0 0 es. 5 their meate,drinke, apparell, rule, vowe, and A far the things that are C£fars: not condemning piph, whole courfe of life, differed from the Monks but approouing the flampe or io1agc vpon his r.JS. ofthis time· euen as far as heauen from earth. coyne. And though the Iewes were forbidden ugull. The rhird vowe is a regular obedience , tomake images in way of reprefemarion , or ,~t ;_ whereby men giuethemfelues to keepe fome worlhip ofthe true God; yet the Syde ofthe F· & I deu1fed ruleor order,flanding~of! commonf:m8:uary ,wh1ch they vfed, fpectally afterthe_ E hz A de E c. opcr. Iy mtheobferuatton of exerc1fes moutward ttmeolMb{ts,wasframpedwuhthemlageof onJrh. things,as meatcs,& drinkes,anrl apparell,&c. the Almond trce,and the pot of Manna. l I I. P·' 7 · Thisvow is againfl Chrilhan libertie, where· Images fcrue to keepe m memory fuends dede M .. by is gramed"a free vfc of all things indiffeceafed, whom wee reuerence. And it. is hke renr,fo it be without the cafe ofoffence, Gal. that hence came one occafion of the tmages 5 .1. &ta"dfajl i"the liberty wherei" Chrif/ bath that are now in vfe in the Romane Church. madeyoufiee. Col 2o1 6. Letno man i•dge J"'" i" For in thedaiesofthe Apoflles men_vfed primeate ""ddrin~. To conclude, wherea5 the uately to keepe_ the pt8:ures of theufrteods P.tpifls magnifie thefc their vowes , and yet departed:and thu prachfe aftercrept tnto the make no fuch accountofthe vow in Baptifme: B opencongregation; and at the lafl fuperflirion we for onr parts mull bee contrary to them, getting head,images began to be wodhipped. not onely in iudgement, but alfoin pra<'tife: Concl.IJ. We hold the hifloricall vfe ofimaand we ought to haue a fpeciall care to make ges to be good andlawfull: andtharis,tore· good the vowes we haue plight to God accorprefent to the eye the acts of h1flor1es whecling to his commandemenr. Inour creation rher they.£,e humane, or diuine: and thus we we made avaw ofobediencc:and being receithinke the hiflories of the Bible may be painued into the couenant ofgrace, we vowed to red in priuare places. bcleeue in Chrill, andro bringforth fruits of Conci.Ili. lnonecafc it is lawfnll to make an new obedience, and thisvow isrenued as oft image to tellifie the prefence or thecftel:ls of as we come to the Lords table: our dutytherthe maiellie ofGod,namely, when God himfore is, to performe them alfo toGod, as'Dafelfc giues any fpeciall commandement fo to uidfaith, Vow v"to Godandktepe it: and ifwee do.In this cafe Mojis made and ere8:ed a brakeepe them not, all turnes to our fhame and fen ferpent,to'bea type, ligne, orimage to.reconfufion. Men fland much on the keepingof prefentChrillcrucified. John 3· 14. And the' that wordwhi~h they haue p2.1fed to men,and Cherubes ouer the Meicie-feat fcrued to reiris taken for a-point ofmuch honefHe, as it c prefentthe maiellie ofGod,to whom the Anis indeede. Now ihen,ifthercbe fuch care to gels arcfubie<'l:. And in the fecondcommankeepe couenant with men, much more fhould demcnt it is not fimply faid, Thou fhalt not we haue care to kecpecouenant with God. make agrauen imac,e:but with limitati6, thou fhalt oot make tot ryjilfe,thatis,on thine own head, vpon thine owne will and pleafure. The ninth point. Of Images. Concl. I V. The right images of the new Teflament which we hold and acknowledge, Ourconftnt. arc the ?ol:lrine and preachiagofthe Gofpel, Concluf I. We acknowledgerhe_ciuill vfe & all thtngs rhat by the word of God perraine thereto. Gal. 3.1. Who bath bewitchedyeu that)"e oflmagesas freely and truly as the Church fbouldnoeob?. the truth,t• wh•mlef"' Chnj/"'a. ofRome doth. By ciui/1 vji I vnderfland that before deft'ri •dinyourjigbt,a"damongyoucrlltiivft.: which is made of them in the common fied? Hence it followes, that the preaching of focieties of men , out ofthe appointed places the word is as a moll excellent pil:lure in of the folemnc worfhip of God. And this to whichChrifl withhis benefitsare liuely reprebe lawfull , it appearcth; becaufe the arts of D fcnted vnto vs. And wee dilfent not from printing& grauing are the ordinance ofGod; Origm,contra (eij:Iib.8.whofaith, We haue"o and to be skilfull in rhem is the gifi: of God , imagesfamed by any baji work!-man,but foch a. as the example of Bez.<lee/, and Aholiah deare broughtforthandframedby theword ofGod, dare, Exod. 35. 30- This vfe of Images may name!J, ptttternes of vertue, and .fr.cmesrefimbein fundry tl]ings. I. In the adorning and bli"g Chrif/iam. Hee meanes that Chriflians fetting forth of buildings: Thus Salomonbeau. themfelues ate the images of Clu:iflians. tified his throne with the images of Lyons, And the lord commancled his temple to bee The differmce, adorned with images ofp.tlmetrees,ofpomegranats, bulles , cherubes, and fuch like. Our diffent from them touching images I I. It ferues for the diUin8:ion ofcoincs; ac- £lands in three points. I.The Chorch ofRome cording to the pra<'tife of Emperours and holds it lawful for themto make images to rePrinces in all nations, When ChriO: was asfemble God,thogh not m refpe8: of his diuinc ked,Matth. • '·-20. whether it was lawfull to na'?re ; yet in refpe8: offome prop~rtiesand giue tribute toC<far or no I hee called for a a8:tons. We on the contrary hold it vnlawJ><nnie,and faid, Whojiimage audfoperftription full for vs to make any image, any way to reuthu?theyfaid, C<ifors:hethcn faid,Giueto c•. prefent the trueGod:or,to make any image of - Ddd 4 any / Exod. 2f.I8, >