nt. of this order. For by it was lignificd that Thus among the !ewes the vow ofadaughG 0 D S Church was a peculiar people,fcue· ter rotght not fiand, vnletfc the confent of red or chofen our of the world · 'ai1d rhar parents came thereunto. -I V,. It mu~ bee Chrift in refpe<'l of holinelfc was aJro feparain thepower andabilitieo(•hemarkenhcr~f, ted from all !inners. And the wordcs'in Saint I to doe ornot to ~oe. A. vowmade of athtng -,-- impof.