off/owes. impofsible,is no vow_: V. It mull be_agreea· t\ blc to the calling oflum that maketh lt : rhat is,both to his gcncrall callmg, ~s ho1s a Chll· frian,and ~o rhat parrtcul~r callmgwhere1~ l~e liueth. Ifirbeeirheragamlt one or both, Jt IS vnlawful!. V[, It mull be made with delibe· ration.l\afh vowes be not lawfull, though rhe things vowed may be donelawfully. Vll.The end mull bee good, which is, to pteferue and ,cxercife the gifrs offaith,prayer, repentance, lobedience,and other vettuesofthe mind; alfo Pfol.s6.I2. My""'"' •re vpon me, I willoffer praift.r vntoG~d: -.nd thisvow indeed concer.. nethall men,becanfe it rtfped:s a inorallduty, winch Js,to fct forth the praife ofGod. II. Point ofdiffmnce, They alfo hold,that vowes made fUCr.J of things not commanded, as mcats,drinkcsJattire 1 &c.are parts ofGods wodhip,yea,that they tend to a llateofperfe– ction, in that thekeepingof thembrings maA to an higher ellate, then the keeping of the law can do.We flatly fay no,holding that law· filii vowcs becertaine(•)llaiesand proppesef, Admi– Gods worfhip,and not the wotfhip it fclfe.For I nicula . '!l'•ul faith plaine!y, ,,'Tim.4.8. Bodily exercifo culcu•d.. profimh little,bHtgodiiRejJci; projirabieformuch, ucna. to tellifie our thankfulndfe vnto God· for blcfsings receiued. Thcfe are the ptincipall rules that mu£! bee obferued in making of vowes: and hcrewithall moll be temembred, that vowes made onthis manner, areby them..– felues110 part ofGods worfhip,but only helps and furtheranccs thereunto : and rhus we arc. to ellceme afall the vowcs ofthe uew Tclla– meot, And thus much of fp:ciall vowes, and ofour confent herein. B Againe,as Gods kingdom~is,iof!Ju·ft his wor... fh1p be: and Gods kingdome fiandeth not in outward things,as in earing,drinking~and fuch like actions: and theretore his worfhip llan– deth not in outward things. . Ill.Pointofdifference. They maintain< fuch vowestobe madeJ as are not agreeable to the rules before named: and herein alfo we are w dilTi!IJt fro~ them, The firll and principal! is, The di!Jcnt or difference, The points ofd.iff~rence betweene vs touth~ vow or contmtncy, whereby aman proching vowes arc efpecially three. I. The m1feth to God to keepe chaflitie alwaics in Church ofRome teacherh, that in thenewTeliogle life,that is,out oftheeflare of wedlock. fiamcntweareasmuchboundtomakevows, Thiskinde ofvow is Aatagainfithe word of as was the Churchofrhelewes,and thateuen God:and therefore vnlawfull. For P<ul C,ith inexrernaU cxercifes. Wt'C f-1yno: confideI .C~r·~·lftkeycannotconrt~ineiettbemmarry~ ring the ceremoniolll"w is now abolifhed:and 1·:r•m·4·I . Ius ado£/rme of dmelsto forbid to wee h:meonely twoceremoniesbycomman- C many. Hebr.x 3·4· Marri~tgeUhrmoura~le adementto be obfcmcd; Baptifillc,& the Supmo11g all, ondthe bedde vndefiied, ilgaine, this per ofthe Lord. Againc, we are not fd much V!JW IS uot in the power ot himfdfe th:tl vowbound to makeorkcepe vowcs; as the !ewes cth: for comincncie is the gift of God, who were; bec.mfz they had acommandement fo giueth notit vnto all,but to whom he will and ro doe, and weluue r:one arall. Butthey a!· when he wiU, and as longas he will. Thoy al. leadge to the contrary, the Prophet Efay, cha. lead!lc, thatm the wantofcontinency, fafiing 19•21. wh<>fj'elkinsofrhetimeoftheGofand prayerobtamclt. .Anfw. It is not fo: pel,faith, The Eg)'ptiws Jh•ll ktfow tk'll Lord,and ' Gods girts beoftwo forts: fome are common JlntU vo1~ vntohim, mid k!epe it. I anfwcr two roal bdecuers,a_s the gift off3ith,repentancc:J w.lics: fjrll, that the Propncr in thisplace exand the feare ot God, &c. others are peculiar ptelfeth and lignifieth rhe fpirituall wodhip to Come onely,as the giftofcontenency, 1 .CoofthenewTellament,byceremonial worfhip ".!nth·7·7· I would that all men were as I my thenvfed: as he doth alfo in the ·!all·chapter, fdfeam,buteuerymanhathhi.< propergiftofGod, where heecalleth the MiniG:crs of the new onethuway,anotherth•tway.Nowifwefall& Tellament, Pmfls lnd Lmim, Second!y,we pray for the increafe of the common gifts of grant, the Church of the new Tellament D God,asfaith, repenrance,andallfuchas are makes vows vnto G 0 D ,but they arc of moneedfull to faluation, we may obtaine them in rail and Euangelirall duties ; which mull not fomc meafure, bur the like cannot bee faid be leftvndone' and ifvowing will indeed fur. of particular gifts. The childe of GOD may therthem,itis notto be neglected. Aud ther. pray for health or wealth, & nor obtaine neiforefoofraswecometo the Lordsrable, wee ther ofthem in this world; becaufe it is not inheart renew the vow and promife of obedithe will ofGo:l to vouchfafe thefe blefsings to ence. And 1hough vowes be made ofthings all men: and Paul prayed three times ro bee and ad:ions indifferent, yet •.re they not any deliueted from a temptation, and yet obtaipartsofGodswocOlip, whichisthepointto nednothisfuite. And fo may wee likewite beprooued. pray for challirie in Jingle dtare,and yer neuer Againc,rheyalleadge,Pfo/.76.11. Vowvnto obtaine it: becaufe, it may be, it is rhe will Godandpcrformeit..And theyf.>y,thatthiscomofGod to £'"evs without it. This vowtheremandement binds all men. Anfw. Th«t cornfore weabhorre, as a thing that harh hereto• mandement fir(\ bindes the Iewes to the mafore,aod doth frill , bring foorrh innumerable kinr;ofcercmonilU vows.Againe,'lJAuidhere abominationS in the world. Yet here marke I fpeakesot'the vowing of pr.tife and thankfgiin what manner wee doe it. Fidl of all u~~gvntoGod: ancl fo he expounds himfelfe, though wee miOike thevowe: yet we like Ddd 3 and